The release has been a disaster let's be honest numerous problems trying to get everything transferred over and the game not showing up on store ridiculous
I saw yesterday release was at 1800UTC today which is actually 1900BST. So 19 minutes ago. Found the starter pack by searching: "Train start".
Finally got the 710 layer today. I was playing the Watford DC lines earlier, and bloody hell... how that lighting made it into the game I'll never know. The DC line tunnels out of Euston the cab was lit up... The stations on the LU section are a literal copy and paste of the Bakerloo Line from 2021 with no updates to accommodate the Overground route. I come across only 1 other Overground service in the opposite direction... Definitely not DTGs work, that is for sure. If this was DTGs work I know for sure the standard would be a lot higher. Hopefully DTG may able to be confirm that any further improvements to the route will be done in house by their own team? It's the only possible way to salvage every issue and bring it upto the standard this route deserves. It definitely has huge potential, but does need some desperate going over...
A brand new route that has only launched needs a remastered version of it, I am just shaking my head at this point, unreal! In regards to DTG jumping in to save the day, that takes time, money and resources that they may not have and whoever built it or created parts of it are subcontracted to do so and it might be down to them to fix it. Again, should not have launched this!
DTG is to blame about it, they recycled all Parts from the Bakerloo Line, the Same they did with Lirr2 and New York Trenton
Top priority fix for me is saloon lighting for the 350s at night. Also...has anyone noticed large, dark squares covering the LU roundels on the Bakerloo stations?
Timetable aside and destination names which have been addressed by DTG. Another thing that I’ve noticed is the lighting on both locos. The locos themselves are fantastic to drive. Especially the 390. But the locos have really strange light shading in certain conditions. Especially the 350 where I don’t think the bogies have been shaded which means they look really bright when it’s dark.
The Overground timetable needs a complete rethink. At the moment at first time of playing on my Series X, I only passed one other train on the run from Euston to Watford, the route itself was a nice drive but it's just the timetable. For some reason a train timed just after midnight was showing on the P.I.S. as being over ten hours late, I couldn't find it one the route so I could remove it fully, but it seems like trains leave one end every twenty minutes and repeat this an hour and a half later at the other end. I am liking the route overall but just want a more consistent Overground timetable
I would like to comment more on this route but every time I try to drive in or out of Euston the game crashes.. PS4. Very poor indeed.
Got the Gamepass version on the Xbox and just got a couple of thoughts. I only managed to get one of the ECS runs from Bletchley to Tring done and although I had a tree in my face, this section scenically seems alright, though there were no AI to be seen, at about 07:30 on the WCML this just seems mental to me. As a note I haven't yet got round to getting the the 390, so assume that would add some to the run but it did seem very quiet, no freight either. I want to reserve actual judgement for when I get the 390 and manage a full run, so not until tomorrow now.
Yeah the 390 will change a lot really. The top end of the route, without the 390, would technically be the quietest section! I just did a 7:43 Euston to MK 390 run and passed about 30 ai, not including static stuff, and had some nice parallel runs alongside the 350’s!
I don’t see it happening, I think it’s a very very resource heavy route and I’m concerned anything like that would tip it over the edge. I’d love a full timetable but I think it’s easier said than done. If we had a full 350/Pendolino timetable I’d be more than happy.
This will probably be an unpopular statement, but personally I would have sacrificed the underground services for the proper overground timetable. I do wonder if there wasn't a technical reason for the lack of overground and underground services, however there are points where there aren't large gaps in the overground service, then suddenly there is one. I hope they just ran out of time.
What's really weird and odd is the TFL map signage isn't there either I actually like seeing this on the route plus the 710 just says "train to Euston" inside the carriages with only next stop signage on the exterior of the train. .also no pis boards on some platforms at Watford junction Biggest downfall for me too right now is timetable & livery branding and it's weird they've removed the TFL map signage at stations
I just was watching random videos of the WCML which prompted me to do some searching, The 377/2s aren't even used on the WCML anymore, not since the 377/7s were built it seems like. Which then adds to the bizarre decisions for the stock included, as far as I'm aware a 387 and 377/7 use the same bodyshell so why didn't DTG model an accurate variant for the time period, or DTG have just not worried about the 377s which barely add anything and actually do the 350 variants which would've felt more impactful.
Ah ok, every video I had seen had exclusively shown /7s and a railforums post made reference to it pretty much being exclusively them so I must've got the wrong impression.
DTG Matt Hi Matt. What's the plan with the multifarious issues with the DC Lines? I bought a car recently, the brakes where faulty, I took it back in and the dealership got it fixed. Can we expect the same levels of customer service on the LO services now we can all see how broken it is?
