Just one? Impossible. But here are some of my favourites... Spyhunter (PS2) Cold Winter (PS2) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3) Hitman: Blood Money (XBX) Sonic The Hedgehog (Sega Master System) Bloodrayne (PS2) Lollipop Chainsaw (PS3) James Bond 007: Nightfire (PS2) James Bond 007: Everything Or Nothing (PS2) Conflict: Desert Storm II (XBX) Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (PS3) Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (XBX) Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments (PS3) The Operative: No One Lives Forever (PS2) The Saboteur (PS3) Body Harvest (N64) Remember Me (PS3) Sniper Elite 4 (PS4) Gran Turismo 2 (PS1) Forza Horizon 4 (XBXO) Haunting Ground (PS2)
I don't have a favourite as such but I do have favourites. My most played game on PS4 is GTA Online. Other favourites include: Detroit: Become Human Uncharted series Life is Strange series (episodic gameplay with choices) Red Dead Redemption 2 I have liked all the GT series games since PS1 but GT Sport was hit and miss due to it being mostly online and e-sport based. Over on XB1 it has to be Forza Horizon 4 (only due to it being set in a facsimile of England/Scotland).
Star Wars Jedi: fallen order. One of the best games I’ve ever played. The story, the visuals, the music, god the music. After the flop that was Ep 9 I needed something new so I picked it up, and I didn’t regret it one bit. If your a Star Wars fan and you’ve seen the clone wars I’d say 10/10 would recommend
Doom Eternal is one of those shooters that makes you feel like a god! Doesn’t dawdle on training either. Wolfenstein: The New Order and New Colussus are brilliant games as well, very fun to play. For open world adventures, Horizon Zero Dawn is a beautiful game and the epic back drops in the Mass Effect trilogy are awesome to gaze at. The story is epic too. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a fun game to play, with the Dark Souls inspired combat with the light sabre duels really keep you on your toes.
Depends on my mood. Civilisation V if I fancy a long evening. I never save a game and always play it right out. ETS2 / ATS for relaxation. With or without multiplayer. Solo is relaxing. Multiplayer can be stressful if the Russian kiddies are about crashing into people. Simsig Swindon A + B : never get bored of this one but it drives my wife crazy with the IECC sound and the phone ringing constantly. TSW 2 / TS20xx : Not going to comment further. Wreckfest (PC) : Multiplayer is insane fun trying to catch and wreck Matt Peddlesden on the Friday night sessions. Minecraft : being a server admin for Matt Peddlesden on his family and fiends server is fun. Some really impressive builds on there and a huge railway network (because we can) and an automated, fully block signalled railway for distributing supplies from "farms". Slightly different question - playing backgammon on Dailygammon or Backgamon studio heroes. keeps the old grey matter active now I am off work currently.
TSW2 obviously I've just downloaded Doom Eternal as it's currently 60% off on PSN, will give that a go tomorrow, I'm sure it will be awesome! I also love RDR + RDR2, GTA3, 4 & 5 & I also enjoyed Max Payne many years ago.
TSW2 would be my absolute favorite. Other games I play(ed) a lot include ETS2 / ATS Rock Band 4 Farming Simulator Car Mechanic Simulator Lego games (Start Wars / LOTR / Harry Potter)
IL2 Stormovik Birds of prey and it's successor Birds of Steel are probably what I've wasted most of my life on. Elite Dangerous (played since spectrum days) is my current go to, DayZ and Ark are close second. I surprised no one has mentioned 'Southern Belle' on the good old spectrum, hewson could get steam right in 1985 with only 48k to play with!!
