Tsw5 - The Honest Feedback

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by Migsithepigsi, Jul 24, 2024.

  1. Migsithepigsi

    Migsithepigsi Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2023
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    Seems like we're definitely on the path to TSW5.
    There are some very obvious clues not involving leaks:
    -class 158 preview with purple UI
    -Xbox gamepass leaving July 31st
    -New game implemented onto epic games??

    I want to clarify that yes, this forum is indirectly based on the leaks but in order to not have it taken down please only reply with some more honest feedback as per the forum title.

    We've been expecting this now and to be honest we may as well get used to this. I completely understand that DTG as a company need the fundings to continue making this wonderful game(s) as they do need to make a living, after all. We see these people complain about every new version every single year. To be honest? It doesn't really matter. Some people do complain about having to redownload everything but they have a fair reason to say that.

    Probably the only thing here that may risk this post being taken down. Whilst I'm talking about it purely because of the leaks, I want to talk about it more as if it was a suggestion.
    This was one of our most suggested routes and we are very grateful you have finally decided to consider this route. This doesn't mean the expectations don't stop there.
    Many people have been asking about the Bakerloo line and personally I think it should be extended and remodeled to include the Watford DC lines so you technically get two trains, two lines in one pack: not bad huh?
    That would then leave room for the proper WCML which does beg the main question:
    How far will it go?
    Realistically we know you love to cut lines short, but if you want to get the best potential and take it as far as Birmingham. We don't know where the line currently ends for the route but that is our genuine hope for route: two major termini, Euston to Birmingham, not MKC, not Rugby.
    As per the one train per route I'd rather the class 350 being the DLC but based on the predicted length its probably the class 390 being the DLC, but who knows when you do the unexpected and put both?
    That does however query the price tag: that's when the realism steps in and we start wondering how many trains and how long the route length will be.

    WCML Lancaster area...?
    After someone took Just Train's sneak peek and played geoguessr with it, somehow they ended up with Morecambe, which sounds believable and that likely hints a Preston - Lancaster + Morecambe & Heysham route, Lancaster to Barrow or Carlisle, who knows? Could have even been wrong the whole time but that person has to keep playing geoguessr so we end up with consistent and accurate guesses.
    The predicted route seems hopeful: featuring ANOTHER section of the WCML, maybe over Shap and possibly including a class 86/87, another revolutionary train alongside the class 390. While this train only layers onto JT's Preston - Blackpool & Omskirk branch, it still provides a handy basis of railtours and possible freight services on countless routes.

    This is the most controversial one so far but I wouldn't mind it at all. I believe that it was photoshopped and isn't coming but who wouldn't mind an extra feature?
    I'm probably assuming there will be a host who creates a server for others to play on, with either a port or password. We recommend it comes with customisable servers with the following options:
    .AI trains: None / freight only / passenger only / all
    .Mode: Normal / Driving only
    .Liveries: Set Liveries only / custom liveries allowed
    .VC: on / off

    Again, might have been photoshopped but I'm all in for this feature. I think it was Glossop Line that had this as a scenario, possibly to test it.

    Supposedly this concludes the post but hopefully they do see this thread as I did base this off collective feedback both on forums and on discord
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  2. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    As just noted in the other thread discussing MP, really not interested whether true or not. Certainly not if, like SimRail, it comes at the expense of the SP game.

    As to the rest, best if we return to pure speculation and blank off the events of the weekend. Speaking hypothetically, I cannot see a potential Premier Line going all the way from the UK Capital to its second city. With the best will in the world, I see it going only to “”Mugby Junction” of Charles Dickens fame or more likely the UK’s model modern city.
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  3. Migsithepigsi

