I was wondering if there’s any scenarios available for your network? As when I play this, I’m always in free roam.
Here you go: https://alanthomsonsim.com/scenarios/?fwp_download_scenarios=scenarios-uk-england-southeast-seml
And here: https://alanthomsonsim.com/scenarios/?fwp_download_scenarios=scenarios-uk-england-southeast-nkl
https://alanthomsonsim.com/ https://www.trainsimcommunity.com/ Mainly those sites. And there are some on the Workshop. I dont know how up to date the ones on the workshop are.
I still can’t find the routes I’m looking for. For example I’d like a route from Ramsgate - Charing Cross, stopping at stations like Abbey Wood, Charlton, Greenwich etc. Even the Bexley line I wouldn’t mind trying. It’s literally a needle in a haystack.
Routes or Scenarios? AFAIK you won't find a Scenario starting at Ramsgate as this route does not go that far - just Faversham
Sorry I meant scenarios. My local line is Greenwich so any train services that feature that station would be great.
Here we have Welling. As of the next update the Hudderfield Line will be a requirement for the route. This is due to its collection of great assets, which will be useful. It also helps med keep my motivation up, with some new content to play around with.