Info Wonterail's Service Mode Timetable's

Discussion in 'FAQs & Guides' started by WonterRail, Aug 19, 2019.

  1. Keep posting them on this thread

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  1. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    Yes it is, it's adding the Class 700 services, the new diesel railtour runs, and a few other surprises that I managed to find aswell.
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  2. jack#9468

    jack#9468 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
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    Good to hear.

    With the diesel railtours, be careful with the Class 33. I have noticed the "Kentish Crompton" and "Medway Crompton" appear in totally different months. The others I think are summer only from what I could find.
  3. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    Already way ahead of you on that, as I found the months that each of tours appear in (Medway Crompton appears between January & February, while the Kentish Crompton appears between March & May).
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  4. jack#9468

    jack#9468 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
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    Thought you might have done. Still worth a mention, though.

    Funny thing was that I found out by accident.
  5. applesnax#6064

    applesnax#6064 Active Member

    Mar 18, 2021
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    You even have the timetable for the UP services on the Cajon Pass pdf. You da real mvp. Thanks a bunch.
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  6. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    Well this is it, I know you've all been waiting for this one, but I've finally finished my updated pdf timetable for the extended Southeastern High Speed, and just in time for the big announcement DTG is making today. I've made a lot of changes to the pdf, which includes the following:
    • Added all the new services that came with the Class 700/0 Loco Add-On (Plus, an additional late night AI-only service that terminates at Gravesend).
    • Added the new seasonal diesel railtour services, operated by the Class 33 & Class 47's respectively.
    • Added 3 new seasonal freight services that use the Class 66 (technically 5 were added, but two of them are shunting services around Hoo Junction).
    • Added a seasonal AI only steam railtour service that runs between Strood & Rochester.
    • Added a large section covering the AI Thameslink services that can find around the St Pancras area.
    • Added a pair of seasonal diesel railtour services to the St Pancras MML AI section of the timetable (also recoloured one of the existing ones, as the locos this service uses has changed, same goes for one railtour service running along the North London Line in the background of St Pancras).
    • Added 3 new services to the Ashford International AI section of the timetable.
    • Added Strood Viaduct as a point along the route (is used for services that head down either the North Kent or Chatham Main Lines).
    • Moved Service 3S75 starting at 10:19's starting point to a point called Sheerness Junction east, to show that this service doesn't start directly at Sittingbourne station.
    • Improved the order of various services throughout the timetable.
    • Various grammatical improvements throughout.
    Phew, that was a lot. As always, you can find this timetable in it's respective post, by either the first post of this thread, or for quick access, by simply clicking here.

    …and just like that, I'm fully caught up on everything that has come to TSW over the past few months, meaning I have nothing to work on right now for the first time since TSW3 came out. Of coursed I haven't released a timetable for NEC: New York-Trenton yet, but as I've already stated, I'm waiting for that routes timetable update before making further progress, which actually, putting that routes timetable aside, really did help catch up on everything else that came before and since that route was released.

    So go enjoy that one, I'm gonna take a break for a while, or at least until whatever is announced today get's released, and whatever routes come out of it, I will be back on the trail to develop pdf timetables for those routes.

    That's all from me, and I'll see you all next time.

    EDIT 23/08/2023: Just reuploaded it in order to add a small timing fix to service 9P13 starting at 9:26.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2023
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  7. temple7d

    temple7d Active Member

    Apr 16, 2022
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    Thank you so very very much!! Amazing work as always.
    I’m curious though, service “13:43/ 6O65 RHTT Dartford - Strood” (AS) doesn’t appear to show up in my timetable.
  8. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    The reason for it is probably because you don't have all the content required to unlock that service, as not only does it use the RHTT stock, but two other add-ons are required to make it work. What they are I'll put down below:
    • BR Class 20 'Chopper'
    • Great Western Express
    As for why you need those add-ons, that's for me to know and for you all to find out for yourselves.
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  9. TS_trainspotter