    Migsithepigsi Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2023
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    Looks like we'll be more disappointed than ever this time.
  4. archeresc

    archeresc New Member

    Aug 4, 2023
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    For me personally, I find that I enjoy services which do not have a long distance between stations but which also are not like the Bakerloo line where you rarely reach a high speed. I want something in the middle which is a UK train. I would like it if there was something similar to SEHS with the 375s and 465s which is actually included in the base pack. Not always some IETs or Pendolinos which take hours to reach stops. Also, the shelf life between Dovetail Games is very short. Without there even being a full year of TSW4 we are already getting leaks of TSW5. From what I can see, it only seems like there is a difference with the actual trains being included rather than something huge and major like a new feature. The actual quality of the modelling is something which I don't really think has changed much. For now, I'll be sticking to TSW3 until they actually change something instead of just changing the trains in the game which can easily be done with DLCs.
    All of this would be solved if the TSW games didn't have such a short shelf life.
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  5. archeresc

    archeresc New Member

    Aug 4, 2023
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    Apologies if I sound overly negative here, I just wanted to vent my frustration off. The Train Sim World series is a great way to relax and despite me being frustrated at the lack of improvement, I still love the game and the lifelike scenarios and know that it takes ages to develop each game. What my post earlier stated was how DTG could improve but I never mentioned the thrill of the TSW series. I love how the detail in each game is too so once again, I sincerely apologise for being negative, I just said how they could improve.
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  6. meridian#2659

    meridian#2659 Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2021
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    You are actually saying DTG would connect London Euston with Birmingham Newstreet (1.5h journey) and possibly merge it with the current bcc route? ;) well im happy to get the section to rugby.

    But a short demo run to milton keynes central would not be something im interested to be honest. Another GWE, where the fun of the mainline is over after a few stations.
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  7. 85hertz

    85hertz Active Member

    Jun 22, 2021
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    I do like the idea of Preston to Carlisle. Maybe they could release the APT as a separate DLC? It's a very fun train to drive on TSC, and the TSC model is pretty good so I wouldn't honestly mind if they ported it over and just gave it a nice touch up.
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  8. theorganist

    theorganist Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2018
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    Unless things have changed, not all trains stop at Rugby. It certainly isn't a focal point like New Street. It is a junction station but so is Ambergate!

    It would give you more of a run than Milton Keynes of course.
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  9. Migsithepigsi

    Migsithepigsi Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2023
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    EXACTLY! "Just another GWE" is the perfect way to phrase it: multiple trains but unfortunately small distances, bad quality and severely outdated. Before you know it, WCML becomes irrelevant and outdated due to HS2
    At least to Rugby just for Daventry.
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  10. Migsithepigsi

    Migsithepigsi Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2023
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    I mean, they should have the tilt mechanism from the 390 so surely it wouldn't be hard to apply it on an APT
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  11. Mark Moreton

    Mark Moreton Active Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Might struggle to get the sounds for an APT… maybe convince Crewe Heritage Centre to boot her up for the day haha.
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  12. 85hertz

    85hertz Active Member

    Jun 22, 2021
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    That's one thing, but they might have to make the signalling system unique to the APT to allow it to run at 155mph. Would be nice like in TSC. Dunno why but I absolutely LOVE driving it at 155, the sense of speed is amazing.

    Good point, they'd have to create their own running sounds probably as well. Are there any trains which sound similar they could record off?
  13. Migsithepigsi

    Migsithepigsi Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2023
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    I'm pretty sure sounds of it exist somewhere, probably British Transport Films
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  14. meridian#2659

    meridian#2659 Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2021
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    Thats not gonna happen..., end of story. For the APT they will rely on a skilled sound engineer and on the few solid sources. (Archives)
  15. darrentee01

    darrentee01 Member

    Jan 23, 2022
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    Iam not over happy about the prospect of another band new game if it turns out to be true, would have been better to do another "rush hour "type of update in my humble opinion. I do however like the very possible showing of the WCML if the leaks turn out to be correct,it would probably be London Euston to Birmingham newstreet,ie mainline south version,I only hope for this is it needs one hundred procent a mega super timetable from the off to do the route justice as in real life it has alot of traffic on any typical day.DTG already have a start in that Birmingham new street already exists in TSW, and then dont forget it gives a few more layers
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2024
  16. trainsimplayer

    trainsimplayer Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    I would be genuinely surprised if WCMLS went to Birmingham, and that isn't a 'lower my expectations so you can't be disappointed' deal, it's a 'that would be an extremely hard work for them to make and would be the flagship of the franchise forever' deal.

