I've seen a post like this on steam, and thought it was a pretty interesting idea. As i haven't seen a thread about this on these forums i thought i'd create one. Post your comparisons as well Bishops Lydeard in TSW vs IRL: Byshops lydeard again, TSW vs Google Maps:
And since this week's screenshot contest theme is "interior", i thought i'd look up real pictures of coach interiors and compare them to tsw. Amfleet cafe car in TSW vs IRL: LIRR M7 interior in TSW vs IRL:
And people complain TSW doesn't quite immerse them (need to go to the optician / eye hop) Spot on DTG, Spot on -
Here's a couple from Rapid Transit: Wilhelm Leuschner platz station in TSW and IRL: Leipzig Markt station in TSW and IRL:
I swear, I truly have to do a double-take on many of these to determine the real from the sim ... amazing. Kudos Ninetofive925 on staging your screenshots so effectively to match.
Isn't it interesting that the usual naysayers have ignored this thread? (I hope that this comment doesn't draw them, but couldn't resist noting their much appreciated absence.)
I've voiced my disappointment with TSW in many threads, but I've never had a complaint about the graphics, they are indeed very good, but graphics are not everything.
Thank you guys for your kind comments here's a couple more featuring the newly released BR 182: Wilhelm Leuchner Platz in TSW and IRL:
Wowee! This is simply amazing! I had to double-check some of the pics to make sure which of them is actually sim or real. Interesting thread... Thankies!
I dont know how ive just come across this Ninetofive925 but original and refreshing idea! Cant wait to see more.
Hey guys, been away for a little while, gonna be back for a few months. Thank you for your contributions and positive comments I'll post more comparisons whenever i'll have time, feel free to contribute to this thread too btw props to Anthony Pecoraro for posting a comparison before the DLC was even out ahahah
Ah Germany, just lovely I'll be seeing that beautiful space soon. Looks so peaceful and it is, no crazy rush hour like the UK. Those photos are spot on, the PIS screens are actually single not double.
Really enjoyed playing a bit of peninsula corridor lately, so here's two comparisons: An MP36 next to an F40PH, both in Caltrain livery, in TSW vs IRL An F40 just chillin' in san francisco on a clear morning in TSW vs IRL (notice how i lined up the shadow to match the IRL pic lol)
Here's a quick one, really enjoy making these i don't know why lol. An F40 in San Jose in TSW vs IRL Did my best to line up the shadows, but there aren't many services on the right platforms, so that's as close as i could get. (Also didn't notice until now but that clipping snow plow ugh)
it makes me wonder why DTG never moddled the steam shed at Bishops Lideard on WSR which is clearly missing and the white fence is moddled wrong as well.
I think that this is the best thread that I have ever seen, on any internet Forum or Channel, ever......well, for over twenty five years or so... Yeah - so...., um, that's basically for ever....!! Wow. Um - this is better than the Pamela Anderson and David Hasselhoff threads (depending on your preferences) of the late 1990s, back when Baywatch was a popular TV show, and people bought colour TVs just to watch it in its full glory, and educational standards took a nosedive because everyone wanted to be a lifeguard.... Back when it took ten minutes to download a low res photograph of The Hoff on a 14.4kbps dial-up connection.... Which was always worthwhile. Best things come to those who wait, etc. This thread has really made my day, my weekend, my week, possibly my year... and the way things are going - it will probably rank quite high up for the decade.... and I am an optimist and I fully intend to enjoy the 2020s as much as I possibly can. Epic.
...great idea creating this thread, really enjoyed checking out all of the great side by side pics. Thank you!
Yeah, that's really an awesome collection. Thank you very much for taking this effort and showing these pictures to us. I'd be very happy to enjoy some more of these comparisons!