More Branch Lines For Ps4?

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by fezza, Oct 24, 2021.

  1. fezza

    fezza Active Member

    Oct 19, 2021
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    With the performance issues for PS4 would it not be better for DTG to focus on branch lines rather than rush hour main lines for PS4?

    I enjoy Arosa and West Somerset a lot - and with a bit of effort branch lines could offer more interesting operation, with local shunting of freight and crossing on single lines. Plus it seems like real railway operation. Drivers on main lines rarely drive 35 miles and hand over to someone else, whereas short runs are common on branches.

    Would it be boring? Well if you modelled say the Barnstaple branch from Exeter in 1988 you could have a 101 DMU on passenger, a 33 and 31 on passenger and a 31,33 or 47 on Speedlink freight on the way up to Barnstaple yard with at least three types of wagon. That's before you consider ballast traffic from Meldon. That seems to me at least as interesting as West Cornwall with just one train or yet more Metro operations. And you could go to town on the scenery rather than working on overly complicated operations for 600 services that are essentially the same.

    I just wonder if DTG have got in wrong with Rush Hour. We don't necessarily want more trains that are all the same or lots of zombie passengers. We want a variety of trains with interesting and varied operations. Barnstaple is an example of an excellent branch that would be interesting without modelling ANY new stock. Put it forward to 1995 and the freight would be gone but you could add the 150 and the 37...

    Are branch lines worth more consideration given that most users have PS4s and want interesting operations AND performance?
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  2. ukpetey

    ukpetey Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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  3. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    That’s no use for PS4 players or indeed any players of TSW who don’t play TS. If the route has been made for TS by someone else other than DTG then none of that work, not even the research, can be carried over for DTG to work on it for TSW. They would be starting from scratch.
    They are certainly worth consideration for all players who want something interesting and although there are a lot of players on gen 8 consoles it is wrong to say that most users have PS4s. There won’t be any plans to start releasing different DLC for different platforms because of development costs so any route they make will be for all players on all platforms. Interesting gameplay based on smaller operations is something a lot of players would enjoy but it doesn’t necessarily guarantee better performance on the older machines, especially if you want to cram in more detailed scenery which is as much of an issue as loads of services.
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  4. ukpetey

    ukpetey Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    You post as though what you have to say is fact. Whereas it is simply your opinion
    You’re speculating here at best. It depends who made it and if they’d be willing to sell it. Everything has a price. Many routes are made by entities other than DTG. Just because the TS version was released as freeware doesn’t mean it can’t become a paid route for TSW
    The comment was made in a PlayStation forum and I think the OP meant most PlayStation’s players will be on PS4 (not PS5)
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  5. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    It’s more to do with the way routes are made in the two games, which has nothing to do with opinion or speculation. TS and TSW are completely different games with different game engines and nothing is transferrable. None of the work done by anyone for TS can be used for TSW. Some bespoke models such as stations made by DTG for their routes in TS are used as bases to retexture for use in TSW but that’s about as far as it goes. Everything else is built directly in the TSW game engine and can’t be imported from TS. If the people who made the original can also use the TSW tools they could build the route again from scratch for DTG or assist them to do it themselves but it’s unlikely they can and it would certainly be very unusual. They couldn’t just sell it to DTG as there is nothing to sell.
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  6. fezza

    fezza Active Member

    Oct 19, 2021
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    Yes I was following up a comment on the streams that said how many more PS4 users there were than PS5 - and that it will stay that way for a while. Therefore surely it makes business sense to cater for PS4 users with interesting routes that run smoothly on PS4 as well as PS5. Stuttery graphics is a major issue and one of the reasons I prefer branches.
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  7. ARuscoe

    ARuscoe Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2018
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    More likely this would be attained by DTG producing for the base spec machines rather than programming for the best.
    We know they haven't been optimising or even thinking about minimizing memory usage with their recent statements about leaving all DLC mounted at all times, having collision in place for out of bounds assets etc (all of which take up memory for reasons not being used by the player at the time)

    Unfortunately when you use the box with the most memory to make the game you have to do more work to get it to run properly on the box with the least
  8. jutland

    jutland New Member

    Sep 22, 2021
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    Why does that prevent DTG from bringing out branch lines?

    I agree with the OP, some variety would be nice. We have busy mainline commuter routes already, so how about something more rural.
  9. sergio volodstok

    sergio volodstok Active Member

    Aug 19, 2021
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    I really want branch line routes in TSW more. There are literally thousands of branch lines in the US, that would be fit for a TSW route.
  10. ARuscoe

    ARuscoe Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2018
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    Probably cost per person interested. For every person who is interested in driving the 10 services a day branch lines would get there are thousands more who want mainline fast running timetables.
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  11. fezza

    fezza Active Member

    Oct 19, 2021
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    Is there any evidence for this? The French TGV route doesn't seem to have attracted much interest while West Somerset and Clinchfield seem to have many fans. There have also been a lot of "not another metro line" and "we want more freight" comments on here. I don't think it is as clear cut as you suggest.
  12. tallboy7648

    tallboy7648 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    The tgv in general has had interest particularly in ts. The reason why the lgv route in tsw2 isnt talked about much is due to the fact that the route itself is way too short. 30-35 minutes to complete services with only one or two stops will certainly get many players bored quickly especially since it has only one train. The route probably would've been more popular if it was much longer. It having another train would've been cool as well.
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  13. ukpetey

    ukpetey Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Spot on! I love driving the TGV on LGV but there is little in the way of interest once it’s been driven a few times. I got bored quickly, as every drive is the same as the last and the next
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  14. tallboy7648

    tallboy7648 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    I would've gotten the lgv route if it was much longer. $30 for a high speed route with one or two stops that can be done in 30 minutes with one train is simply way too overpriced in my opinion
  15. jutland

    jutland New Member

    Sep 22, 2021
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    IDK if I’m normal or not but I love shunting things around. I bought the game for Sand Patch Grade really and I love all the Cumberland Yard freight wagon switching in that. So personally I would really like something like a big UK port in which we’ve got to shunt things around. I’m probably not representative of most players though.
  16. ARuscoe

    ARuscoe Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2018
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    I believe it was mentioned on stream that sales for the TGV line weren't all that great because it's point to point, and in all the polls DTG have done express passenger comes out top, but generally in the UK or Germany, where there are a lot of passengers.
    Rural branch lines get a few requests on the suggestions forum, but normally it's big termini with lots of new shiny trains. Don't see too many asking for the Severn Beach line with a 153
  17. tallboy7648

    tallboy7648 Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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    Also lgv is way too short. Had it been longer and perhaps it had another train, it would've been a lot more popular. One train with 3 stations that can be completed in a short amount of time will clearly get people bored quickly. The lgv routes in ts are popular. They could be in tsw if they perhaps were longer and had different trains as well
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  18. ARuscoe

    ARuscoe Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2018
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    The LGV routes in TS1 have been around for a lot longer and obviously you have 3rd party people who don't care about licensing so might reskin things into eurotstar that DTG wouldn't...

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