Service: SB 300: LA Union to SB Downtown Exactly 2 miles west of Rancho Cucamonga there is a red signal will not change. Contacted the dispatcher and received “Denied. Check switches.” But not only are the switches set correctly, they can’t be manually controlled by the player anyway! So clearly this service wasn’t tested for completion or something because I’m stuck here indefinitely. Not to mention how infuriating it is to put over an hour of my time into a service only to discover it’s broken halfway through. Of all routes for this bug to be present why the one with the notoriously long services?
Also check this post. This is prototypical and by design:–-everything-you-need-to-know.84566/#post-895252
I will try again but as I said in the above post the switches that allowed me into the station were set correctly AND couldn’t be manually changed. I had a clear set path into the station and still the signal would not change… Hopefully it works the second time round and I won’t have wasted another hour.
Tried the scenario again and I now see the switch keeping the signal from changing was AFTER the station . I rescind the statement “this service wasn’t tested for completion” as it clearly is completeable… Just takes an extra bit of care and attention. Thanks for the help Michael Newbury and Yerolo