The unflushable log… I’ll get my coat (or toilet brush)! :)
On Your Bike scenario. As previously reported no audible sounds for objective completion. Also once you have apparently found the bike, the...
I think if you want longer US routes, you’re looking at the wrong game. DTG just don’t seem interested at present. Run 8, even though graphically...
Yes I’m just about to revert the PC back to Win 10. Wife has suggested I sell my soul to her and I can get a new PC later in the year.
Initial reports from the consoles in the official feedback thread do not seem good... Performance issues, texture issues, the 378 bouncing like a...
At the moment I'm still mulling over whether to just wait and get a new box later in the year. I switched the PC on earlier to send in the monthly...
I hear what you say but ignores certain practicalities. Not everyone can afford to go out and upgrade their PC or buy a new box just because a...
Not got the route but with scenarios, sometimes the scripting goes skew whiff. Or it wasn’t play tested adequately. Have you tried turning the...
Why celebrate? The extension from that could extend across all platforms. PC recommended spec suddenly jumps up, 6 or 8Gb GPU required (as Focus...
That’s a shame then, if only for a “Flushed” scenario where the engine has conked out and you need to go in the loo and operate the valve to top...
I was thinking the same thing. I mean I have no intention of buying this truncated short route, but nevertheless interested to see what others are...
Think it’s a first for TSW. I believe SimRail beat them to it, though generally speaking you don’t spend much time out of the driver’s chair...
Would give us somewhere to thrash the 218…
Alco’s would be nice but you can probably forget the steamers, unless Thomas pays a visit…:o
The Mark 2 aircons tended to turn up on the secondary Inter City services, the Birmingham or South Coast/South West to Edinburgh/Glasgow services....
Ahhh… my bad.
Perhaps their Dreamweaver license also lapsed. Or alongside coding, the web authoring is outsourced to Romania/India/China..!
I’m just going by what people were discussing earlier in the thread!
I certainly feel for our North American friends, or those of us elsewhere in the world who happen to like US and Canadian stuff. It does rather...
Well TSG do seem to be involved as a second party or so they say, but as regards JT I would rather DTG leave them alone to pursue their own goals!
Thanks for that. Well I see CCC maybe being a casual purchase once it comes out and the early adopters have scrutinised it and the trains for...
Well quite a few of us have potato PC’s… Mine is an old I7 4700 with 24Gb system RAM and a GTX 1650 GPU. So far the only game to choke on it has...
A bit absurd Simtrack announcing a new loco when the Class 104 still seems to be in development hell, with still nothing more than a screen dump...
Going through the previous couple of pages, what did I miss? Have we had confirmation Rivet built or been involved with the route? What has...
Maybe they finally adopted suggestions to add the Windsor, Marlow and Henley branches!
Cardiff looking good and worth a purchase I think. Frankfurt S Bahn looks interesting and a bit of a network. DB 420 - bring it on. And the...
Well the 104, ATS route and Tadami will all still be in the 3 months plus category. Wouldn't be surprised to see Cardiff moved up to imminent,...
DTG seem to have made it quite clear they are not touching steam again for TSW, other than the Thomas thing. And as regards “expert” mode, well...
I fear the SVR are in a deeper hole that what a few £k royalties on a TSW route could bail them out of, but nevertheless it would be a nice...
That plus maybe seeing what a mediocre job Rivet were doing, as a result of the leak. Guess DTG were lucky they didn’t pull the plug entirely and...
From what I’ve read, minimal install and streaming the data in when you want to play the game isn’t working so well for MSFS 2024. With the...
Maybe they changed it. I know when I tried, the run literally ended without even a summary screen. You get AP if you construct your own scenario,...
Just bear in mind, if you do a run in free roam, you don’t get any AP, if that’s something that bothers you.
Well parts of SEHS looked suspiciously like the original. WCMLS fairly certain the overground section from Bakerloo was copied and pasted in to...
Technically they did have the licence, then LNWR pulled it. We don’t know why and DTG ain’t saying, so it really depends whether the cause was...
Cathcart is probably the best built of the three routes but is a mind numbing electric bus service, apart from the odd semi fast run out to Newton...
Really not feeling the love for this month at all. The prospect of trying to dig out another 13 scenarios I haven’t done and which aren’t two...
Support is for bugs etc., not gameplay issues that they know quite nicely exist but refuse to fix..! :)
Rivet are even worse than DTG for conceding something is wrong, let alone fixing it. I wager the 385 will stay exactly as it is for the rest of...
Yes that was me. Still seems to be happening, then.
I just don’t like the lack of traction sounds, though in fairness they are a bit noisier and rattle than the German 766 things.
It does look that way. I think we have a few Italian friends here and one or two players from France. Seen a couple of Russian posts and the odd...
Oh dear… I was thinking of trying that later, to get one of the Mastery scenarios done but not touching it if the brakes are still borked.
Actually you are correct. As I don’t switch the safety systems on the ECTS shortcomings don’t irk me. In fact I wish Rivet had gone back in and...
It’s strange because I just paid the princely sum of £4.49 to drop the Austrian inspired DLC into Snowrunner. Yes it’s only two 4 x 4 km maps but...
So long as you don’t do an all stations run or use the cab car, it is enjoyable yes. In fact I found it a more satisfying drive than AVL or SBO...
Now you mention it, does come across as if the mountain section then beyond Seefeld or Mittenwald into Garmisch were done by different builders....
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