    TS_trainspotter Active Member

    Feb 19, 2019
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    Good afternoon everyone, I can't seem to find the pdf timetable for Tees Valley Line. I remember it being posted at launch, but I can't find it in the leading post with the links nor in the entire chat. Could someone post it back please? Thanks :)
  10. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    It is actually on the very first post of this thread, right on page 1, just look at the attachments at the bottom of the post. EDIT: Oh look, there it is. On the first post of this thread, on page 1:
    TVL Location.PNG
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2023
  11. TS_trainspotter

    TS_trainspotter Active Member

    Feb 19, 2019
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    Well that's embarassing :| I checked the links of the first post bus I did not look in the attachments lol. Sorry about that and thank you for the quick response!
    • Like Like x 1
  12. temple7d

    temple7d Active Member

    Apr 16, 2022
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    Thank you! Going to get that soon before TSW4 comes along.
    Also, random. I noticed service “9P13 (Thameslink) from Dartford has an official starting time of 09:26, but the Dartford departing time says 08:28 (same as 9P09)”.
  13. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    That was an error that has since been fixed. If you click on the link here (or access the SEHS timetable from the first post of this thread) you can find the updated timetable with the patch.
  14. temple7d

    temple7d Active Member

    Apr 16, 2022
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    Perfect. Sounds wonderful. Thanks again for all the hard work.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    Did someone say they wanted to see how I make my pdf timetables?

    Now I've been thinking about doing something like this for a while, but since we are in the built up to TSW4's release, I thought there is no better time to finally reveal how I actually go about making pdf timetable for the various routes that have come to TSW over the years. This should hopefully be a good insight into how everything comes together here, along with maybe answering some questions that some of you might have regarding my pdf's I've made over the years. So without further ado, shall we get started?

    Now in order to understand how I usually make a pdf timetable, I'm going to break down and talk about each stage individually. This will hopefully allow to go into a bit more detail about what I would usually do during the pdf creation.

    Stage 1: General Pre-Release Route Analysis

    Usually before the route is released and I can get my hands on it, I would usually spend the weeks prior researching and getting familiar with the route in question, and I don't just mean by simply watching the preview streams. I wouldn't take any notes from this, but I usually do something like go on Google Maps and just having a look around there to see what the route is like. Doing this allows me to familiar with the route, see how many stations it has and look out for any particular points of interest on the route like yards, depots or potential branches. This all allows to know what to expect out of that route before diving into it. Even if the route is simply rumoured, I would still go and have a look to see what it's like, so when it actually does get announced, I can again at least a bit of a understanding about how the route is.

    Even when I finally get my hands on the route, I wouldn't just immediately start making the pdf. I would usually have a bit of a play-around with the route first, familiarising myself with it, playing the tutorials and most importantly, travelling the length of breadth of it. Once I'm happy enough that I've explored just about everything the route offers, only then do I starting making the pdf timetable.

    Stage 2: Creating the Foundation

    I would sometimes do this in tandem with the previous stage, but I would lay out the timetable in terms of how it is going to generally look. At the top would be the header which contains both a train identity/number & official departure time tag (the later of which is usually the time that service begins). This is also given a colour that is usually appropriate for the route in question. For example with New York-Trenton below, I've given it a dark blue with white foot colour.
    Trenton Timetable Early Dev.PNG
    Below the header are all the stations along the route in the order that they appear in, along with placing in any other locations that might need to appear on the timetable, like sidings/yards, depots, branches and more (which these sections are usually highlighted with a thicker boarder). But in that later circumstance, it would usually only be those that you can spawn-in walking on the map. Any more of those locations that don't have this ability wouldn't usually be included unless a service uses it. For example, in my recent Glossop Line pdf, even though you can't spawn at Belle Vue, a pair of early morning services start there (one of which is seasonal) so I feel like it makes sense to include that location, just so it doesn't look confusing that it appears to start at Ashbury's on the pdf, but in reality, it starts a little to the east of the station. The same thing also happened with my recent updated pdf for Southeastern High Speed, where several services start in unusual locations, far away for any recognisable station or landmark. But in some cases, if a yard happens to be located next to a station, then I wouldn't bother putting that yard in and any service that starts from that yard, will instead be timed to that station. This has been the case for timetables such as Schnellfahrstrecke Koln–Aachen (freight services that start at Ehrenfeld) & Hauptstrecke Munchen–Augsburg (the big yard at the Augsburg end of the route). All of this by is simply flipped around for services going in the opposite direction, whatever that may be (north/south/east/west).

