From the latest newsletter from armstrong, they were able to record a preserved 313 in much more detail, so maybe dtg could buy the sounds someday, but I think it might be better to come alongside a route or paid addon of some sort so dtg can recoup the cost of buying the sounds.
It’s unlikely the 313 will ever receive anymore updates than it’s already had unless it comes bundled with a potential ECW update. And besides, if you’re gonna update the 313 it’s not just the sounds that might need tweaking, all of the physics will need to be done from scratch sine it acts more like it’s running on AC rather than DC
I wonder would we ever be able to get a dual voltage /0 or /1 version ever. Probably not i would guess.
Are the sounds wrong? This reminds me of when the Class 166 got an audio update, when I thought it sounded fine.
I imagine that if there's ever a route set in London in the appropriate era it would be possible to have it, but without a place to drive it there's no reason to have it. The TSW 313 is a bit LOVE in all aspects really. The sounds are too quiet, the door sounds just aren't there at all, the physics are way off as Trainiac says, and the interior is incorrect too.
Oh I forgot about the door sounds entirely. I didn't think it was too quiet though - but that's just me. All the more reason to do a sound overhaul then! Shame, I thought the 313 was decently done.
Some mistakes were so obvious that I'm shocked nobody brought it up. Anybody remotely familiar with the Southern 313s would know that the doors have modern PRM door sounds (some later being fitted with the same used on 800s, although this is less well known), that the seats at the ends of coaches (except next to the cabs) are the original low-back seats, and that obviously the carpet used in the passenger area wouldn't be used in the gangways... The Class 465, while overall higher in quality, absolutely bemuses me. How they managed to use the incorrect moquette in standard class and not fix it when they had so many opportunities to fix it (and didn't even fix it when they ported it to TS) I do not know. It's pathetic.
Nope. The first class moquette is used throughout the train in TSW, despite using the blue moquette in standard in real life (although the first class moquette is, weirdly, used by the accessible toilet in real life). While the pattern in the same, the colour is not and I do not know how they messed it up. In real life the material is thicker in first class although I that doesn't really matter in the game. It's also worth noting that not long after its release LondonMidland made a patch that fixed it. Class 465/9 Weathering Enhancement pack - Train Sim Community While we're at it, the white Class 375's interior is also completely incorrect, and would have been closer to real life if they hadn't done anything with it. I don't know what they were thinking.
I'm not sure what you mean by that... Other than the Compin seats in first class and the moquette patterns being the same, the interiors are completely different.
sounds for me do not have to be exactly 100% the same as in real life and how a door sounds when it opens and closes is less important to me then how the train itself sounds
The sounds are fine for me, after all they are AP sounds which are usually fairly accurate. The main thing that bugs me are the physics; the unit will momentarily lurch forward and wheelslip if using notch 4 below 30mph, and occasionally wheelslide if using notch 2 braking above 55mph. Something similar exists on the Class 483 where you get momentary wheelslip when accelerating from standstill. If we ever see ECW extended/remastered, then an update to improve camshaft physics would be most welcome.