My top 3: Routes DTG: 1. Vorarlberg 2. Maintalbahn 3. Linke Rheinstrecke Routes 3rd party: 1. Niddertalbahn 2. Blackpool Branches 3. Scotrail...
Yes, it sould be "Bludenz", "St. Margrethen" and "Lustenau"
Thank you! I tried several times myself before writing the post above, but maybe not enough of them. I'll try this scenario again later, after...
The scenario "Postzustellung" (I don't know the English version of it) seems to be broken... After the intro, you have to pick up the bag that you...
Yes! German modern day route! I'll get it asap!
First impression after a few runs: "British Niddertalbahn".:D Nicely done and I like it even though I am prefering modern day routes.
But this work should be finished a long time ago in RL...
Isn't the 484 originally a Tube vehicle? In that case, it has to accelerate fast because of the short distances between the stations there.
Berninabahn would be great! I'll get it.
Only checked ECML so far, but that seems to work again. Thanks!
Same here. All add-ons installed, also yesterday's update (Antelope valley one didn't show up). PS5.
Interesting Pictures! Looking forward to it!
You're welcome. Again.
Very excited about the Maintalbahn, as two stations are already included in the Main-Spessart.Bahn. I somewhat wish merging would be possible.
You're welcome!
A better translation would be "Attention! Train passing through! Please keep distance!". "Zugfahrt" refers to the train, that passes through. In...
Not only shoes, had seen DTG jackets too.
Absolutely my new favourite of the TSW4-routes! My personal candidate for the route of the year 2023. Only a few flaws/issues I have found so far...
Thanks for your efforts,DTG JD. As I have been on a Trip (visiting HMA and the TramSim-Routes of Munich) I could try it again later on Sept. 22nd...
The Idea of early access is, to have it completely ready when it begins. The download of the base game worked but not the one of the add-ons. So I...
No. Sony DLC-Predownload issue...
Sony and it's limits... What about their main slogan? Seems to be a big fat lie...
But I cannot remember such an issue at the predownload of TSW3 last year, so why should it now be different?
So it seems...
It started on its own. But only the base game, not the add-ons and decals.
Same here. Base game installed, none of the add-ons. Neither restoring licences nor clearing cache helped...:(
When will the automatic download of the deluxe version start? This isn't covered by the FAQ. My PS-Store says it will start "approximately on...
Nice pictures!
The Sreenshots look promising. Can't wait for this route!
Should be DB Regio. RMV orders it.
In real life, Vectrons, at least the ÖBB ones, are used for freight only. Passenger services with Vectrons can only be seen on international...
Thanks for that info! I don't own TSC, so I didn't know.
2019... Thanks. But thats odd then. As far as I know, this line was established in 2021...
The only fitting line that comes to my mind would be the swiss S7 from Romanshorn in Switzerland to Lindau via Bregenz. As far as I know this line...
I agree. Multiplayer would need some features, that can be operated by more than one person at the same time, eg. a guard mode (one plays the...
I see, thank you. So even if I redownload every TSW 3-route after release of TSW4, they would be visible and playable?
Having loads of content from TSW 3, thsi would be a problem from the start...
This. There are also new Railjets under construction (Ralijet 2, Siemens Viaggio Low floor, also as Nightjet-variant).
IC is used in Austria for services formed of Locomotive and cars (1st and 2nd class). EC is an international Category.
The S-Bahn should stop at every station on the route, but not all of them run on the entire route. Some S1 terminate at Bregenz or Bregenz Hafen...
The problem I see there is not a yearly new version to be purchased in general, but the fact, that every owned content has to be redownloaded....
Yes, it seems t be set back a few years. At time there is a replacement taking place: The ÖBB 4024 are being replaced by OBB 4748 (Siemens Desiro...
It seems so. In addition, the rolling stock is getting outdated now. The ÖBB Class 4024 is currently being replaced by ÖBB Class 4748 (Siemens...
Deluxe is preordered. With this, I get all new content at once and I already own the older routes, which are featured in the Special Edition.
Googled that. Never heard of it before.
Separate names with a comma.