    Of course, to the right of the column, would usually be tons of blank columns, waiting to be filled by all the services that will appear in the timetable, which we will get to in the next stage.

    For those wondering about the spreadsheet used to make my pdf's, I use OpenOffice Calc. I know it might not be on the level of something live Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, but I've using Calc for years (even before I started making pdf timetables) and I've had no real issues with it, so in my case, it's pretty much if it's not broken, don't fix it.

    Stage 3: Adding the Services

    Here's were the fun begins, were we actually add services to the timetable. I would usually add every service in the following 4 steps:
    1. Select and enter a particular service.
    2. As soon as it starts, enter the pause menu.
    3. Navigate to Schedule & take the timings for that particular service (usually it's the departure time, except for the final stop, which is the arrival time)
    4. Repeat that process for every service on that particular route.
    I know this sounds like a very time consuming process, but that's literally the only way the make pdf timetables out of TSW routes right now. However, I wouldn't say this is the job that takes the most time, but more on that later. I would usually start with the passenger services (priotising the services that are operated by the content that comes with the route, followed then by the layered stuff), then I would go into the freight services and then finally, another other service that might be worth including such as services operated by a shunter loco, railtours, or even RHTT's for UK content, and before anyone asks, depot moves & empty stock services would usually get done along with the passenger/freight services, as they tend to be operated by the same locos.

    I also should mention that I colour code each service, which is usually a way to tell each other apart from each other, and in some cases, to disguise one services operated by one loco from another. The colours I would give each service are usually appropriate for the loco operating it. For example with Kassel–Würzburg, the ICE services are coloured white, but the services operated by the ICE 1 are given a red font, while services operated by the ICE 3 have a green font, to distinguish each ICE variant from each other. The same goes for the freight services on that route, where Intermodal services are pink (same as the pink ONE containers that you can see on these services), auto transport services are a light-red colour (same as the wagons that operate these services) and manifest/mixed freight services are a reddish brown colour (to fit in the mixed wagon nature that these services are).

    Something else I should say is that since TSW3, and the advent of seasonal services, if a route does so happen to have the (mainly the modern UK ones), I would also point out that this is a seasonal service by putting a three-digit code about that service that shows Sxx with the S standing for season and the other two digits represented by the period of the year that this service appears.

    But I will say, not every services on a particular route makes it into the pdf. If it's something like a shunting service, or a service that stays within the confines of the general area that services takes place in, then I wouldn't usually include it. Since these services are not usually worth having on the timetable and at that point, just waste space that could be filled by more services that do go between two places along a route.

    Stage 4: Filling in the blanks/adjusting the timings

    Now even if we have all the services in the pdf, not all of them having timings (mainly the depot/ecs moves and freight services), so at this point, I would head out into the route and go and fill all those empty blanks, and this stage can take some time.

    Infact, this is main reason why it takes so long to create my pdf timetables and it's mainly because I would have to find time to ride that entire service end-to-end and take the timing for when it arrives at it's final destination, along with any other timings from places it's stops along the way or from places that it passes through that has a waypoint marker set to it (like you see with a lot of the freight services on Dresden-Riesa). How long this might taken may depend on how long the route is and how long it generally takes to complete a route end-to-end, whether it takes just a few minutes (like on Glossop Line) or a few hours (like on Cajon Pass).

    Now you might be thinking “would it just be easier to skip to around when the service arrives and just take the timings from there?” and well, yeah I could, and I did during the early pdf's, but over time, I don't think this is the most reliable way to get the timings, as it doesn't taken into account other events that might happen along a services journey like passing a station waypoint marker, or getting held up at a certain station. The only time when I do skip to the end is only if getting the timings via travelling the service isn't possible, like on Sherman Hill, were the time were incredibly difficult to get timings from (why you can find out by clicking on the link here). But one thing I will say is that even if I'm riding one service to take the timings from it, I would usually keep a look out on the map to see if any other of these services are taking place as well, and I would also keep track of that service and take the timings for it as well. By doing multiple of these services on one stint, it can actually help speed up development a bit.

