Scenario Planner - Choosing A Livery/reskin

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by rick.mcfc, Feb 24, 2022.

  1. rick.mcfc

    rick.mcfc Member

    Sep 27, 2019
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    I have download a Class 40 reskin from Creators Club. I have created a scenario to use this reskin, but when it comes to selecting the locomotive and consist, I have no reskin options. I can only select the default Class 40, no reskins shown in the list.

    I’ve tried this with other locos and it’s the same issue.

    Am I missing something?

  2. Diamondderp

    Diamondderp Guest

    No you are not missing something, there's a bug where the livery won't appear.
  3. lancaster06

    lancaster06 New Member

    Jun 13, 2021
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    Is this just a bug on Playstation?

    Is there a way to edit the scenario to add it? The combination of the custom livery with a scenario adds a good level of value to creators club, weird this would be broken on release, even it beta.

    I've also done the re-login of Dovetail live fix.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2022
  4. Diamondderp

    Diamondderp Guest

    • It's a bug just on Playstation, and maybe on Xbox too.
    • No
    • The re-login fix it only once.

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