Trophies I'm Owed

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by Factor41, Feb 9, 2020.

  1. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    So, these are the PSN trophies for TSW which I've completed the actions for, but have not yet been awarded. I'll update if they get sorted and drop in, or - more likely - if I complete any others which don't get awarded.

    You can see why people get annoyed about this, it's not just one or two which require a complex set of circumstances to unlock; most are just counting, and the scenario trophies require counting up to one!

    MSB: All in Order
    Complete all scenarios on Main-Spessart Bahn
    MSB Scenarios.jpg

    Safety First
    Acknowledge 500 SIFA alarms on Rapid Transit or Main-Spessart Bahn
    No pic, but I've done over 70 services with SIFA on and there's definitely been more than 7 alarms per service. Also tried just hammering the SIFA switch, all without success.

    WSR: West Country Wonderer
    Complete all of the available services
    WSR Services.jpg

    LIRR: Discovery Island
    Collect all collectables on Long Island Railroad
    LIRR Jobs.jpg

    CL52: Top-Notch Western
    Complete the Class 52 scenario 'Swap Shop'
    Class52 SwapShop Scenario.jpg

    SFJ: Move any Mountain
    Complete Peninsula Corridor: San Francisco - San Jose scenario 'Rocky Road'
    PC RockyRoad Scenario.jpg
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2020
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  2. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    RSN: Valley Veteran
    Complete all scenarios on Ruhr Sieg Nord
    RSN Scenarios.jpg

    LIRR: The King of Queens

    Complete 70 Long Island Railroad services
    LIRR Services.jpg

    Class 101: Mechanical Master

    Complete the Class 101 Introduction tutorial
    NTP 101 Tutorial.jpg

    Ok, this one has now dropped in. I've tried various things, but turning off the internet and re-doing the tutorial on a new profile seems to have done the job.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
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  3. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Oooh, hello. So.... I had the same problem with MSB: All In Order, RT: Safety First, LIRR: (the scenarios one) and a few others, including the RSN scenarios one (Valley Veteran). I found that I was able to clear each of them, pretty much immediately, by switching off the internet - until I recently got the RSN route, and then my workaround didn't work for me.

    It really did look to me that switching off the internet was the thing to do, but since I have one missing RSN trophy I have proved to myself that this isn't the case. It was all just a very unlikely set of coincidences (for me) that it worked (for me) for so many trophies, all in a row....! Also, switching off the internet doesn't work for many other people.

    I think the only way to solve this mystery is for DTG to trace through the code that has been written for each of the achievements/trophies, and determine precisely what the pre-requisites are, to say:

    - start the routine that counts towards a trophy
    - start the counting process for the requirements within the routine
    - recognise the threshold at which point a trophy should be awarded

    It might be that TSW doesn't even start counting any of the requirements (towards a trophy) unless you first carry out a highly specific set of actions in a certain order. So, for example, maybe the "counting" routine doesn't always start if you launch a module (a service) in a particular way, even if you are now allowed to do it. For example - do you launch from the Scenario menu, the Journey menu, or the Timetable menu..., and if you mix it up, does it break the trophy? This might be true, for example, if the UI has been built in a very unstructured way, and there has been very poor version control. This is what I now suspect is happening, but to be clear - I really do not know this for fact. And it is virtually impossible for me to test for it, without putting in thousands of hours, which, to be frank, I am not going to do.

    What I do know is that the TSW trophies are about as basic as they can possibly be. They don't, on the face of it, require you to do a set of unusual things in a certain sequence, where each step is difficult to detect, as you get with very many games that deliver humourous/unusual trophies. But the code itself might require a very complex set of actions that are randomish or not reasonably knowable to the user (i.e. broken).

    I am quite surprised that the 101 training trophy failed for you - that would be a quick and easy candidate to retry with a new profile with the internet off. (I really do not want to advise you to set up a new profile though - as I think that this is a ridiculous onus to put on TSW users). That said - I reckon you'd stand a good chance of getting the 101 trophy with a new profile retry. When it comes to "detection" of an activity, there might be some other weird things happening - say, for the RT Safety First trophy, you might have to actually be looking at the SIFA button AND have >500 presses counted. I don't know though - only the DTG coders know, and so far, they've not given any useful advice on this issue. Maybe they don't actually know themselves - maybe the coding is done elsewhere and they can't contractually get a re-write done, or even look at the code. Maybe they just don't care - I don't know.
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  4. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    So... I turned the internet off and started the game... nothing.

