Tsw: Hauptstrecke Rhein-ruhr Out Now!

Discussion in 'Dovetail Live Article Discussion' started by TrainSim-James, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. TrainSim-James

    TrainSim-James Staff Member

    Nov 29, 2016
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    Explore the action-packed rails of Duisburg, Essen and Bochum with the new Hauptstrecke Rhein-Ruhr route, which is available now for Train Sim World.

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  2. JGRudnick

    JGRudnick Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2019
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    Wow, at least there seems to be no shortage of scenarios/services.
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  3. MetrolinkF125#916

    MetrolinkF125#916 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2019
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    Well at least I can assume that it’s better than the Oakville dlc:)
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  4. DB628

    DB628 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2019
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    Make the BR 425 Available on RSN, RRO and Main Spessart Bahn please and the Destinations like RE1, RE2 or RE6 on Doppelstockwagen and BR 146
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  5. palme111100

    palme111100 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Yeah, please add the missing destinations for the DoStos. Also RRO has the same problem.
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  6. Trenomarcus

    Trenomarcus Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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  7. palme111100

    palme111100 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2019
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    ... Haven't we had the "no plans to update atm" with PZB on Rapid Transit when it came out? Honstely DTG, even if it might not be a "quick job", why don't you do the re-work before bringing out the DLC and having a proper DLC? Do you really think trains that run passenger services with the destination boards set to "Nicht Einsteigen" is a good option? I think it's not.
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  8. LX_96

    LX_96 New Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Is there going to be a discount in the Playstation Store?
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  9. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    They never discount brand new routes - older routes get a growing discount over time. ECW has only got 25% off, RRO has just dropped to 35% off, TVL 50% off and the older MSB and RSN now 65% off. Full current sale pricing here.
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  10. LX_96

    LX_96 New Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Ok. Thank you.
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  11. DB628

    DB628 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2019
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    It’s lazyness like the missing Destination for RRO with RE4 and RE7 are missing or on Talent 2 for Rapid Transit or BR 143. Same with the Sound Bug for BR 155 in Tunnel.
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  12. Wivenswold

    Wivenswold Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Aside from the technical questions, has anyone driven it enough to review it.
    A few of us will be fairly casual DB fans and just enjoy new routes.
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  13. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    It’s not laziness.
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  14. palme111100

    palme111100 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2019
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    So what is it? Just a tip: Your one sentence hypothesis doesn't help; a reason why it's not laziness would be very very nice.
    Back to the topic:
    What I can see at the moment is that they have a new technology for the destination displays and they have to re-work the "old" locos e.g. the DoStos, but they're not doing it. In the post above we can see that Matt said it's not a quick job. But the question is: Why don't they start now to give us the update as soon as possible? Also Matt said it's not planned at the moment. Which for me sounds like procrastination, which is essentially laziness in this specific case.
    So I'd like to know why you think it's not laziness.
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  15. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    They are busy working on other things at the moment.
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  16. byeo

    byeo Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2018
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    Will there ever be a time they’re not working on anything? A company will always want to make money which means they need to continually pump out dlc. Maybe they should employ more staff so they can address issues which need updating and/or fixing,
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  17. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Guest

    Such as? The next DLC perhaps? Bug fixes/feature fixes (that would be nice).. A dictionary to expand your vocabulary? Who knows but we all appreciate the cryptic nature of your contributions. Its what keeps us engaged in the absence of anything actually factual.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2020
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  18. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Every DLC release comes with bug fixes. Also, they are hiring people, but I think one position has been filled.
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  19. byeo

    byeo Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2018
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    I honestly think he thinks he’s some sort of DTG unofficial spokesmen, continually responding to questions about DTG themselves and defending them to the extreme.
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  20. Sunscreen

    Sunscreen Guest

    I think he said he's working in Barcelona so all teasing aside, stay safe Anthony. Just try and think about your audience and the effectiveness of your communication when you post. Its a fine line between concise and ineffective ;)
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  21. Jeannot41

