The Catch Yet Another Problem!

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting and Support' started by GeeDub438, Sep 23, 2020.

  1. GeeDub438

    GeeDub438 Member

    Nov 26, 2019
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    OK, I am fishing the Carp Online Tournament this week and I loose internet connection. My CURRENT reverts to 0lbs 0oz and when I catch a fish it doesn’t add it. In FSW you could come out of a game by pausing it, sorting the connection out, and then resume. AThis is not possible in The Catch and I have basically lost my entry fee and, more importantly, one of my 3 tries at the competition. My question therefore, is whose messed up idea was it to penalise players in such a way.

    For God’s sake, sort your engine out and start thinking of your paying customers you bunch of half-wits, or is it your intention to continue to give a bad deal to genuine supporters and new customers, of your messed up game?

    If I tried selling a car with no wheels I wouldn’t be too surprised if the buyer came knocking on my door demanding a refund.

    You people are not only selling a car with no wheels, it has no engine or seats either.
  2. GeeDub438

    GeeDub438 Member

    Nov 26, 2019
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    If this was the 18th C..... you lot would be hanged at Tyburn for Highway Robbery

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