    I re-did the Swap Shop scenario with the Class 52 on WSR... nothing.

    I went onto a route and collected a few collectables... nothing.

    I set up a new profile and re-did the Class 101 Tutorial on NTP... nothing.

    I'm wondering if having DLC is messing up its ability to count properly. On WSR, it's saying I've completed 6/9 scenarios, but when I go into the Scenarios menu, all nine – including the new three from the Class 52 – are complete. Similarly, Rapid Transit is showing 5/8 on the route screen, but all eight including the three DB BR 182 on the Scenarios screen.

    Edit: As I posted, the 101 trophy dropped in. After I'd switched back to my original profile. God only knows what's going on under the hood of this program. I'm definitely not repeating everything on the new profile!
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  5. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Yeah - I have wondered that too....! Okay.. if you are interested in pushing further, but with a minimum effort, try this....

    1. Keep the internet off, and turn your PS4 off and on again.... Run TSW, and then....

    2. Swap Shop & Rocky Road
    Do whatever you did for the 101 (on your new profile)

    3. RT: Safety First (on your main profile, or.... on a new profile by spamming the button 500 times first)
    Pick any service out of the RT timetable. Switch on SIFA. Run just one service (on your main profile) and always look at the SIFA button (on the right hand side..?) when you get the alert, and click the button with your controller. I think you will pick up your trophy in the middle service, but if you don't.... when the service is complete, do everything very slowly - give it 30 seconds for the summary sheet to sit there for a while, before clicking back to the main menu. And then leave the PS4 alone for a few hours....

    4. MSB (new profile)
    And I wouldn't suggest you go any further than that, other than to say the MSB: All In Order is fairly pleasant to repeat, if you want to (or if you are still learning PZB, etc.). If you do all five scenarios under a new profile, make sure you are ready to leave your PS4 for a few hours after you fniish the last one.....

    5. LIRR (main profile)
    I am not going to remotely encourage you to re-attempt all of this, although you might (on your main profile) try to walk around a collectible on LIRR, literally, hover around a collectible site for a few minutes. I am not kidding, but even as I type this it sounds completely ridiculous.

    6. West Country (main profile)

    Re-do any service that you have not done in the Timetable mode, but do it in the timetable mode, if that makes sense. So, anything you have done from Journey/Scenario/etc - redo them in timetable mode.


    But - these are just suggestions, I have no idea if they will work for you, but I have a sneaky feeling that one or two will work... ;-)

    Anyway - Glad you got your 101....! :) ;-)
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  6. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Cheers. I'll try some of those and see what trophies I can shake free from this clunky old mess!
  7. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Oooh, I forgot to make it a bit clearer....... the really weird LIRR one.... I am suggesting that you do the "hovering" using your main profile that should have already been awarded the trophy, and near to any collectible that you have already collected on that route.

    The idea is to try and trigger any interaction between the collectible's script and your avatar and wake up the "story" script for the module, and get a trophy trigger.

    I have not seen the actual code for this - so it's a bit of a long shot, but I promise you that I am not suggesting this for absolutely no reason at all... LOL! It's just based on my very limited knowledge on how some of UE works... and some behaviour that I have noticed within the simulation.

    For Google's sake, don't go around and collect all the LIRR collectibles again....!
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  8. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    As mentioned in this thread....

    ... I found that data from a module (a scenario, service, etc.), did not always get recorded, or perhaps saved, to the UI (and I could explicitly evidence that with my own eyes). And I realised that this might have a big knock-on effect on trophies - anything that counts anything that can't be done during a single module.... So any trophies that:

    - require a module to be completed (so, your "single scenario" trophies)
    - count progress towards a running total of things (miles, scenarios, etc.), where the total is not reached during the module

    I am looking for some random variable (hence the "internet-off" theory) to explain the randomness in the award of trophy/achievements. And I think I have found one, that is better than "internet connection" ... and even better, it is potentially influenced/controlled by "random" user behaviour.... And my new idea is this:

    New Trophy Failure Hypothesis Part A:

    Some trophies fail (on PS4*) because the "Options" button is pressed too quickly at the end of a module, before the relevant data is saved or transferred to the UI (because the UI doesn't warn you to not do this, and gives you the option to do this, without telling you about any save that might be in progress)

    New Trophy Failure Hypothesis Part B:
    Some trophies fail (on PS4*) because in order for trophy progress data to be saved, you must return to the main menu for the route, at some point, before shutting down TSW (or the PS4).