    That being said, there has only been one UK routes (from DTG) in the TSW4 lifecycle - the very short GOBLIN Line with the 710. The 380 is the only other UK DLC.

    The US has also lacked anything - a remastered LIRR on it's own - everything else has been European, and that's only three routes.

    The last Dovetail route was in April - LIRR Commuter - 4 Months to the day of Dovetail Direct.

    Assuming a September release, that'll be closer to 5 months with nothing.

    Assuming Dovetail are also working the whole "two teams developing different content at the same time" thing they used to do - that's two teams who have spent 4 months working on what's next...

    The roadmap has 9 new routes coming in the "4-6 months" category - San Bernardino Line, 1 UK Route, 1 German Route, 1 from Just Trains, and the rest are totally secret. I suspect two of the five secret ones will be British (with 1 German, 1 Austrian and 1 US).

    Now, that long hiatus of anything noteworthy on the UK Side could indicate a big project (WCML to Birmingham), or it could just indicate a boatload of decent-sized routes coming our way.

    Either way, as long the routes are enjoyable, I'll be happy.
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  17. junior hornet

    junior hornet Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2018
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    Well, we know that Milton Keynes Central is included so my guess is Euston to MK or a stupid idea such as MK to Rugby.
    If it does go from Euston, I would hope that the DC lines will be included for those who own London Overground, especially since a Class 710 is already in existence. I wouldn’t bank on it though as it would constitute a route extension.

    If they did include it, it would be interesting to see if Bakerloo 1972 stock trains (AI I presume) are included for those who own the route. Even if the DC lines weren’t driveable, it would be nice to have AI traffic on these lines for those that own Bakerloo and/or Overground.

    This is pure conjecture of course as the details have clearly been finalised long ago.
  18. rennekton#1349

    rennekton#1349 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2022
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    In the tsc description, it did say they were able to record sounds from the real thing. It would depend on how good the sound recordings are
  19. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Still a bit wary about discussing this but my own feeling very much still if Euston included and we get a fully operational DC line, then the whole project will only go to MKC. Just setting up the timetable for that lot would be horrendous for poor old Joe. I still have a feeling it might start at Watford and thence go to Rugby or at least Northampton. Still a good route despite what others might think and they rode the feedback last year about ECML starting at Peterborough so they could do the same again, if they have given us a 65 mile route plus the 18 mile Northampton Loop to thrash 350’s and Pendies on.
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  20. junior hornet

    junior hornet Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2018
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    Yes, I debated it in my head but I think it is so much of an open secret now that no harm will be done. Whilst the route itself is well known, we don’t know the details of what is included yet so I think it is fair game for healthy conjecture and debate.
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  21. Migsithepigsi

    Migsithepigsi Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2023
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    I HOPE that they used those months on working a WCML to Birmingham....
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  22. marcsharp2

    marcsharp2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    I've said before. I won't be buying it until a DLC I want requires me to have TSW5. I've a funny feeling that the Leven branch on Fife Circle will only be included for TSW5 players.
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  23. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    We can but hope but my expectations are tempered by reality. I watched the Locomaster Profiles Crewe to Euston cab ride DVD the other day and Watford to Euston is a massively complex stretch particularly Willesden (though some of that could be cribbed from Bakerloo) and the approach to Euston itself, simplified though it is these days with no Rathole and no Down Carriage Sidings. I just can’t see all that, then all the way through to Birmingham, making it into a single TSW route.