    It's also worth mentioning at this point that if you've been download my pdf timetables as of recent, you may notice that I've been adjusting the timings of the final destinations for some services, usually showing a time that is ahead of the time shown in the schedule. This has happened for various passenger services, and even some freight services that do have timings in the schedule (mainly referring to the more recent routes).

    The main reason I do this is because, at least for when these services are driven under AI, they can actually arrive several minutes before the scheduled arrival time, ranging from around two minutes to even longer than that, which started to become noticeable during the later days of TSW2 (from Brighton Main Line onwards). For a bit of background, you have to remember with my timetables, that they are not made from a driving perspective, but rather from a passenger perspective. It's a tool help people navigate a routes timetable on foot with a bit more ease. So in my early pdf's, I usually only took the arrival timings, as I thought it would make sense from a passenger perspective to show the time for when the train is going to show up at that certain station, and around that time, trains were usually showing up around that arrival time (except for a few services that ran late, which obviously, I would adjust as so). But when we started having services showing up way earlier from London Commuter onwards, it started to become quite a pain, as I was having to adjust timings for several services that showed up at various stations way earlier than what was shown in the schedule, and my fear was (considering that these timetables are made from a passenger perspective) that someone would come to me and say “if the timings said this time of arrival, why did this train show up at this time?”. In the end, if I simply kept taking the arrival time, then all I would be doing is just having to forever go back and keep updating the timings to reflect when the train actually arrived, which would ultimately waste time that I could be giving to other routes that I want to make pdf's out of. So from TSW3 onwards, I started taking the departures times for every timing except for the last one, which is the time of arrival, which not only brings my workload down quite considerably, but I also feel is a much better reflection of real-world pdf timetable, as the departure time is what you would usually see represented on there.

    But that doesn't mean I don't adjust the timings anymore, because is something that I would still occasionally do for at least the final destinaton arrival, and the reason is simple. It's not only better reflect when this service actually arrives, but it's also to avoid a scenario like this:
    Trenton Old Timetable Timings.PNG
    What you see here is a small section of the NEC: New York-Trenton timetable that I was working on. Here you can see three southbound Amtrak services heading towards Trenton. One Keystone service starting at 12:53, one Acela service starting at 12:58 & one Northeast Regional service starting at 13:08. Now if you just simply looked at this, you would think that the Acela service, overtakes the Keystone service and the later service arrives at Trenton 5 minutes afterwords, but the reality is that the Keystone service actually gets to Trenton a full 10 minutes before the advertised time. So I would adjust the time as so, to avoid any confusion that might come with this. Oh, and if you're wondering what actually when the Acela services arrives at Trenton...
    …well, wonder no more (and even at that, because of the convoluted way the signalling works on this route, this doesn't always happen. It could end up waiting outside the station for several minutes and end up arriving late, potentially holding up other services behind it).

    Stage 5: Getting the timetable in order

    So after finishing adding the missing timings or adjusting the existing ones, I would start to get the timetable arranged into the final order that it will appear in. Whether that would be taking the two sections of the timetable (north/south/east/westbound) and putting them in their final places (whether that be in separate locations, or on the same page, depending on whether they can fit on it) and adjusting each page to remove certain locations that services don't stop at (mainly depots, yards, sidings or even whole branches) and also adjusting the colours of each service, removing blank areas that services don't go too (usually up to an area that is highlighted such as a branch, depot, yard, etc).

    This is also the section where I would add the trains per hour and colour codes page, and with in some pdf's since TSW3, a page dedicated to the seasonal services that a route would provide, explaining the codes above the services that are seasonal and what they represent and a representation of how many services appear in each month. The trains-per-hours tab, would either filled in at this point, or if I can do the next stage, I would do it after so.

