AFB uses the Power Handle or a separat Handle to set its maximum allowed power. You have to limit the power for smooth operation.
I think you make a mistake by adding the tare to the fully loaded weight, isn't that already in there? Maybe with 74.3*9 + 135 = 803 tonnes you...
With the xbox controller its simple, dongle in, connect the controller to the dongle and it works in every game. With PS4 controllers it seems to...
That will work, i would recommend a xBox Wireless Controller and a Wireless Keyboard/Mouse combination to play. Ultra Settings for FullHD will be...
Hi Steve I would love to have two Tutorials per Loco. One Basic Tutorial that covers Essentials like Start, Stop, Stations, Coupling, Emergency....
As always, the HUD only shows track speed limits and has never shown a signal speed limit. The only exception are safety system imposed speed...
Quick Drive requires set up of all the routes from Start to End that you can select as well as creating all the consists that you can select. In...
The problem is how UE4 stores stuff in pack files and how Steam updates these files. 300MB is the size of the changes, but steam then has to read...
I will be happy to buy a DLC from any country around the world, as long as it is INTERESTING and DIVERSIFIED. What i want in a DLC is replay... Have a look, they already do.. just in contract for Dovetail and not under Rivet Games.
What stops you from just jumping out and refueling it when you are there?
Because it has a yard which will be the starting point of all freight services. HBF has nothing else than the platforms.
You can just go into timetable and spawn on foot, which is the same thing.
After i have done it again, i now know the problem was not with the brake, it only has to be in service so the pressure drops to where the PCS...
As second to last step you are requested to set the Reverser to Neutral and Automatic Brake to FULL SERVICE. The Problem is, the Cabcar does not...
No Problem, who asks nicely gets a nice answer :)
Its never 7x3.. its always just up to 3 lights on top of each other. In the manual they show every possible combination to get to a sign....
The simplest Rule of all: If everything is SOLID RED then STOP else continue.. The top light tells you: Green: Clear Blinking Yellow: Advanced...
It also has a Autosave, or had.. im not so sure at the moment. But it did save the game after every completed station stop. Depending on the...
You are either in de same block with an other train and have to drive on sight, or the ATC does not pickup a signal, which happens in yards and...
It also was the first time they made such a complex timetable.. All they had bevor this was CSX:HH which has a very simple servicemode.
That's incorrect.. the train only loads in to the game once you are a few hundred meters away from it. That was really noticeable in the beta,...
They only include the trains that run on the one or two lines that they include. All other trains that would run along those lines are simply left...
Those markers only register if any part of the train stands on it. The distance however is calculated between the marker and your avatar. So...
For some people this would make the game unplayable very quickly.. Also it would be impossible to test it reasonably. I would more like it when...
I would say that Journey System is nothing more than multiple Services back to back. Once you finished one, it tells you where to go and how long...
Well, you "should" have the same signal progression as if you're driving towards a red signal, just with blinking lights instead of solid. So it...
I still use TAA, because without it, all the fences, bushes and bridges are a flickering mess as soon as you stand still.
Well you get advanced warnings, just not in form of the actual speedlimit. You get progressively lower signal aspects, so you can slow down to the...
Exactly. They count only for the track from switch to switch, after that, its back to line speed and that one is most likely not repeated.
Those 60/40MPH signs you have seen are most likely just for diversions. Those with the arrows below the speed. If you do not diverge, then they...
They are in C:\Users\<YOU>\Documents\My Games\TS2Prototype\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
[SPOILER] [SPOILER] All Nvidia settings are unchanged standard For a test, you can simply copy away your *.ini files and insert my values.
It was a GTX 1070, current driver version and a I7-6600K with 16GB RAM. The game run in the same 3840*2160 @60hz resolution. Now i have upgraded...
To your first point: I too anticipate a menu point to just give up control of a train, but till now, there is just the option to wait... And to...
That's because they use the D-Pad now for stuff like changing gears. A emergency brake button on the controller was just unnecessary.
I am really annoyed by those scenario markers in the world. I have never used one, but always accidentally activate one, which results in the...
Those progress bars have never worked correctly, they are buggy since the beta.
Technically there is no known limitation. The selection criteria are more likely: - Ability to licence the trains/brands/names - Logical...
If you need specific words translated, then i can recommend But for whole site translation is google still the easier way.
If you want to play as signalman, try It is only available in german, but with some googletranslate you will be able...
Well in reality you know exactly which route you're going to take, so there aren't many unexpected feathers or linechanges anyway. And if they...
Yea that is an error in TSW.. if the distance is to short to brake normally, you should have had warning signals ahead, so you expect a red...
The Signal is as far away from the junction as is required for you to brake down from line speed to the diverging speed limit. In your video you...
Building you own computer is always nice, but it requires knowledge, which by the title of this thread i assume isn't there. So building your...
Just look for any prebuilt PC you can buy within your monetary limits. Grafics Card: Anything with at least a GTX 1060/2060 i would say is a...
Disable any downvote functionality as it is mainly creating bad vibes.
This could be coupled with fogging windows, so you actually have to put the ventilation up to have a clear sight.
They normally only get uncoupled for maintenance and repairs, never in service. So i think they just skipped that part.
On the X-Box controller its with D-Pad up/down, so i would guess its the equivalent on the ps4?
Separate names with a comma.