    Opening a (Sportsmans’ Bet) sweep on the possibilities…
    Evens - Euston to MKC.
    2/1 Watford Jn to Rugby (direct only).
    3/1 Watford Jn to Rugby including Northampton Loop.
    5/1 Euston to Northampton.
    10/1 Milton Keynes to Birmingham
    25/1 Euston to Birmingham (direct)
    50/1 Euston to Birmingham including Northampton loop.
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  24. reallychummy

    reallychummy Member

    Jan 23, 2022
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    It's actually the Bletchley-Bedford line that's coming but there's the Wolverton-Bletchley section of the WCML included as a teaser for TSW6
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  25. trainsimplayer

    trainsimplayer Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    Me when I make things up:
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  26. pauliesc

    pauliesc Active Member

    May 25, 2024
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    What I'm hoping for as a UK route player - not yet ventured into other countries - and someone who travels the WCML a few times a year, is if WCMLS does come, we get Euston to Rugby. I feel Birmingham is too far. MK is too short. 2 Avanti trains per hour stop at Rugby, and it is the junction point for Birmingham / Trent Valley route split. So I'd actually be happy with that, especially if we get Northampton loop too.

    I'll then be interested if we get the Watford DC lines and also if Bakerloo gets updated to TSW5 specs - as the whole lot goes together in the Euston - Watford area. We have the traction in the 710 already, half the route exists in the Bakerloo line already, so hopefully ...

    If this comes, then good luck to the timetable designers! That WCML, specifically Avanti services, literally everyone has a different stopping pattern! There is a ton of local services with the 350 and 710, plus Bakerloo and a considerable amount of freight, plus a few depot and freight areas as well. Oh yeah, lets see a new freight loco too. Class 68? An AI Class 150 at Bletchley though would be a make or break purchase decider ;)

    For JT, feeling they'll continue expanding their Preston WCML North BR era. Carlisle? I'd love it! But that is a bit of a distance, but what a beautiful bit of a distance, it'd be stunning. I see them more doing Lancaster and some branches and doing Lancaster - Carlisle as their final WCML Lakes release next year. But, please, Class 86 or 87. Both can also be used in railtours in any possible may be coming modern WCML routes.

    For TSW5 updates itself, hopefully the coding boffins can come up with a way to allow some kind of route merging or menu based route continuation. Especially if JT do what I've said above.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2024
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  27. 85hertz

    85hertz Active Member

    Jun 22, 2021
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    Yes, wouldn't mind Euston to Rugby to be honest, still gives us plenty of options. B'ham would be the dream but it seems like a tonne of work, even if the only UK route we got from DTG was GOBLIN (although short, has a good amount of detail to compensate I think).

    I wonder which 390 we will get though, considering we are potentially getting the 350/1 bundled with the route something tells me we won't be getting both the 9 and 11 car variants - similar to the 700.
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  28. ididntdoit

    ididntdoit Active Member

    Oct 13, 2023
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    Core updates and bug fixes should be free. If they want to update tsw4 to tsw5 then It should come as an update, same as tsc. If there's new dlc then we should be able to purchase it from the store.

    To make us buy basically the same game with some core updates and fixes oh and a bit of new ui and download everything again, is not ideal for the user is it.

    It wouldn't be so bad if it was every 5 years or so but every year now?

    Any new uk route is welcomed by me. Even if its a route extension I'll always be looking forward to it.
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  29. matthewgoddard510

    matthewgoddard510 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    We should really get Both variants of the 390 and all for the 350. To Rugby not bad, To New street wouldnt be bad at all but that would take some serious development time. Tho it be incredible. I love the 390 and 350 would love to do full runs. I love the Immersion I do. Only time will tell. But I will melt and cry if its only to Watford or MK.
  30. stupot#4389

    stupot#4389 Member

    Mar 28, 2023
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    Id take anything that Just stacks out Birmingham station! Hopefully not paywall for 5.
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  31. THM334022