    Stage 6 (Optional): Adding the AI service sections (if the route has them)

    This is only a case of if the route actually has them and if they are worth documenting, but the last major stage of development would be to track down the AI services that appear at various locations along a route, something that I've been doing ever since I covered the HST services that appear at Clapham Junction in my pdf of London Commuter/Brighton Main Line. This is usually done by simply spawning a certain location and collecting any AI service that just so happens to pass through or stop at that location. This for me is my favourite part of developing a pdf timetable because going into this section, it's less about what you know and more about what you don't know. Yes, you could going in to document certain services, but you always have to be on the lookout for any surprises that might show up (such as railtour, surprise services and more), especially with some of the more recent timetables like the extended Southeastern High Speed, Bremen-Oldenburg or even what we recently saw on Glossop Line. I personally feel like if it wasn't of people like me documenting these AI services, most people would probably never realise that many of these service even exist in the first place.

    Now it's important to mention that this section usually doesn't cover every single AI service that runs around a particular area, or even shows up along the whole length of the route. The reason for so is that if I really did cover every piece of AI, I would be with this timetable for the rest of eternity, so I would only focus on the stuff that people would be interested in. For example with Southeastern High Speed, I mainly focus on areas where you would see freight trains or other special services like railtours and what not (North London Line or Essex Thameside, the later of which laid out like a tradition timetable), and even if it does cover everything, it's usually in areas that don't take too long to cover like at Strood or Sittingbourne, or the stuff that does appear there is generally interesting such as the EMT HST's at St Pancras, or the Thameslink services running along the ECML in the general St Pancras Area. Another example is with the German routes in general, which were I would prioritise in terms of passenger services, the IC's/ICE's or services operated by an interesting loco (BR 612) and of course the freight stuff, along with any other surprises such as services operated by a shunter loco. Now of course, with the fact that I don't cover every piece of AI, along with the possibility that there might be more of those kinds of services out there, I have to put up the AI service disclaimer before beginning any AI section, just to give you all a heads up. Because if I didn't do that, I know that someone will come to me and say 'You missed some!' or 'I found this one service that isn't on your timetable!'. It also helps with the fact that these areas are always a work in progress and can be updated whenever new AI services come under my radar.

    But I will say, not every AI services that is documented ends up in this section. Sometimes, if an AI services happens to run along a length of the route (between two stations) I will document it in the main timetable, like what I did with a few AI freight services that run between Guide Bridge and Hyde North on Glossop Line (which if you ask me, these services should have made drivable, even if they last around 5 minutes on average). The same thing even happened with a few services that have recently added to the extended SEHS timetable, including one that isn't on the pdf now, but I plan to add at a later date (I won't spoil what it is, but let's just say, it's steam related).

    Stage 7: Final polishing and release

    So after finishing the AI section (again, if there is one) it's pretty much on the home straight to release at this point. I would fill in the trains-per-hour tab (if I haven't done so by this point), I would give my pdf a cover image (which is usually the same as the main artwork for that particular route) and an index page to help navigate your way around the pdf a little easier, especially if it's a big pdf (both of these features have been the norm since TSW3 onwards). Once that's done, it's pretty much consistently checking the entire pdf over and over again and polish up any errors before putting the pdf live. I usually hate this stage of the development, because you are so close to getting it out, and yet your consistently checking to see if it's alright, something you'll see errors you'll have to correct that can delay the release for a little while longer. But in the end, once I'm happy that everything is in order and that the pdf is in state that I can comfortably call complete, that's when I would finally put it out in DTG forums. In some cases, like what recently happened with a recent update of the extended SEHS timetable, if I find an error that I missed during the final checking, I would immediately go and patch it up and re-released the pdf with the fix, if someone on the forum hadn't brought it up by that point.


    So as you can see, a lot goes into creating a pdf timetable for a TSW route, and how much time it takes to create one can vary from route to route. Sometimes, it can done in less than a day, other times it can take weeks, maybe even months. It can be challenging at times, especially this year were I was set back two weeks in March due to an issue with my PC that I had no control over. But in the end, when I see people downloading the final result on the forum and even seeing some people thank me for my work on forums, I would say all of this is worth it and stuff like that helps motivate me to keep doing this, and hopefully I will carry on doing this for a little while longer, regardless of how long it takes to create that pdf timetable for that certain route.