    Jeannot41 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    He thinks so, but he is not.
    But he must have free DLC, with the ointment he passes to DTG. :cool:
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  22. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    Until someone from DTG actually says something on here (that’s a rarity these days), take everything with a pinch of salt.
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  23. BigMountain555

    BigMountain555 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2019
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    Cry cry cry. I have been enjoying this DLC so far. As usual, I visit this forum and see nothing but complaints about a damned game. Oops, it's a simulation. If I want 100% accurate down to the sweat from the simulated players, I would just go out and try to get a real job driving one of these things. After a long workday during these awful times, I find peace when I am driving this route. I am able to forget about the virus and just focus on driving these trains. Nothing is perfect and I certainly do not expect any piece of software to be 100% perfect.

    The one thing that Dovetail Games did to raise my ire was the misleading promotion of the first Canadian route for TSW. That was when I found myself among the masses voicing my complaints.

    As far as this latest route is concerned, so far I have been really enjoying it. These trains are fun to drive. This is my opinion.
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  24. Rob39

    Rob39 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2018
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    Enjoying this route. Im enjoying the speed, the variety of scenery. I have encountered a destination bug with MSB stock, but Im not fussed at the moment. More going on than TSW. Stay safe.
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  25. Nielsen

    Nielsen Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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    I paid full price for this route because it's in my opinion the most interesting urban location they have chosen so far. However, the scenery of the cities is underwhelming.

    • The team modelled the Mercure Hotel located right next to the Bochum main station. In reality the building is comprised of two nearly identical towers, but TSW only included the tallest tower of the structure.
    • The majority of buildings that make up the Essen skyline are missing. These are located very close to the Essen main station, but TSW only included one of them.
    • In Mülheim an der Ruhr the developers recycled several instances of the aforementioned Mercure Hotel model from Bochum. It looks nothing like the real city centre of Mülheim.
    • The route is too short. Why leave out Dortmund when it could have completed the whole geographical width of the Ruhr metropolitan area?
    • The scenarios lack diversity and varying difficulty levels.
    I expected more from the DLC considering it's the same old price tag from routes twice the length. I'm aware that the route has two variations between Essen and Bochum, but it doesn't do much to compensate for the short length.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2020
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  26. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Seems to be the standard for DTG these days. If they'd taken an extra couple of weeks, they could have modelled a shed load more buildings and given the route that extra layer of polish that everybody hopes for and lives in constant disappointment that they don't see. It doesn't take long to put a few extra office blocks on the horizon, but it's really noticeable when they're missing.

    Finishing the route before the obvious city destination is also a baffling choice and seems to happen to some extent with every DLC. I get that they want to cover as many areas as possible, but finishing in a big city where there are potentially lots of players living IRL would probably encourage a few more sales from those people, not to mention all of the existing players who like to feel some value in the journeys they're making.
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  27. Paulo_1997

    Paulo_1997 Active Member

    Mar 13, 2020
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    It's almost a week since the DLC came out, so I want to give you my review on that.

    First of all I want to say, that I would never regret it to buy this DLC!
    The BR 425 and the scenery fulfill my wishes more than I can dream of. I grew up and lived in Dortmund and were often riding the train on this route, which makes it easier to rate this DLC.

    Now let's look at the topics:

    1. The trains
    - As I mentioned, the BR 425 is a massive choice and definitely worth driving. The sound is beautiful! (Open both windows of the cabin to get the full experience ;)) The rest is known and likely seen. In the future I expect more on this route, but let us see time after time. :)
    - Yes, the destinations of the DoStos aren't existing, but that's a small negative point for me.
    - The traffic on this route is excellent! Especially between Essen and Duisburg.