    Proposed work-around (temporary)
    If this general idea is correct (Part A), then you could test a broken trophy on your main profile (say - a single scenario one), by playing the module, and then waiting for the summary screen to appear, and then waiting say, five minutes (just to be sure....!), before clicking the Options button to "continue".

    If Part B is correct (instead of, or in addition), then you would return to "Main Menu" from the route menu (after hitting continue, after playing a module). I think Part B is less likely to be true - but it is possible. It is sort of similar to Part A, because there is a switch between TSW route "plug-ins" taking place when you switch to the UI main menu, and maybe there is a save event taking place there (but this would be incredibly bad and unstable UI design built upon really bad design....).

    Supporting evidence
    When I completed the 182 scenario ("S-Bahn Sprinter") for the first time, the data for this scenario did not transfer to the UI. None of it did. And I am fairly sure that:

    - I pressed the "Options" button very quickly (and unusually quickly) - immediately upon it appearing; and
    - I didn't return to the Main Menu, I shut down TSW after I pressed "Continue", a short while after I was directed to the next intermediate screen in the UI (the one that says "continue to next scenario...etc..)

    Proposed Fix for DTG to Implement (Global - applies to all route plug-ins)
    If there is a save event taking place at the same time that the "Continue" button is available on the Summary screen after completing a service, then:
    - remove the button and replace it with an animated "save in progress" symbol; and,
    - only allow the "Continue" button to appear when all HDD actions related to saving data have completed


    There could be a benefit in adding a warning to not switch off the PS4, while the save is progressing - and to add this throughout the game UI, whenever it is relevant.

    NB: I have not sent this to the Support Team, and I do not intend to, until they apologise for what happened last August (2019). Also - since they advise that the best way to get fixes for TSW is to look at the Forums, then they can just look at the Forums as well.... ;-D

    NB2: I have no idea if this is also relevant to achievements on XBox or PC.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2020
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  9. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    There's definitely something which takes place after you press the Continue button from the debrief screen - this can be seen with Mastery. If you can find anything on Mastery which does track, when you complete the service, it won't show on the Mastery Progress page online. Even when you press Continue, if you keep refreshing the Mastery page, it won't show until you get right back to the Main Menu in game, when it finally seems to transfer over. Would be very useful to know at any of these stages if there is something happening which we should aim to not interrupt.

  10. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Oh dear. From what you are saying - it looks like the return (or not return) to the main Menu is actually implicated.... (the "Part B" gubbins I wrote above....)

    I don't have/use Mastery. Thank Google for that..! Plus - you are now making me think that my "internet off" theory shouldn't be binned quite yet.... I try to never have the internet online, because:

    - it speeds up the switching between menus, considerably....
    - it speeds up the Main Menu (no DTG store needed, etc.)
    - it might stop trophies breaking (I have all of the trophies bar one)

    But clearly there are internet things happening, beyond the general scrape of user data for onward sale, to support the Mastery "function". Hmmm.... So... another set of UI messages (on top of don't interfere with the HDD...).... might be helpful, such as:

    "Contacting server"
    "Updating Mastery"
    "internet connection not detected - cannot save mastery data"


    Basically - the sort of thing that every single other PS4 title does - it warns you when it is busy..... Very basic UI stuff.... !!!
  11. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Hmmm, the plot thickens. I thought I'd check the point at which the "Complete XX scenario" trophies have actually popped by looking at the picture it saves with it on PSN and those trophies have actually popped BEFORE the debrief...

    RRO: Wupper Wonderer (all scenarios) - Looks to be in the train cab with master switch set to Neutral, so possibly at the end of the final scenario, before the debrief.

    MP36PH: Left in the Dark (single scenario) - On foot, presumably having just walked to the exit point of the scenario, before the debrief screen.

    MP36PH: Bringing the Baby Back (single tutorial) - Still in cab, before debrief.

    WSR: Summer Vacation (all scenarios) - Again, before the debrief screen - screen shot has "Objective Complete" showing from the final action.

    BR182: Trend Setter (single scenario) - The one you had issue with the first time, looks to have triggered at the end of the scenario, again, before the debrief screen.