    But honestly, as much as I'm proud of the work that I do here, I also feel like I shouldn't have to do this. For those who are maybe weren't around during TSW's early days, DTG did actually make pdf timetables for their early routes, such as Great Western Express and Rapid Transit (there even was one in the Manuel for the OG Sand Patch Grade, then know as CSX: Heavy Haul). But since then, they did one for West Somerset Railway, one for Northern Trans-Pennine and then never did another one again that. Now there were some fan created ones that were around at that time, but they either weren't that great, or they did cover every time that route provided, not to mention that most of them (along with the DTG ones) are now practically outdated with the advent of new services or even whole new timetables that those routes have since received. This was what ultimately inspired me to go and create my own pdf's and when the TSW 2020 update came in 2019, which add the ability to see the entire service schedule from the pause menu, that what ultimately kick started this whole thing that you see today. As much as it would like to see DTG start creating pdf timetables of there own again, I also would love to see many one day to have an entire routes timetable be visible in the game, whether that be in the main menu, the pause menu or even just simply bringing it up when walking. This is something for another time, but something like this could further help people navigate a routes timetable on foot.

    …and it's that last note, the reason why I make these pdf's, it too help players navigate a route with a lot more ease on foot. I feel like if it wasn't for people like me, most players would be absolutely lost, especially when it comes to the bigger, more complex timetables like Brighton Main Line, SEHS Extended and so much more, and again, pdf's like this can help break it down and really give a better understanding of what actually goes happens on that route. It may seem like I go to great length to create the timetables to do here, but if have helped at least one or several players under a routes timetable a lot better, I would say that journey has been well worth it.

    I guess I have nothing left to say other than, thanks for reading, and I'll see you when TSW4 drops, and yes, I will be doing pdf timetables for all 3 of the core routes that came with it, updating Riesa-Dresden timetable with the new services (along with bringing it inline with my newer pdf's) and of course, finally finishing the pdf for New York-Trenton when it gets it's massive timetable update.

    See you then!
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  16. chieflongshin

    chieflongshin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2019
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    Thats a bloody lot of work but genuinely appreciate the insight. Ive used these before ans they've unearthed some lovely runs. Thank you
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2023
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  17. mldaureol2

    mldaureol2 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2019
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    Can we please have this topic/thread Pinned and if possible moved to the "Guides" Topic thread.
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  18. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    I know it's been quite a wait for this one, but I've finally finished the first pdf for one of the new core routes that came with TSW4, which in this case is the Antelope Valley Line.

    Pretty much every single services is featured, including the ones that travel the route in two parts (shown as one full-line service to keep things simple) as well as the depots moves in and out of the maintenance facility. The pdf also includes a section on some of the AI that appear around LA Union and even has some AI UP Intermodal services that are shown on the main timetable that sometimes appear running between Lancaster & Palmdale.

    I've also taken this time to go and update the extended SEHS timetable again, because I've found some new services that are worth adding to it. They are the following:
    • A new AI Seasonal railtour services that appears between Faversham & Gillingham around midday.
    • Added a new AI service to the North London Line AI section of the pdf.
    This updated timetable can be found from it's respective post, which can be accessed from either the first post of this thread, or for quick access, by simply clicking here.

    This thread can still be found in the Creators Club section of this forum, although it might make more sense to move to the troubleshooting & guides section, as it seem more fitting to have this thread been over there, than right here.

    That should be everything covered, have a good weekend everyone!

    Attached Files:

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  19. amichael0302

    amichael0302 Member

    Dec 18, 2019
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    WonterRail Not sure if this is a silly question but I have this thread link saved to my bookmarks for ease of access. If this thread ends up being moved will my link be corrupted and if so please can you post the new link?
  20. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    I'm not quite sure on that, that might be something to ask DTG about.
  21. eldomtom2

    eldomtom2 Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2022
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    Just wanted to say thanks for all the work that goes into your timetables. They make timetable mode significantly more enjoyable since I don't have to rely on the often vague in-game service descriptions.
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  22. iMarkeh

    iMarkeh Member

    Oct 22, 2019
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    I second what eldomtom2 says, your timetables really help make the game more enjoyable and we can go and find better trains and saves us just playing a trip and hoping it does what we want. Thank you
    • Like Like x 1
  23. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    For anyone calling for this thread to be moved to the guides section of this forum, you efforts have been rewarded, as it appears that what's just happened (to be honest, a much better location for this thread. Plus, it's pinned to the top, so it's easier to find), So thank you DTG and for everyone that made this happen.