    THM334022 Member

    Jun 29, 2024
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    Euston to Watford would genuinely be daylight robbery.
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  32. matthewgoddard510

    matthewgoddard510 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    Ahaha It bloody would mate. I would honesty go into Tears as I love the route so much on TSC and done it IRL as well.
  33. pauliesc

    pauliesc Active Member

    May 25, 2024
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    The meltdown if they announce Euston to Watford DC lines is all it is, then really sell up that it includes a Bakerloo line upgrade to latest standard and the 390 and 350 are AI only.
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  34. jefalcon6

    jefalcon6 Active Member

    May 25, 2019
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    1. I don't feel I'm getting value from TSW if they are going to launch a new version of the game every year, as apposed to Farming Simulator which renews every three years, which feels like a more considered length of time. For me it's becoming tiresome.

    2. Everyone is entitled to their opinion complaint to not.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2024
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  35. Migsithepigsi

    Migsithepigsi Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2023
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    Oh yeah and atleast with a EUS-Rugby route you get Daventry
  36. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Only if they include the Northampton Loop.

    TBH IRL not sure why they called it Daventry Freight Terminal. I mean it's not exactly in Daventry which is a small town to the west of Weedon that actually used to be served by the secondary line that ran from Weedon to Leamington Spa!
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  37. SierraOscar95

    SierraOscar95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2024
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    To be honest from the most recent leaks (and without feeding into them more) all I can say is, two destinations on the WCML were visible and I believe they will be the start and finishing parts. I hope I'm wrong, but that's the impression I get so far. (I won't mention them incase of any rule breaking, but I'm sure most people will have a good idea).
  38. matthewgoddard510

    matthewgoddard510 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    You really got me worried now Oscar!
  39. theorganist

    theorganist Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2018
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    Me too I saw one of the stations in the images. If it goes from there to where I fear it will go it will be extremely disappointing, to the point that I won't be purchasing the new iteration, certainly not the UK bundle. All services will just be the middle part of a service, not one will be complete. Hopefully it isn't what I fear though.
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  40. matthewgoddard510

    matthewgoddard510 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    It be safe to say Me, you and the community be wanting WCML South for awhile for it to only go to MK would be appalling, surely DTG have the brains to know that they would get so much backlash from it. Only to get a 45 minute run on the 390... that be utterly disgraceful! Plus it is only 50 miles. Pretty sure DTG can do better than that.
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  41. SierraOscar95

    SierraOscar95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2024
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    A terminus in the West Midlands would be the ideal terminating point, but sadly I doubt it will be...

    To have the ECML last year at an impressive 80miles, to then produce a route just under half that, at roughly 44miles seems a bit backwards... We'll soon find out for certain on Tuesday afternoon though... Not long to go!
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  42. matthewgoddard510

    matthewgoddard510 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    Euston be busy if we are to get the 350 as well. I wouldn’t mind it as a terminus.
    If it goes as far as Rugby I be happy but in all honesty at that point Might as well go to New street
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  43. SierraOscar95

    SierraOscar95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2024
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    If we do get the said EMU, it'll also layer onto the CrossCity route and give it some life... Things like that I'm excited for!
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  44. antony.henley

    antony.henley Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2019
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    Yes agree with you there. I was playing Tuesday night. Suddenly woke up with a start and a buzzing sound going off. I missed an AWS buzzer..... so the train had stopped lol. Needless to say I closed everything down and went to bed.

    But slightly off topic. The last year for me has been hell on earth. I can say I am now slowly coming out of that era of my life, and hopefully on the up. But helping me, believe it or not is building the Lego Star Wars Millenium Falcon. This is the big one. 7500+ parts. As the same as TSW it's so relaxing. I get everything in front of me. Sit on the floor stick the TV and Blu ray on, and watch as I build. I am about 60 hours in. I am just taking my time at the moment. It's so relaxing as well. But not a cheap and inexpensive alternative to TSW.
    I do have 3 other star wars lego kits. Anyhow I may start a post in the off topic section Depicting the build(s).

    We have less than 1 week left so looking forward to see what's afoot.

