X1x Grafix, Stuttering, ... Questions

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by Bitwalker, Mar 24, 2020.

  1. Bitwalker

    Bitwalker New Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    I am new to this Game and play it for Relaxing. Like the Idea... but habe some Questions.
    Grafiks is year behind... ok, i know that could be the Stile of these Kind of Games... but the Shadows of Objekt are generatet few meters in front of the Train? I have stuttering while driving and much more little issues that are not state of the art.
    Are there intensions to fix this?
    (Sorry.. English is not my main Language!)
    Greetings from Austria!
  2. dreampage

    dreampage Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2018
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    Hello and welcome to the forum.

    Unfortunately there is no way to improve the game's graphics and performance on Xbox. If you play on Xbox One X, the framerate is somewhat better but there's still stuttering, and the graphics settings are low (shadows, draw distance, texture resolution). This is how the console can run the game. We will have to wait for the Series X to get better graphics and performance.
  3. paulgregs

    paulgregs Active Member

    Apr 21, 2019
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    The shadow thing is a bit annoying. I think its to do with draw distances, but it is really close to the loco on occasions....

    I've played tsw so much that when I got on a real train I was questioning where the autogen shadows were....
  4. Bitwalker

    Bitwalker New Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    I can't belive that this is a console Problem. Look at other Games with much more scenario and details. ... than i have to live with it. It's almost fun... ;)
  5. xD 2Bad4You

    xD 2Bad4You Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2018
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    Thats where the differences from a Simulation and a regular game comes in. A Simulation like this game is doing a lot of background work which is mostly CPU heavy. The CPU´s on the current gen consoles arent that great. Thats why a game like this is suffering more than other games that can work around this more easily.

    The other thing is that DTG is a small team without a big publisher, Train Sims are kinda nieche and they dont seem to be highly experienced with Console development. That means they can spend less time and money on individual platform optimization. So there might be still some things they could do to improve the performance a bit (and they have already done quite a bit of optimization compared to the Launch Version to be fair) but it wont run on this Gen like it does on PC.
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  6. dreampage

    dreampage Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2018
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    Like the person above me explained it. Train Sim World is a simulation game which utilizes the CPU much more than other games (due to a lot of physics calculations, for example). The CPU in the current consoles (both Xbox One S/X, and PlayStation 4/Pro) is essentially the same old Jaguar architecture, originally designed for laptops. It's very slow, which means these consoles are not great at running such a game. This is why we get stuttering and low resolution. Thankfully, the next consoles will be very fast in this regard (Zen 2 CPU at 3.5-3.8 GHz) so we'll get flawless performance. :)
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  7. Bitwalker

    Bitwalker New Member

    Mar 24, 2020
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    Sorry guys... Forza Horizon, Forza 7, Elite Dangerous, and much more "Simulation" with brilliant Grafiks on the Xbox... A Trainsim cant need more Power to calculate than some of these Games...
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  8. xD 2Bad4You

    xD 2Bad4You Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2018
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    Forza Horizon, while beeing a fantastic game, isnt a Simulation. Forza 7 only needs to simulate one car on a much smaller track. If you compare PC Specs needed for TSW to the Consoles you will find out that the CPU on Console´s is the weak spot and it actually needs more CPU Power than some other games. Most of these games are done with a lot bigger budget and have way more resources to code around a lot of issues.
    Cant really compare MS funded Forza Games with DTG.

    Again, not saying they couldnt squeeze out more of the Consoles if they could devote the resources to it, butnot on the scale you would expect
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  9. pinxtonpaws

    pinxtonpaws Guest

    Sorry but I kinda have to disagree. Milestone managed to perfectly replicate the IoM TT circuit and SMS did exactly the same with The Ring - with the latter also calculating full dynamic weather and the behaviour of other cars within it's simulation environment. Neither had unlimted budgets but both managed to achieve what they set out to do.
    I'm not saying TSW is bad enough to be unplayable but even the most optimistic gamer has to at some point concede that it doesn't even come close to taking advantage of the hardware available. My biggest issue with TSW is the enforced lighting effects on consoles and no option to even tone them down in order to improve views and potentially lessen the demands of the game.
    But the singlemost important factor is that TSW is a very, very expensive game and at some point or other quality of product has to be a fair reflection of the price you pay. "niche product" should never be an excuse to do things on the cheap and sell on at a premium price because that's a little disrespectful towards the consumer.
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  10. 7orenz

    7orenz Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2018
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    If you are looking for a Train Simulator game on console, this is the best (and the only one :D) and its also to relaxing.
    But if your priority is the insane graphic (you mentioned Forza Horizon) maybe TSW is not for you. TSW is focused on the simulation and on railfanning, and probably its not a title for all.

    On Xbox One X it run much better in terms of framerate and as performance in general (you can looking for my cabview videos on Youtube that shown all routes and all trains and im on Xbox One X. No commentary, no youtuber style :D Just raw and complete cabride along the route).

    In terms of graphic the only games you can comparate with TSW are the other Train Simulator(s).
  11. Doomotron

    Doomotron Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    I'm sorry to say but it does. ForzaTech (Forza's engine) is barely a simulation. SimuGraph manages literally every single thing that makes a train work, and has to do this for every train on the route at the moment. It requires a huge amount of CPU power, and with the Xbox One and PS4, including their upgraded versions, being so underpowered, it's a miracle they run at all. My PC is about as powerful as an Xbox One and TSW barely starts.
    Isle Of Man TT: Man on the Edge replicates a route in a square space (this is the important bit) and Forza, Project Cars, Gran Turismo, etc run do the same thing for the Nurburgring. TSW's routes are very long straight lines. The require more CPU power to run. The Nurburgring is barely any bigger than Brighton to Lewes in its dimensions, on one axis only. It's not a reasonable comparison in the slightest.
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