    As for an update on the current progress, I'm just currently plodding away with the currents projects I'm on, with the goal of having the next pdf be for Vorarlberg's, which I'm hoping to have out before this years end.
    • Like Like x 3
  24. amichael0302

    amichael0302 Member

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Last edited: Jan 2, 2024
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  25. amichael0302

    amichael0302 Member

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Last edited: Jan 2, 2024
  26. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    We this is it, another pdf timetable is ready for release and as promised, it's for TSW's first Austrian Route, S-Bahn Vorarlberg. All the main line run services are featured (no depot moves as they take place very close to a station) along with a few non-drivable AI services that happen to travel either a portion or the entire length of the route end-to-end (and I get a feeling there might be more of them out there, which I add to this, if anymore do come up). There also a section covering the AI services coming in and out of Lindau Hbf, operated by both the DB BR 612 & 628 DMU's.

    Have fun everyone.

    Attached Files:

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  27. iMarkeh

    iMarkeh Member

    Oct 22, 2019
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    Is there any possibility of having the number of carriages listed on this page? I want to try and do more of the 12 car 395s and do more coupling movements but sadly I can't find anywhere which trips have coupling objectives or which trains are longer 12 car units etc.
  28. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    Excuse me, this is not a place for you to post your own timetables. If you want to do that, go post it in your own thread (and by the way, I am working on my own ECML timetable that will be out at a later date). So can I ask you to take those pdf's down from here please?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2024
  29. amichael0302

    amichael0302 Member

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Are you admin? If so are there any specific rules about posting timetables I need to be aware of?
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2024
  30. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    Okay, I might not be admin on this forum, but even I know that it's not really appropriate for you to use this thread (which I've been using to post my pdf's that I've made and updated over the years) to post your own pdf's, as it just turn into a complete free for all and the original poster wouldn't have any control over what comes and goes in this specific thread

    I understand that you want to create pdf's of your own and that fine. I also understand that you want to try and help me in some way, which I politely decline, as A: I perfectly capable of handling this on my own and B: I like to have a certain standard that I like to meet with my pdf's which I risk jeopardising if I tried to reach out to others for help.

    If you are interested in posted your own pdf's here, the best place to do so is in your own thread, so you have more control over what you are doing. Although you can't create your thread in this section, you can do in the Creator's Club, which is where this thread got it's start and was only moved to the guides section as a result of it's continued support and a few here lobbying for it to be moved.
    • Like Like x 2
  31. amichael0302

    amichael0302 Member

    Dec 18, 2019
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    Apologies- I thought this area was collaborative and I’ll step back from this thread
    • Like Like x 1
  32. matthewgoddard510

    matthewgoddard510 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    When will the PdF Timetable for the ECML come out?
  33. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    I know you've all waited along time for this one, but it's finally here. My pdf timetable for East Coast Main Line, featuring practically all the drivable services that could find on it (straight that despite allegedly saying 260 services, I was only able to find 259, so if I ever find that last one, and if it's a service that runs on the route, I'll make sure to add it), plus several AI services that run the entire route without stopping anywhere and several sections dedicated to the AI found at Peterborough, Grantham, Newark Northgate & Doncaster.

    Along with this, I've also updated the pdf's for both Midland Main Line & Great Western Express with the following changes

    Midland Main Line
    • Added the new tanker services that came with the Cargo Line Vol. 1 pack.
    • Redone all existing timings to reflect recent updates.
    • Removed one Nottingham Depot move that was removed from the main timetable.
    Great Western Express
    • Added the new Petroleum services that came with the Cargo Line Vol. 1 Pack
    • Redone existing timings to now be the departure time, rather than the arrival time.
    • Added new sections covering the AI Class 166 services at Slough, Maidenhead, Twyford & Reading.
    • Added a cover & index page to bring it up to standard with my newer pdfs.
    Both of these pdf's can be found from there respective posts, which can found by either accessing the first post of this thresd, or for quick access, by simply clicking here & here.