    So where they're marking a single scenario, at least, it should have triggered the Trophy before that point where you thought you may have hit Continue too quickly, and none of them were triggered once I was back at the main menu. In fact, the only trophy which dropped in while I was in the main menu (from a quick scan through) looks to have been that one for the 101, which I had to redo on a new profile and which popped after a long delay and having done another service. In conclusion - I have no idea.
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  12. synthetic.angel

    synthetic.angel Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2019
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    Aaah - good bit of digging. Okay - in that case... I have absolutely no idea either.... Thank you for not pointing out the fool that I have been (hence I am doing it now.... ;-) )

    Someone should go through the code for the trophies, trace it backwards, and step through it, and check What The Facebook is going on with it all.

    OKay - I officially give up now*. Time to wonder - why are eggs the shape they are... and should we genetically engineer hens to make them rounder, so that they will look nicer in the fridge....? LOL... ;-)

    *NB: But at least I can say that I......... Bloombergy tried...!
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  13. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Well, (some) credit where it's due - I have 100% on the Baby Bullet trophies. This is a first for me in TSW - a whole DLC without a terminally glitched trophy! :D I did have to do about 24 services before the 15 services trophy popped so, as per standard, it seems like it doesn't count services unless you specifically start them from Timetable mode (not Journey), but at least there are a few "Empty stock move" services which only take a few minutes, to get the numbers up quickly!

  14. Turbojugend

    Turbojugend Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2020
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    Has any of this been sorted on other DLCs? I'm definitely at Lvl 20 on the Trans-Pennine and that hasn't popped, completed the tutorials on the Main-Spessart and that hasn't popped either.

    Strange that out of the literally hundreds of PS4 games I own, this is only one that doesn't deliver trophies.
  15. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    I haven't got that far on NTP, but I do have the trophy MSB: Trio Triumph for completing the tutorials - that one popped for me without any problem, although it was a while ago so it's entirely possible they've broken it since then.
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  16. Turbojugend

    Turbojugend Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2020
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    And now the Misery Challenges aren't unlocking either. Sweet.
  17. Matzo

    Matzo Active Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    I've completed all services twice for the baby bullet, one on my main profile and one on a "trophy test" profile I set up, still not popped for me, same for the Caltrain switcher... Also, the bi-level cab-car is missing the circle button being mapped to the alerter.
  18. Bkulesza

    Bkulesza Member

    Sep 22, 2018
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    I did all jobs, or collectables on ECW. On two different profiles. Still hasn't unlocked for me. It sucks, because that facet of this game is such a tedious, boring time-suck.
  19. Matzo

    Matzo Active Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    Soooo, for some reason, the "15 Services" trophy for the baby bullet popped whilst as I completed a service on Oakville Subdivision... The software when it comes to trophies is broken. Awfully so...
  20. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Yeah, quite a lot of them pop later than they should - the level ones in particular seem to go a couple of levels after the target. God only knows how they've coded it to be so useless at registering completion of requirements.
  21. TinTin_57

    TinTin_57 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Just to cheer myself up here and provide hope to all, I bought Snakeybus yesterday when it was released, around £7 with ps plus discount. Took me less than an hour to get the Platinum! Sometimes when you collect trophies, and you’ve played TSW, you just need to be reassured that trophies in games created by small studios can actually work

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  22. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    That looks insane! Is it worth the £7?!
  23. TinTin_57

    TinTin_57 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Yeah its one of those you dip in and out of. Good fun. Lots of different maps and vehicles. For £7 its a lot of fun
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  24. Turbojugend

    Turbojugend Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2020
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    The Trans-Pennine Lvl 20 trophy finally popped... at Lvl 21. So, easy enough, just acquire one more level.

    I went back and redid all of the Main-Spessart tutorials, both via the tutorial menu and the journey menu. Nada.
  25. Stockton Rails

    Stockton Rails Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Wow... all of you guys are putting so much time and effort into this issue (and I applaud you for it, I’ve been known to do that too)- but why aren’t any DTG folks involved in this conversation? Has anyone opened up any tickets for this issue? I’m not so naive to think this will instantly solve any of this of course- but it would clearly put the ball in their court, which is exactly where it needs to be.

    Just trying to help... I almost wanted to open up a ticket for this myself (I already have 3 others opened up), and post a link to this thread.
  26. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    They never get involved in conversations where something is broken (usually on consoles) and they either don't know how or can't be bothered to try and fix it. I raised a ticket with the same info as this thread and this was the response I got back...
    So yeah, their answer is: "We don't really put much effort into the specific coding for consoles, just go figure it out for yourselves, peasants."

    Come on, DTG, we're your actual paying customers. All we want is for the software we bought to function as described.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2020
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  27. TinTin_57

    TinTin_57 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Yeah to say it’s your PS4 is quite honestly a bit ridiculous. It’s coding. Unlike a pc, a PS4 will be a PS4 where ever you go.
    The trophy thing for me was the most frustrating when code errors stopped me getting the platinum for months and months. They then made a fix to the bust trophy for NEC freight and it was awarded. This was after a full year!!
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  28. Matzo

    Matzo Active Member

    Aug 21, 2018
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    I find the reply from dovetail posted above astonishing... We shouldn't have to "figure out" a way to unlock the trophies, we should complete the required task and receive the reward.

    It's like being asked to solve a rubics cube to get a shopping trolley after you've already put a pound in... Ridiculous.
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  29. Stockton Rails

    Stockton Rails Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2020
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    ...some valid points here for sure. I actually already sent a note to TrainSim-Dimitri late last week on the general consensus that the PS4 platform is not receiving the support it deserves (certainly compared to the support for PC platforms)- haven’t heard back from him yet, but it’s also only been a few business days. But now I’m tempted to send him a follow-up note citing this issue as a perfect example of the lack of proper support PS4 users have to deal with.

    I’m not asking for anything special here... my money is as good as anyone’s- just give me the working product I paid for, and proper support should I need it. They certainly can’t argue with that.
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  30. ehz0689

    ehz0689 Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2020
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    Has anyone had an issue of not earning the trophy for completing 10 services with the Caltrain switcher?
  31. Stockton Rails

    Stockton Rails Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Update, 5/2/20:

    After sending out an initial (short) note to Dimitri, and then getting a quick response back from him, I then sent him a longer note with more detailed info on some of the issues PS4 users are having to deal with in TSW 2020- along with some recommendations I had on how to improve the situation. I unfortunately never received a response back from him on this second note- and it’s been at least 15 days now since I sent that to him. I then sent him another note a few days ago wondering why he never responded to my second note... and no response from him on this note either (so far). And, after this... I then sent a note directly to TrainSim-Matt and brought him up to speed on what I sent to Dimitri... I’m still waiting for a response back from Matt at this point (it’s only been 2-3 days).

    I’d say it’s not looking good in terms of getting some traction on resolving some of the issues/problems PS4 users have been dealing with in the sim at this point. I did my best to get the ball rolling, and the ball’s clearly in their court... not sure I’ll ever hear anything back from anybody right now.
    Last edited: May 2, 2020
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  32. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Thanks for trying. The response I got back from the support ticket I raised was just to have a look at the forum, so I'm not sure they consider PS4 trophies to be a high priority. Appreciate you taking the time though.
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  33. Fitz

    Fitz Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2019
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    I was hoping the MSB all in order trophy for all scenarios might pop with the 204 DLC. I completed them all, stats now say 8 of 8 complete and still no trophy poped for it.
    Still broken, even tried all the solutions listed in this thread.
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  34. Stockton Rails

    Stockton Rails Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2020
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    No problem, and thanks for responding to my note. I took the time to craft a decent note and sent it to Dimitri- even including links to several threads on various issues affecting PS4 users. It had good ‘meat’ to it- enough info to justify looking into some of these issues... I think you guys would’ve liked it. We’ll see how things go in the next week or so... I’m not expecting much at this point.
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  35. Stockton Rails

    Stockton Rails Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2020
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    Just wanted to let everyone know that my attempts to get help from TrainSim-Matt on some of the sim issues affecting PS4 users never panned out... I never received a single response back from him on any of the notes I sent his way. It is what it is at this point... what else can I assume, other than they don’t want to be bothered, or don’t care (or both).

    That said, I am very happy with what Sam seems to be doing for all TSW 2020 players at this point- seeking info about issues they’re running into, getting their wish-list on the most important issues they’d like to see resolved in the game, being very active in all TSW 2020 forums, etc. This is how customer support should work, and Sam is setting the pace right now.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
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  36. TinTin_57

    TinTin_57 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    thanks for this. I picked this DLC up just this weekend and usually I go for the Journey mode first. I’ll play them through the timetable as you suggest. I didn’t get 10 services for the MP15 Switcher so probably same thing as I only did journey mode. I also didn’t get level 10 trophy for that one either
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  37. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    I’ve been Trophy collecting this weekend (I’ve unlocked at least 5 or 6). I’ve found that by creating a brand new profile and ensuring I go into each scenario etc through the correct menu, the Trophies have been popping without fault. The Mastery has also been recording progress correctly too.
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  38. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    Having said the above, I’ve just completed the five scenarios for Main-Spessart Bahn and the trophy hasn’t popped.