My favourite game of all time is Sonic 3 & Knuckles for the SEGA Mega Drive. The game was actually split into two parts when released into the public because developers needed more time. Part 1 was released as Sonic the Hedgehog 3 while Part 2 was released as Sonic & Knuckles. Those who owned a Sonic & Knuckles cartridge will remember the lock-on slot on the top. Put the Sonic 3 cartridge in that slot and you got to play Sonic 3 & Knuckles, the full experience! It also had neat features if you put other games on it too. Placing Sonic 2 on it allowed you to play Sonic 2 as Knuckles. It was pretty mind blowing at the time! It's a timeless classic
I still have S+N and my MegaDrive. If you put Sonic 1 into the cartridge you got bonus levels (the ones with the coloured spheres).
Right now it's either TSW2 SEHS or Wreckfest. Both rather smashing. Once the new footy season starts it'll be Fifa 22!
Based on time played (not in order) Counter Strike Battlefield TSW 2 Rainbow 6 Siege (even though this game as the most toxic player based EVER)
I never knew there were that many levels for it. I never got far anyway. I forgot about Wreckfest. It's awesome on PS5.
Consoles Xbox Series X Xbox One Xbox 360 PS2 Switch Wii Borderlands Call of Duty Train Sim World 2 Ace Combat 7 Gears of War Super Smash Brothers series Star Wars Battlefront original PC Command & Conquer series League of Legends World of Warcraft
Fellow Ace Combat player Have you tried Project Wingman? I've started playing it relatively recently and I absolutely love it.
I’m a big fan of Super Mario Odyssey. Just a wonderful game with a good amount of kingdoms which you can freely roam around, and Mario controls GREAT. You can dive, roll, jump, who knows what else. It feels great. And the capture mechanic makes things very interesting as well. I recommend it to any Switch owners who care enough about platformers.
My favourite ones would probably be Farming Simulator ETS2 & ATS Civilization VI Cities skylines Train sim world 2 Transport Fever 2
These are my all time favourites- in no particular order: Just Cause 3 (Just Cause 4 is probably the most disappointing game I've ever played). Super Mario Galaxy (I know a lot of people prefer the sequel, but the first has a magic to it that I believe the sequal lacks). Sonic Adventure 2 The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess are also 10/10 games for me). Need for Speed Most Wanted (the 2012 one. My god I loved this game when it first came out. I don't often revisit it but it's on this list because of just how many fond memories it gave me).
Difficult to chose a favourite I think my favourite is to be the one I play the most, is the easiest way for me to deduce any answer, currently it’s TSW 2
Of course i like TS and TSW very much, but apart from Trains, Terraria is my all time favourite. Just an awesome game, supported and updated since 2011 (looking forward to 1.4.4) and honorable winner of the Steam labour of love award. Its also one of the two best rated games in the entirety of the steam shop Also i enjoy the Hitman series
Of all time I'd probably say: Halo 3 Skyrim Project CARS Sim City 4 Empire Earth II Yeah, it's quite a random list
A GREAT indy game (if you like mind-bending puzzles) is The Outer Wilds (not Fallout-in-Space Outer Worlds; Wilds)
Just played Ravenous Devils, a Sweeny Todd type simulator about killing people, putting them in pies and using their clothes to make money. It's gory yes, but funny and very addictive, and it's only £3.99 on PC and consoles, it's great fun. And quite an easy platinum trophy - took me about 6 hours.
Run 8 super fun and huge multiplayer train SIM for American locos Microsoft flight simulator Railway empire
Honestly haven't really "played" much in terms of video games lately, as most of my time the past few months is currently spent in VRChat looking at a mirror. :p (Though it did get me closer to a "certain" community on there.) Though I did recently finish Half Life:Alyx, which I did very much enjoy, and now playing around with mods on it. Used to be very big with NASCAR Racing 2003 back in the day, but haven't done much of it in quite awhile. I also had a good amount of time in Team Fortress 2 as well, but haven't touch that in awhile either...
GTA IV has quickly become one of my Favorite games in about the Past Year, Along side the Mafia Series
I'm a die-hard railfan. Not a gamer... My favorites list:- TSW Derail Valley Railroads Online TSC Overcrowd OpenTTD Rail Route Nimby Rails Station Flow