    It may have taken a while, but I'm so glad to finally get these out for you in a state that I feel happy to release them. Hope you enjoy!

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    Last edited: Mar 3, 2024
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  34. mldaureol2

    mldaureol2 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2019
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    Thanks for all your hard work on these. :D
    • Like Like x 1
  35. wcwood92

    wcwood92 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    WonterRail love these, thank you!

    I got a quick question. What do the italicized, non bold times mean?
  36. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    It's the time that a service passes through a station without stopping.
  37. wcwood92

    wcwood92 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2021
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    • Like Like x 1
  38. nathan#1878

    nathan#1878 New Member

    May 11, 2023
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    Do you have a time frame on when The Blackpool Branches Timetable will be ready?
  39. patrick53800

    patrick53800 New Member

    Mar 7, 2024
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    When the Salzburg line timetable will be online here?
  40. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    I do plan to do a Salzburg - Rosenheim timetable at some point, but it won't be until after I've complete the current projects I'm working on.
    • Like Like x 1
  41. caspargray

    caspargray Active Member

    Jun 9, 2020
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    I thought the community had long given up on PDF timetables till I came across this thread. Amazing job WonterRail - true master at work.
    • Like Like x 2
  42. ATW2019

    ATW2019 New Member

    Jan 18, 2023
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    Hi, I appreciate it’s all kindly provided by on a voluntary basis in your own time, but wondering if there was any update on when we might get some more of your fantastic timetable PDFs for the new routes please .
  43. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    At the moment, the next pdf's will be for Blackpool Branches & the West Somerset Steam Gala timetable. Don't have an exact date on when they will appear, but that's what I hope will be next.
    • Like Like x 5
  44. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    Hi everyone, it's been a while has it?

    I have been working on a few pdf over the past few months, but admittedly at a very slow pace. But I have managed to find the courage to get one out there. This was one that I was planning to release alongside Blackpool Branches, but I think you've waited long enough, so I thought you can have this now.

    This is the pdf covering the steam gala timetable for the remastered West Somerset Railway. All the main services that run the route (plus the seasonal ones) are included, along with a section covering the main line AI services at Norton Fitzwarren.

    Plus, I've also taken the chance to move the Diesel Gala pdf to this post in order for it to be found more easily and update it with the following:
    • Added cover and index page
    • Updated the loco allocations section (Added WCL Class 37 & Blackpool Branches 08's & 47's)
    • Individual timings are now the departure time instead of the arrival time.
    Sorry it took so long to get something out, but I hope this was worth the wait.

    Attached Files:

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  45. GTAGamer245

    GTAGamer245 Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    At some point, are you planning to do the new Cathcart timetable that comes with the class 380?
  46. phil390

    phil390 New Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    WonterRail you are a total legend, thank you so much for all you time consuming hard work. This is exactly what I have been looking for and will help me immensely. Thanks again
    • Like Like x 5
  47. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    I've got a new pdf timetable for you all, and I'm sure you've all waited a long time for this one, but I'm glad to say that it's in a state that I can happily release it. It's for none other than Just Train's first route, Blackpool Branches: Blackpool-Preston-Ormskirk.

    All the main services are featured here (including the depot moves out of Blackpool North Carriage Sidings) as well as section dedicated to some of the AI services that pass through or stop at Preston (mainly the Intercity, Parcels & Freight services).

    Have fun with this one!

    Attached Files:

    • Like Like x 8
  48. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    WonterRail I know it has just realised so it may be a while off, but are you hoping to do a WCMLS timetable PDF too please? It's a nightmare trying to find services with any intermediate stops on the 390. Thank you :)
    • Like Like x 1
  49. phil390

    phil390 New Member

    Mar 29, 2022
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    Yet again WonterRail you have done it again. Fantastic, I don't know how you do it but thank you so much for putting this timetable together for us all to enjoy.
  50. swift19

    swift19 Active Member

    Sep 26, 2021
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    Thanks, I love your timetable and use them often. Your efforts are appreciated!

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