    2. The scenery
    - As someone who lived nearby this route I can say, that much of the scenery fits the looks in RL. Sure, some buildings aren't exacty looking like they do in RL, but let's be honest...as long as there are buildings which look only half as they really do, it is okay for me, because mostly I pass them with min. 120 km/h, so I don't get to look at them that so close.
    - A small negative point is for me, that you can't see any trains standing at the "Betriebswerk Essen". Besides the fact that you can't start a train from there, DTG could have at least ''park'' some trains there.
    - Maybe it is because I have an older PS4 system, but the more traffic, the more lags the game. Maybe someone here has a PS4 Pro and can tell me, if it is better there... At least it doesn't affect the game too much, that it minimizes the fun.

    3. The gameplay
    - If you know how to handle the BR 422, you know how to handle the BR 425. If not, then you have the opportunity to do a training.
    - At this point I want to throw in a little problem... When I turn on the SiFa in the BR425 and start driving, a few seconds after that, the SiFa alarm goes on, but I can't acknowledge it and get an immediate emergency brake. - Hope someone can help me!

    I know that it's not THAT of a review, but that comes from the fact that I don't get paid for it ;)
    I hope it helps some people to decide, wether they should buy it or not. If I have to rate I would give a solid 8.5/10, because the fun on this DLC lets the small missing things disappear!

    Many greetings from Paulo ;)
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  28. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Try standing up and sitting down. If you spawn in the driver's seat, it sometimes doesn't register SIFA acknowledgments correctly until you do that.
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  29. kalteVollmilch

    kalteVollmilch Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    Try standing up and the sitting down again. There is a bug with SIFA where even though you press the correct button the SIFA pedal somehow doesn't register it is being pressed

    Maybe some general feedback to help some users understand the problem with the destinations:
    In the early days of the destination boards, DTG created a big texture with all relevant textures on it, and whenever a destination was selected, the respective part of the texture was shown, the rest was hidden. Obviously, that's a poor design choice, one reason being that new destination can't be added easily, instead a new texture needs to be created for every single vehicle using this method; another reason being that this texture would become gigantic over time.
    So, with the newer rolling stock (it started with the BR 377 I believe), a proper system, which takes basically every text you throw at it and puts it with a nice font on the destination boards was implemented. This system does not need a texture for every destination and new destinations can be added without the need to do anything.

    Now the bad part: I believe, reworking the old rolling stock (the Doppelstockwagen, Talent 2, 143, 146.2, 182, etc..) probably takes a lot of work, which at the moment probably nobody will have time for. So, for the moment, no new destinations will be added to those vehicles.
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  30. smash_cze

    smash_cze Member

    Jun 10, 2019
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    Really? I can't believe. How many of similar "quick solutions" like this can be in this game.... Maybe it could be a reason of high count of bugs and impossibility to repair them or change something easily.
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  31. Trenomarcus

    Trenomarcus Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    I should defend DTG in this case, that was A solution. Is working fine (that's a rarity). The bad thing is they didn't backported the feature to other locos like class 166 and now that they developed the LED-like component there are no plan to update old content. What a surprise.
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  32. TrainSimulatorFan

    TrainSimulatorFan Member

    May 28, 2019
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    Should i buy this route?
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  33. Anthony Pecoraro

    Anthony Pecoraro Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Yes. It’s very good.
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  34. MetrolinkF125#916

    MetrolinkF125#916 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2019
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    If you want, I don’t own it but from the views I’ve gotten of others it’s a great route, but it’s all up to you, if u own MSB you can get extra freight services with the route, but again, it’s entirely up to you;)
  35. docsnyder1911

    docsnyder1911 Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2019
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    HRR is a good route and with MSB you can use the dostos with the 143 or 146 and the freight stock from MSB with the 185.2, the 182, the 155 or 143. And between Duisburg and Essen you can expiriance overtaking action like on GWE.
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  36. Yerolo

    Yerolo Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2018
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    Yep, I really like HRR as well. At first I thought it would be just RRO MKII, but it certainly has a different feel to RRO. The regional route is really fast (up to 160km/h) and when you are driving with PZB, you really need to stay alert for those speed changes

    Although it is a short route, it is still fun to play and it suits my playstyle to make a run in 30mins or so....plus if you own all the previous German content, there is a nice selection of locos available for the regional runs.
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