Posting it here because... mechanically a bug. But it's just a question. I've so far failed 2/2 scenarios ending with some shunting at Fort William with a SPAD. What happens is, I leave my consist at the platform, move forward to the shunt, turn around, set the point, and then Game Over. I was focusing on photographing so maybe I missed the message but I did scan and don't recall. I tried to check as much as it was possible with locked camera 2 and the message dialog. I can learn that I just need to Ctrl+Tab like a maniac but am I missing a ground signal at the location? Or something else? About the time of this release, most routes had internal signals for every switch, possibly for AI. As a player I don't remember being affected by those ever. Logically it makes sense since I'd need to obtain permission to shunt around, although some scenarios rely on the colour light signals at these areas. I also may not need to obtain permission as 99.9999% of the time, once I arrive with a train, I will do that, it's the default assumption. Except I have to return the token upon arrival and shunt without one (say, at Mallaig). Point is, I can argue both ways.
An occupied block outside a shunting yard, such as a station platform, must be protected by a signal, and naturally you need the signaller's permission to enter it. What's an "AI signal" btw?
Signals marked on the HUD, most usually before switches, without actual signals in the world. Very popular around 2013-2014 in yards. I suspect that their purpose is to allow AI trains to stop and hold until their path becomes clear. Here is the location, just loaded a scenario at FW but it's the same situation except the train is more ahead. So I'm stopped at bottom, just uncoupled from the train. I'm about to move left so that the 5 applies. You can see the shunt signal well ahead, and none here. Passing the speed limit board ends the game. Scenario 8, Shaken Not Stirred. The situation is repeated in the scenario where taking some cargo wagons from nearby, to shunt them into the yard here, next to the line to Mallaig. ps.: What I'm asking essentially, am I missing an operational instruction or is it simply a bug.
This post explains it pretty good: