They answered on Facebook about providing new download links in August of 2023, so that's not completely correct.
I never said it would be correct (I don't know, maybe). Only the dev can answer the OP's question, the rest is naturally only speculation. The loco scripts were incompatible with the update. All other devs fixed their scripts, but AHS did not respond to DTG offering help as I understood it. Weebly site doesn't exist anymore. Still runs fine on my v72.3b install.
It was yanked from sale due to the developer becoming unresponsive and not updating scripts to keep the route working following a core TSC update. Outside of sailing the high seas, there is no way to get the route at the moment, and even then to get it truly working properly you'd need to run a separate rolled back TSC install.
...which is no big deal. Download the v72.b core depot, copy the AHS dependencies and the route. Everything else is working in v75, except for the AHS stock. So my v72.3b only has this single route installed.
I have just gone to use the Route and it just hangs and freezes on loading. Can you outline in simple terms how to do what you say here please?
Not in simple terms - there is a bit of work involved if you have the space to create a new Railworks folder
I have heard this beeing called the worst route in TSC. On the brighter side: ATS talked about maybe doing this route and the Eurostar in the future. So I´ll gladly wait for that. I guess that is of no interest to this community though... as many over here are known for boycotting the ATS launcher.
I followed the steps and seem to have got in functioning albeit the stock is still causing issues in free roam. Bizarrely okay in Quick Drive. I have however, now got milk bottles in a few places. Is there a list of dependicies for the Route as I've only got very basic assets in the backdated version as per the guide referenced? Thank you
Because some developers rely on other developers assets if they fit the era and real life counterpart instead of creating their own or substituting for something that doesn't look right or of high enough quality, very commonplace in freeware routes but also not out of the ordinary for some payware routes to have requirements of other routes or assets either. Except for DTG products of course, they're happy to re-use the same old kuju assets over and over and over again.
Because that's how TS works. Why reinvent the wheel if someone already made assets that fit your route? If each 3rd party / freeware dev had to make assets completely on their own, we just wouldn't have so much to chose from. You concentrate on route building and use existing assets, and then tell the customer which DLC are required in order to play the route. For info, the JT CommonLibrary is included in the following DLC from Steam, and of course when purchasing from JT directly.
Yes it was. Have a look at the RouteProperties.xml or check it with TSTools. It uses a lot of JT assets, vegetation and lofts. Because it was developed for JustTrains initially. Quick comparison, 1st with CommonLibrary, 2nd w/o