    I don’t know if this is a bug or not because I don’t have the DB BR 204 DLC.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2020
  39. TinTin_57

    TinTin_57 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2018
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    Yes, I think over the last couple of years we have all done an element of this. What has always bugged me is that whilst I can use a new profile for the trophies, the Action Points gained on that profile don't stack with your main profile so it is a complete waste in that respect. For the MSB 5 scenarios you also mention above, I did replay them under a new profile at the time and I did get that. This was before the 204 was released and quite some time back. From a few people I spoke to at the time I don't think many (if any) got them on their main profile
  40. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    I’ve just played the first service on MSB, which should have given me the trophy for completing one service. This trophy hasn’t popped either and it hasn’t been recorded on the Mastery either.

    This is so frustrating it’s beyond belief. What should be a fun, enjoyable task, collecting trophies is feeling like a laborious chore. Why put trophies and mastery in the game if they aren’t going to work reliably.

    It seems my new profile has run its useful course.
  41. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    Just completed another single service on MSB on a brand new profile and the trophy for doing so still hasn’t popped. It’s so weird. I don’t want to give up but :(:mad:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2020
  42. Factor41

    Factor41 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2019
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    Yeah, you're running through this whole sorry process a few months after I did and it doesn't get any less frustrating! I've given up hope of ever getting the Platinum on TSW - but I have recently been playing Grid and Farming Sim 19, both of which have so far given me each and every trophy at the precise moment I've earned it. That goes some way to restoring faith that there are people out there who know what they're doing with PS4, just a shame that none of them work for DTG :D
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  43. Plastic Pal

    Plastic Pal Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2020
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    Did you do it as a service under "Journey" mode, or under "Timetable" mode?
  44. Plastic Pal

    Plastic Pal Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2020
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    You do not need the DB BR 204 to get the MSB "all scenario" trophy. You have a chance to get it if you do the scenarios again. This trophy arrived two or three hours after I completed the last scenario, when I left the PS4 in the TSW UI for a few hours... I do not know if you actually need to run it under a new profile (but that is what I did....).

    I currently have exactly the same problem with the equivalent RSN trophy (which is the only trophy I have not been able to get so far).

    DTG could so easily look at the code and tell us exactly what needs to be done to get the trophies. Or they could fix them so that they work as you would reasonably expect.
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  45. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    Under timetable mode. Both times.
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  46. Plastic Pal

    Plastic Pal Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2020
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    Oh, okay. That's useful (and that has surprised me). Do you have any DLC that works on MSB, and if so, what have you got....?
  47. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    No I don’t have any DLC for the route. Just the basic route and standard locos with the 5 standard scenarios.
  48. Plastic Pal

    Plastic Pal Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2020
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    Okay..... interesting - try any new (not done) Timetable service, using your main profile, with the internet off (plug out of the wall). So:

    - internet connection severed, then reboot, then only launch TSW, then try the service on your main profile, and if you do not get the trophy after the service is complete, then leave the machine running in the TSW UI for three hours. And if that doesn't work, do exactly the same thing with a new profile (an entirely new profile).

    It really is a shocker that the "Welcome to MSB" trophy can ever not work........ ;-O

    I have another solution, which could be a long-shot, but if it works, it would explain exactly how this trophy works, so it would be useful to know, if true: I think I got this trophy when using the 146.2 - so the trophy might be tied to that loco.... and/or a specific timed service..... If you are looking for a specific service, try the one starting at 09:09 with the DB BR 146.2 (from Aschaffenburg) . And then there is another service at 09:09 from Lohr with the 766.2 (DBpzfa cab car) that you could try. (I got this trophy when starting a service.... one starting at 09:09... but I don't know which one for sure...).
  49. TheTipsyRaccoon

    TheTipsyRaccoon Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Anyone come up against any obastacles with TVL: Beaming With Pride?

    Apparently only 0.5% of people have it which is the second lowest “finish all scenarios” trophy across all routes after Oakville Subdivision and I’m trying to work out if that’s due to the trophy being difficult to obtain, or just that not very many people wanted the TVL DLC.
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  50. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    I’ve just done all 5 scenarios on Mass Transit and, guess what. Yep, the trophy hasn’t popped for me there either. Each time I completed a scenario I exited to the main menu and went back through to the scenario menu.

    What another waste of time. Fuming!
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