Hi. The Euro 4000 European Pack 1435mm track gauge from STR/Solurail doesn't work as it should. I cannot move any levers, buttons or switches even if I follow the manual. When in a scenario, all of the lights are turned on and the engine is running, but as I said I cannot do anything to the locomotive. Does someone know what I should do in order to get it fixed? However, the Iberian Pack with 1668 track gauge is working perfectly and there are no problems with it. I am asking here because I haven't got any answer from the developer, support or other places. Best regards "Elatn"
Are you using the F3 or F4 HUD, if F4 HUD are you using the onscreen controls? Do you have TS1 set to beginner or advanced controls? Have you tried the onscreen controls (ie move the mouse to the lever and try to pull it)?
I am using the F3 HUD with expert controls. By using the F4 HUD, throttle and brake levers are moving, but nothing is happening to acceleration or brake pressure.
So the revs are showing as a number (ie the engine is started) but they don't change when you set the reverser and apply power?
OK, downloaded it, installed it, checked for QD - none Checked for scenarios - none, but then I don't have any spanish routes Went into scenario editor, managed to add a FR_Euro 4000_ETF_R1 onto track and then set a small scenario up Started the scenario, read the manual and followed the post startup instructions: AFTER START UP 1. Instruments test light 2. Lights selector POSITION 2 (when forward) 3. Light dimmer POSITION 2 4. Isolation control MARCHA 5. Generator fi eld and Engine run ON Nothing, no keyboard control, no brake control on keyboard and the F4 HUD moves the levers and makes the sounds but the gauges don't change Same with the accellerator, moving the HUD lever (or the levers on the desk) look and sounds like they're changing, I even get a motor pitch change, but no change on the desk Re-read the manual and notice the following: ANOTATIONS: Even if the locomotive appears started up at the beggining of the session, once inside the cabin it will shut down, remaining left with all the elements in a pre-set position to make the full start up procedure. When setting a multiple-unit confi guration, it will be necessary to start up all the locomotives separately. OK, so the manual says that after starting the engine shuts down... Restart my scenario and try the BEFORE startup instructions: BEFORE START UP 1. Parking brake ON 2. Dynamic brake circuit braker INITIAL POSITION 3. Isolation control ARRANQUE/AISLAMIENTO/PARADA 4. Fuel pump ON. Generator fi eld and Engine run OFF 5. Brake panel cancelation KEY ROTATED 6. Direct brake NEUTRAL 7. Automatic brake NOTCH 1 8. Hit ENGINE START UP Hit the engine start, no different. Do the AFTER startup instructions again, no different... I'm at a loss but I don't know if it worked in the first place