Xbox Series X|s - Xbox One Performance Solution

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by simulaw, Feb 4, 2021.

  1. simulaw

    simulaw New Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    I caught the tail end of stream questions relating to the consoles, with layers being disabled and the core experience being limited to ensure the game runs smoothly on last generation consoles (Xbox One etc),
    I'm a little surprised that the title seems to be held back on next generation machines in order to cater for the MANY still using older consoles.

    Now I've not developed a game myself, but I have been in the industry for a decade, including working closely with Microsoft, and countless developers, publishers and PR agencies, and I think I may have a potential solution which may have been overlooked, or maybe not explored.

    It was mentioned on the stream that creating a specific series X|S build would be time-consuming and potentially take time away from squishing bugs, however, rather than building a specific build just for new consoles, a single build could be used for all systems, with problem areas restricted using an automated "Toggle"
    This would not only allow a game to be "Optimized for Series X" giving further franchise exposure,
    but also allowing performance levelling (similar to how it would with various GPU's on a PC)

    So consider that all problematic layers are included, 4k textures, a higher refresh rate, the game performing the best it possibly can on the top end hardware..

    The Xbox Series X might be capable of running 4k, 60fps or above, with everything a mid-top end PC would be running.

    The Series S/Xbox One X, might manage 1440p, 60fps with layers etc,

    Meanwhile the Xbox One S, might be restricted to 30fps, and "HD" and still need "Layers" removing.

    As I'm sure Dovetail are aware, these toggles can be set as "default" dependent on the console being used, with literally a few lines of code, similar to how UWP allows an app to display across phone, tablet, pc, or console by automatically detecting what hardware is being used, and which "options" need to be enabled.

    So while all options would be within the game, they're set to "default" depending on which console is being used,
    They could then be hidden, or included in a menu, for gamers to maybe reduce Resolution or framerates in order to turn on other areas that might otherwise restrict the game.

    On a business angle, it means previews, gaming press and console footage could all be shown on an Xbox Series X (looking it's absolute best) with a simple notice stating something like "Some game layers may be restricted on last generation consoles)"
  2. Doomotron

    Doomotron Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    Even if it was as simple as having a PS5/Series X 'mode', there would likely be issues coming from it. The game may incorrectly play the wrong version on the wrong platform, and then the bugs it can create could be huge. There's a very good reason why Sony blocks some games from being played on PS5. Personally I'd rather wait for a 'TSW2 PS5' enhanced version that has proper upgrades instead of just bumping up the settings, like how I'd prefer GTA6 over GT5 Enhanced².
  3. simulaw

    simulaw New Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    When a game launches there's a pretty straight forward line of code that simply checks the hardware code, and then the relevant settings are applied accordingly.

    Just as 4K is selected automatically if it detects 4k resolution is being used, the call to detect or define the hardware is no more complicated.
    This would ensure that the game didn't display the wrong settings.

    This way it would also mean owners of more powerful machines would get the best possible performance, rather than being held back by older hardware.

    Think of it this way...
    The PC version has defined settings for the game to run the best possible on its minimum Nvidia 750ti,
    Now imagine that was the best people could get regardless of their PC specs...

    The tragedy is, having hardware based performance in a console now days, is little different to doing the same on PC.

    While I'm sure a TSW3 idea has already been passed around the table,
    There's also the possibility that... like titles such as Fortnite and Rocket League, TSW2 could be continued as a progressive title, just as relevant in 5 years time, updating textures and performance dynamically as the title progresses with major title updates serving to add features and maintain continued development.
    Just like the preserved collection now, DLC would gradually be updated with updated textures, features and additions

    Using hardware based performance settings now, could in the long run enable something like this, so TSW becomes more of a game as a service, rather than a potential bi-yearly release. Because I'd like to bet creating a TSW3 and porting just the current routes across, would be a hell of alot more work.
    With many games it's understandable, but considering the main factor for tsw2 and the main business model for dovetail is the DLC pushing towards a progressive game would certainly be a direction with exploring,
    However until they can Implement settings dependent on the hardware, it's impossible to do.

    Again, it's getting into the specifics of the development side, but the potential time saved in the long run, working on one persistently progressive title, rather than a new release, would far outweigh the little time lost now to learn/implement such a method

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