Going through the Avanti timetable while at Euston, the amount of Avanti Services that are missing is absolutely ludicrous! I mean how the F do you miss all of these when you have RTT right infront of you! It got to the point it ain't even funny! 350 Tring services are all over the place. I mean it is an absolute disgrace it is. To just get the 'Timetable is final' yea thanks guys. Honestly fuming with the timetable. All the PIS is incorrect ALL OF IT!!!! Us as a community got to voice our concerns because we keep getting backstabbed every F'ing year! Rivet made it, it is clear as day this ain't a DTG product whatsoever but again DTG just hand it over to Rivet and acknowledged that we would be disappointed with the outcome hearing Rivet had quite a bit to do with WCML, so why on earth would you give it to Rivet knowing their very low and poor standards? I do seriously think in my head why on earth that decision was made, I just can't think of a logical reason whatsoever, someone please help me! I am speaking from passion and hopefully for others part of the community that have always wanted this route in the game. It is great we have all the stock (bar the Voyager) for this route. But the timetable makes it less alive than it should be. Whole timetable needs stripping and redoing. Example of bad timetables. 9G43- London Euston to Wolverhampton Meant to leave at 20:07. Not in the game. Wrong service change overs. Example Just arrived with 1B58 Which is Birmingham New Street to London Euston. After that should be 1F38 London Euston to Liverpool Lime Street. But no instead it turns into the 9G45 service From London Euston to Wolverhampton. The Previous service before 9G45 is 1M12 which is Glasgow Central to London Euston. Realtime Trains | Departures from London Euston around 1954 on 17/09/2024 All Information from Realtime Trains. Had my rant now. Thanks for taking your time to read it
I don’t mind the route. I have had memory issues playing and it is difficult to add a free roam service without it going haywire but I was warned beforehand and this is the price to pay for the series s. The light baking issue in Euston and the tunnels needs sorting. I do think the timetable needs abit of a top up and I do think too much detail has been put into the surroundings which has impacted performance. I do see people’s comments with regards to Rivet as I am noticing some similarities between Glasgow - Edinburgh and WCML and the bugs and features present.
A bit off topic but is there any mention of including the WCML traffic on the original Bakerloo line? I know we have route hopping as a feature now but I'd like to play a B'loo service in one sitting if possible, just gave it a whirl today with the ItsYa165 Sound Mod and it's a lovely route IMO just needs some traffic to liven it up. Thanks
The reality is UK content is going to suffer as long as Rivet are involved. German routes are fine because the supplementary help are passionate skilled developers with standards. Unfortunately UK fans get stuck with Rivet who have no standards and are beyond help at this point given they still do this after 5/6 releases.
Good question, I was gonna ask that myself. Bakerloo could do with an upgrade even if it was only new traffic.
Yes and no, Rivet may create routes for TSW, but I am sure DTG have a certain amount of control regarding letting them produce a DLC for TSW and they should be quality checking them?
Had the game since Thursday last week. Tuesday night was the first ever crash to the PS5 front end. Sent the report off. Played about 28 hours so far, 8 of those was a livestream. I was walking around Euston after finishing a 710 service, getting collectibles. That's it. I wasn't surprised it crashed to be honest as I was downloading 109 pieces of DLC. Personally I don't think it's crashing as much as it is the the PS4. The routes we'll wcml mainly do need more optimisation and that will hopefully come. Hentis
I think it's been switched around quite a lot. Nowadays, it's mostly 377/7s, but there was a period in 2018 where all WCML Southern services were booked to be 377/2s and 377/7s were used solely on 3rd rail lines.
Used to be double 377/2s (8 carriages) but since withdrawal of the 455s it's pretty much always a single 377/7s (5 carriages). Would be nice if the timetable had 8 carriage 377s rather than the current 4 but that's the least of its problems.
That's my thought too. I use the Southern service every day (well I say every day, when it's not cancelled!) and from my POV it's exclusively 377/7s now. As you say it used to be 8 carraige /2s when it ran to MK, when it was cut back it was brought down to a single /2 set and shortly after that replaced with single /7 sets which at least have the benefit of being 5 carraiges. When I saw the /2 was being made instead of the /7 it was quite a shame as it would be nice to have a newer 377 variant with the newer bodyshell, new TPWS etc., so I'd hoped in return they might have the slightly older timetable with 8 carraige /2s running all the way to MKC to liven up the route a little bit more.
On another note, it was highlighted that there are random 90 minute gaps in the 710 timetable as well discussed now. But looking through the 350 timetable it's the same story - eg. if you look through the 1Yxx EUS-BHM via LBZ services there are similarly trains every half hour as there should be, then a few times a day a random 90 minute gap in services before they carry on again. Likewise with 2T Tring services and others. Bit of a strange pattern which makes me wonder did they simply run out of time or are there certain times where the system couldn't handle that many trains?
They should have made sure that the person who did the Brighton mainline timetable (Joe I believe ) worked on this timetable . I think then it would be unlikely that so many people would be complaining.
Anyone else noticed the sub-par scenery beyond trackside between Tring and Watford? It's just a plain grass texture, clearly Rivet have changed nothing since Fife Circle release.
There are plenty of Uk routes that are DTG and Rivet, like Cathcart. Even Rivets own lines like The IoW and IoW22 are decent. On joint routes, it appears that Rivet usually do the scenery, leaving DTG to do the rest. I think DTG trying to crank out 3 brand new routes is the main issue here, this route clearly seems to have been the least ready
To be honest with you, being a real life driver over this whole section of the route, the DTG timetable is accurately as chaotic as what Wembley Mainline SCC and Rugby SCC have to deal with with the Network Rail working timetable. I think there are reasons why DTG have missed a fair few services off their timetable, which is probably caused by their dispatching system and what it would do with too many trains.
I was replying to a post about Avanti services, not the DC timetable. Not even looked at the that yet. The amount of freight missing is a bit of a joke as well, but we'll leave that for another time!
What TOC you drive for if you don't mind me asking? I was mainly talking about the Avanti Services, lots of Pendolino services are missing. But is a complete joke. But this ain't a DTG timetable it is rivet timetable as DTG would of done 100% better than this.