Train Will Not Move In The Tutorial Mission

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by phantombandit, Jan 11, 2022.

  1. phantombandit

    phantombandit New Member

    Jan 11, 2022
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    Hello, I am new to train sim world, having played just a little of train simulator. I am doing the german ICE run, and at the end of the tutorial it tells you to move the train by pressing 'A'. Unfortunately, the train doesnt actually move. My guess is this is because, ie, the breaks are on, the train isnt actually on etc... however, the game tutorial doesnt think we actually need to know all the steps on how to get the train moving, just telling us the last step is sufficient.

    Anyone have any advice on what step 1-7 is?

    Kind regards
  2. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    On the BR 406- (assuming this isn't a cold startup)
    1) set the reverser to Forward (this energizes the cab, there is no other master key or brake key on this one)
    2) open doors if needed
    3) Set headlights etc to taste
    4) Close doors
    5) Move master brake handle to release
    6) Wait for brakes to disengage (Brake Cylinder gauge reads 0)
    7) Apply power

    This of course is without PZB, LZB, AfB, Sifa etc etc. But it will get the train rolling.

    IMPORTANT: On German trains, engaging the brakes immediately disconnects the throttle: until the brakes are released and the throttle is reset all the way to "off" you have no power. Also, you cannot apply power with doors open. This is signified in-game by a red box around the power setting in the HUD.
  3. orb

    orb Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    Assuming it's the (406) ICE tutorial on SKA, I've just run it twice, as I remember I previously had some problems with a couple of tutorials when I proceeded exactly as instructed on a couple of German locos, but I don't remember whether it was with ICE. However, I haven't run into any problems in both runs. In one of them I waited until the instruction was fully read to proceed with the step and in another I proceeded as soon as I got the pointer what to press/move without waiting until the voiceover finished reading the instruction.

    The door that you entered the train should have closed automatically, as I didn't close it manually in one of the tutorial runs, so this shouldn't cause the problem, but you can press the door button right after entering the train to close it immediately.
    Try holding the battery switch longer than instructed (release it only after indicator on gauge on the panel above the switches moved).
    Check in external view if pantograph at the back of the train actually raised after pressing its lever. I didn't see a difference when just pressing the lever up for a short while or a little longer, but in regular/non-tutorial runs I noticed I usually press it for around a second. Don't forget to close the circuit breaker afterwards (normally, after doing that there should appear a blue bar on multifunctional display showing that you got the power, but I think something is broken with it in the tutorial).
    Pressing the release parking brake button for a short or longer time has the same effect on releasing it, or at least I didn't notice any difference in both of the tutorial scenario runs.
    Move the throttle lever at least to around 50%. If the throttle is only slightly moved some remaining braking forces don't appear to be released. The train brake in the tutorial is already set to released with only the parking brake initially applied, so this shouldn't be what is causing the problems in the tutorial.

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