A Bug In Ts2020??

Discussion in 'Technical Reports' started by Jammerjonn, Apr 22, 2020.

  1. Jammerjonn

    Jammerjonn New Member

    Apr 22, 2020
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    I don't think it's right that when you go over 1 mile an hour over posted speed the brakes come on automatically and stop your train. If you are in a career you will lost points for being late, likewise if you drive less than the speed limit-same thing. I think an update is needed to say allow up to 5 miles over with the warning sound and if you are say 8 miles over than the limit, then the brakes come on. This is how it's in the real world per several engineers I've talked with. So if this is suppose to be a real life experience, we need a fix.
  2. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    What locomotive are you using?
  3. JJTimothy

    JJTimothy Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2018
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    Never seen anything like this except in the Pendolino.

    Certainly some Career scenarios (scenaria?) are flawed in that respect- crazily tight schedules or simply impossible to achieve. IRL timetables have recovery time meaning they're on the generous side allowing an extra minute or two here and there for late running trains to make up time. Don't hold your breath waiting for those scenarios to get fixed BTW.

    Interesting. My understanding was that speed limits are entirely non-negotiable, if you're caught going over them you hear about it and that trains generally run a couple of mph under limits.

    My advice- points and achievements don't earn you anything so ignore them and enjoy your driving.
  4. ARuscoe

    ARuscoe Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2018
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    I've never had a unit slam on the anchors for being over the limit except where it is expressly stated in the scenario parameters that you must stick to the Vmax of the train (ie a freight train must run at 60MPH even if the line speed is 75) and it reminds you a few times before slamming on the anchors

    In the UK I have recently seen an in cab vid where they say you get about 3mph leeway but you're likely to get a "tea and biscuits" with the boss (ie an informal dressing down) if it happens a few times after which you better stick to the limits

    The speed limit thing in scenarios comes down to how the person who made it configures the time requirements. A few are stupid and require max acceleration and harsh braking at all times, but then I don't really care about 1000 points at all times and go more for a "good drive". Your requirements may vary

    But as per above, wouldn't expect a fix to scenarios too soon as I've not seen too many fixed from DTG in three years on TSx. They see, better at this on TSW
  5. 749006

    749006 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    You must have a Car
    A lot of Car drivers think it is ok to go above the speed limit and they can do what they want.

    All trains today have what is called OTMR [On Train Monitoring and Recording]
    This keeps an accurate record of how fast the train has been going every time it moves.
    If a train driver was to drive at 5mph over the speed limit he would get the sack

    The is called a Train Simulator and most people want realism - why don't you?

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  6. rwaday

    rwaday Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2016
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    You must play the game as delivered. Just because you think it is wrong does not mean it is so. Be adaptive.

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