I hate to labor the point but there is presently no " future crack at steam " and It's never been a question of " the money not being there "....
What's in a name? Just tell everyone you were smart enough to take advantage of free software. No stigma in that. I bought the deluxe version...
Well, there will be a bundle I would think. But then you have to add in the license fee, royalties, Steam's cut and the build costs, especially...
Well those of us who criticise TTTE may be guilty of cynicism. But to extrapolate a toy train to the return of steam to TSW is the height of...
Then I would advise you not to work in any creative field where you might find your recent book on the remainder cart for a fraction of its retail...
If you name them.
Couldn't agree more. So where are the steam traction, heavy diesel locos and freight routes. Or are they not part of your diverse game content...
Well, a 92% discount is a bit outlandish and amusing. But you can't " insult " a company, however small; that's reserved for individuals. On the...
Does it matter how many votes each of us gets? Whichever locos get the most votes advance. I picked 7.
Yes, it might be that simple if there were several alternatives to TSW. But there really aren't right now for most players. So we have to care...
I would hope people are not " self- diagnosing " this very serious condition. Autism or ASD are not simply behavioral conditions like OCD or an...
Well that kind of hits the nail on the head. It's not the constant battle with bugs and core deficiencies that irks me, though goodness knows...
It always strikes me as ironic that the warmest and ( to most people ) the most desirable places in the US have the most unstable weather, Florida...
Can't think of a poorer use of time and money than to try to inject any life saving serum into this desolate route that goes from the middle of...
Actually I think the " dark dawn " as you put it began well before TTTE with the abandon of steam traction and heavy haul in favor of electric...
Did " Rush Hour " ever actually come to BML? On the other hand, the Rush Hour routes were, for me, the last serious attempt by DTG to build a...
Plus the HIS gameplay pack, which seems to have been in the pipeline forever. All we've seen so far are a couple of 3d renderings. It seems like a...
You don't mention the source for this information. Just wishful thinking perhaps.
Wouldn't make sense for American players. We don't use metric for distance ( or much else really ).
There are many more deserving routes for a remaster, including TVL , NTP, Sherman and Cajon.
Almost is right. There's no sign of a US route.
It's OK. A+ for the effort.
Yeah. Right now it looks like The White Knights are slightly ahead of the Forces of Darkness. But it's still anybody's game. Place your bets,...
Er, snow did you say? My eyesight must be failing me. You should pay a visit to the US Midwest. We'll show you what snow looks like. ;);)
Aren't you doing the same thing?
Yes, if they had led you to believe you were getting something BIG!!
No, no! It was DTG that set people up, and DTG that disappointed a whole lot of people. It may be " amusing " to you but it was upsetting to...
This is basically what I do when playing. I save about every 10 minutes. Trouble is I have to remember to do this and I often forget. Plus I've...
I recall that MSTS had multiple save slots. Not only that, it had multiple slots within the same scenario which you could choose from. Oh, by...
The White Knight Brigade is out in force.
Well, there are clearly two points of view here. One is that TTTE is wholly inappropriate for TSW, the other is that it's just another dlc. These...
Oh my, my! Just looks ridiculously out of place. Like a toy engine on a real railway. Oh wait, that's what it is right! Only I can't see where...
Yes, me too. Particularly as I've always thought that the original is very well done, apart from one or two gameplay issues. Unlike most players,...
Too much to ask, I suppose, for DTG to build a copy of the preserved Locomotion 1 and simulate movement along a short stretch of TVL.
Well, as a player I have to question that. I often play SPG, GWE and other early routes. And then I might dip into, say, Glossop or Goblin. Sorry...
Ominous! I guess the DTG PR machine is going to make it impossible to just ignore this " Thomas " thing.
Never seen that. But then I never unplug my RD. Must be a memory residual effect or something. I hope you're not going to tell me it's functional...
The fog is the worst of the weather effects. It's so persistent on WCMLS that I feel like I'm watching an old movie set in a 1940's London pea souper.
I've been reading about these console issues for as long as TSW has been available on those platforms. It's been 6 or 7 years. You seem certain...
On the contrary, I think it's a great idea. Do we trust that all the known and reported bugs find their way on to Jira? And even if they do, they...
Now, now, don't be a grinch. Most of us are having fun the way it is. You don't have to play. :D
Can't believe the CN GP9 isn't winning hands down in the freight category. In terms of physics, sound and modeling it's the best in the game. I...
It's hard to understand why, with the apparently good relationship DTG has with Amtrak, that all we have are two electric locos from the NEC. A...
Well, it depends on which routes you're comparing them with. I see you're a fairly recent member so you may not have or be aware of the early...
Followed by a vote of no confidence, the fall of the government, a general election and a victory for Thomas and Friends, a new cabinet led by...
Well...... there is that whopping anticlimax/let down on December 20!! But I think most of us are over that now, certainly only one person seems...
Oh I hope not. This lull between Christmas and New Years is kinda dull. I've played with all my new toys, worn all my new socks and underwear and...
Here's one idea. Resolve to require every DTG employee, including producers, community managers and moderators, to go back and play Sand Patch...
Buy it on sale for the loco just to add traffic to WCML. But the route itself is just like driving a bus, slow speed limits, stops twice at every...
Oh I'll second that. Plus resolve to use the words " cool " and " awesome " every 20 minutes instead of every 5 minutes in all DTG videos. (I...
Separate names with a comma.