Is that cheese on top? Who puts cheese on a kebab? :o :o :o "DONALD. SIGN THAT EXECUTIVE ORDER. WE DON'T WANT THAT SORT OF THING HAPPENING HERE"...
Hope you don't, also, have to put up with any core issues with your crumble ;)
Is the answer "terracotta"?
Cleaning the lav in guard mode??? That really does sound like someone's taking the p....
The word "just" is a little bit harsh. Have a look at the link below and all will become clear. :) Happened To Be In The Barking District.
And a few more :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] As always these screenshots have been taken from a scenario created using the...
Right, so after a bit of head scratching I have now got my Goblin mods into TSW5. (That means all 3 routes that I have started will now work in...
Strike that one too. It does work now :) (I figured out what rookie mistake I had made :D ).[ATTACH] See separate thread for more TSW5 screenshots.
Remember not all passengers are the same. Some of them, especially if they work "in the city", may consider themselves 'high fliers' and think...
Perhaps it's time to retire the towel and, instead, fast forward to the 'Alex Ferguson hair dryer'?
Don,'t know what went wrong with my upload but I hope it is visible now. (Kind of ruins the surprise). I like the original artwork so perhaps you...
What about these two Dave? :D (Donald & Douglas). [IMG]
Strike that. The GOBLIN mod doesn't work in TSW5 at the moment. No idea why. :mad:
Thomas - A bit of Blue for the Dads? ;)
Actually it's been quite good fun revisiting this route.....especially once it is full up with trains :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Well I'm pleased to announce that my Scottish mods transferred across to TSW5 with no problems at all (unlike some of the other routes). And here...
Well I'm pleased to announce, after a few scary moments, that I have now got my TVL files working in TSW5 :cool: Initially only my EDN-GLA files...
Yes a CL03 and a match truck would be an ideal addition. It would be great to recreate something like this in TSW :) BR Class 03 03399
The route, in its current form, sounds a bit long. Are there any plans to shorten it? ;)
I'm here.....and trying to improve TSW (even though I've only had it since TSW3). :) Back in the day I wrote all the activities for Great Eastern...
"Why do NPC's suck so much?" No dentures??? ;)
Going Underground? - I can only see DTG getting into a bit of a Jam attempting that ;) (I'll get my coat).
You mean that if you gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters then one of them would eventually produce the real...
I think everyone was thinking about that famous music hall song "Hey Mr Porter" when these decisions were made. The lyrics are something like,...
Or is it two? :cool: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Had a quick look and found out that I hadn't already made one. But I have now :cool: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
A last minute extra loco that will probably pop up in Lackenby somewhere (might do a matching Sentinel too.....if I haven't already done one)....
And arrival at a busy Darlington station with North and Southbound HSTs (inc a prototype) and local services on view. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Here's some screenshots from testing the final scenario using the unusual 3-car CL101 as the player service. Passing Thornaby depot. [ATTACH]...
I'm liking these Dave :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
It is the 8F that is having the issue and the 'event' is timed and not location driven. Basically the brakes come on on both the loco and tender...
No. My understanding is that unless you upload the formation as well then others will not be able to run the scenario as you intended. (The...
Now that's a good idea :) I have a Save available from just 2 minutes before the "event" so I will restart the scenario tomorrow from this,...
Which route? Tees Valley. Which Scenario? One that I have made myself using the in-game Scenario Creator. Player loco? BPO Class 08. (As I said...
Just found an eighth scenario that I had started (and forgotten about). This will be the last one that I will produce before I then finalise...
Does anyone have any thoughts on what is going on here? I'm chugging along quite happily in my scenario which involves driving a CL08 shunter....
As we join the goods lines before Boro station a CL47 appears hauling PGAs. [ATTACH] Then we are overtaken by a CL31 hauling HEAS. [ATTACH] A...
Crossing over the river at Thornaby. [ATTACH] Passing a 2-car DMU just outside Thornaby. [ATTACH] Entering Tees Yard as a CL47 departs with a...
Last scenario. just pootling around moving an 8F from the Chrome works sidings at Allens West to Middlesborough. Of course there was a crash to...
And being able to create paths for Scenarios (Activities) across the full 100% of much longer routes. And Editors that enabled you to actually...
Didn't they headline the Cambridge Folk Festival some time in the 80's? ;)
The 'Deltic' livery looks very good on the CL37. Nice one :cool:
Mind you it is just about light enough to see a late running HST heading for Middlesborough pass us at Tees Yard before we are then overtaken by...
And here are some screenshots taken in the dusk as the player tries to get to Tees Yard before it gets pitch black :) As we descend from Lackenby...
Dropped a clanger with this scenario. Because I didn't copy one that had got all the AI already in place at Thornaby I'm going to have to do it...
Six AI services running about at Redcar Ore Terminal. Now that DID take a bit of sorting out (and I've still not entirely got it right yet). :|...
Not often you see the word "Scunthorpe" in TSW. Extra points for that one Dave :cool: How do these look scale-wise running with UK locos? Mind...
That put a smile on my face :cool:
Finally, we depart Grangetown and head for Middlesborough where we park up in the carriage sidings (even though half of the passengers won't get...
Approaching Grangetown. And a Peak pulls out from the Potash terminal and travels along the goods lines. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] As we pull in to...
Separate names with a comma.