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  45. Wivenswold

    Wivenswold Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I really got in to train and flight sims when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which effectively stopped all of my hobbies at the time.
    TSW is very relaxing, TSC less so because I've got 15 years of add-ons and third party scenarios and it's rare that the first one I choose uses all the current add-ons and I end up having to different ones until I happen upon a scenario that uses the right mod/enhancement packs so it's playable. I'll also have to spend a few days rebuilding my TSC collection from scratch again when I get a new PC, which is going to take the gloss off having a new computer. Life is simpler with TSW.

    Timetable mode in TSW is a dream now you can spawn your own train into it.
  46. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    As usual I’m dividing my time about equal between TSC and TSW. Both have good and bad points but since devising my playing card randomiser for both games, it’s breathed some fresh life into both. In TSC I’m playing routes I bought and barely touched; in TSW it’s bringing routes from the archive back to the forefront. Though got to say in TSC I baulked at Donner Pass when it got dealt and the first scenario was the three and a half hour officers’ special across the line. 25 MPH with a short consist went into the “boring” category very quickly.

    However last night, after my roll on TSW produced a run on BBO that bugged out, I rolled TSC and got a 158 from Llandudno Jn to Holyhead on North Wales Coast - nice!

    Though my system has thrown up a couple of eyebrow raisers in TSW, first being Cane Creek though fortunately the next Journey scenario was the glorified free roam where you can just move the engines half a mile and park them up. Then the real penance… an hour from St Austell to Penzance in the 150 on WCL!
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  47. AvfcWalpole7

    AvfcWalpole7 Active Member

    Jul 23, 2024
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    Great post here. My thoughts are this...
    TSW5 is most likely happening, as you say the developer needs constant funds to create this game and they do a great job. In terms of the WCML South route its more than likely going to run to at best Rugby, probably Milton Keynes im thinking. There is just no way that it will run to Birmingham New Street. It is just too far away and would be a massive route in terms of memory. So its probably going to be either Rugby or Milton Keynes and I think it will be the latter as the 350 has many stops between Euston and Milton Keynes and it currently takes about 1 hour for this journey to happen, This is a common theme on most TSW routes is that the scenarios from one end to the other takes roughly 1 hour. See this (https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/service/gb-nr:C77010/2024-08-15). The 390 will be pretty boring as it will get to Milton Keynes quickly (30 mins). I must say though I am looking forward to having the WCML on the game as this is one of my favourites.
    On Multiplayer, its not happening in my opinion. Its completely unrealistic as not everyone has every train so would you be able to SEE trains you dont own?. It would be cool to see though IF done right.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2024
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  48. AvfcWalpole7

    AvfcWalpole7 Active Member

    Jul 23, 2024
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    In my opinion its going to be Euston to Milton Keynes, think about it. We have seen images of the 350 (in early development) which suggests to me that this route will run to Milton Keynes. The norm seems to be on TSW that to run from one end to the other takes roughly 1 hour. A 350 journey from Euston to Keynes takes 1hour 5mins (https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/service/gb-nr:C77010/2024-08-15). So in my opinion its going to be this. The 390 will get to Milton Keynes in 30mins nonstop which will be pretty boring, but i think this route is being made for the 350 journey rather than the 390 unfortunately.
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  49. matthewgoddard510

    matthewgoddard510 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    It just be such a shame considering it is only 50 miles, Stretch it to Rugby for 81 miles I think it was and I be happy. Considering ECML was 75, 81 be reasonable. I am pretty sure they would have an explanation, it just seems we don't get longer enough runs with High speed trains, HST, Azuma and now possibly the 390 which be a massive shame. 390 for 30 mins Non stop or 45 mins as a stopper is just not good enough. I am grateful we are getting the 350 and 390, love the trains and always wanted both. But ughhh just to have not much of a run is just not great. Good point is Terminating Station and it be good to train spot.
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  50. matthewgoddard510

    matthewgoddard510 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    Just looked on your Link and thanks for that, didn't realise MK was a terminating station from Euston so that is very good tbf.
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