Dovetail Games Announcing Train Simulator Classic 2024

Discussion in 'Dovetail Live Article Discussion' started by DTG Jamie, May 2, 2024.

  1. OldAlaskaGuy

    OldAlaskaGuy Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2016
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    A subscription at $108 US/year is a no starter for me especially if only limited to DTG products. I have 144 routes already and over 12,000 pieces of rolling stock and only purchase very select new DLC each year. Most of the rolling stock are reskins and 3rd party content. My interests lie in North American freight and there may not be that much of that content to choose from each month. At least the update to the game will be at no cost. I should not see much difference because I have been playing the beta already.
    Last edited: May 3, 2024
  2. frank351981

    frank351981 Active Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    After thinking about - One point a subscription may be an option.
    Someone has only german and/or british routes/rolling stock. Depending on what DLC´s would be accessible, a monthly price about roundabout 10-11€ (why is there only obritish pounds in the artivle?) could be a cheap option to explore a new country. Or those DLC´s someone before was not much interested into it, but is willing to give it a try. Yes, someone could buy a new DLC, test it for 2h and give back. But 2h are in some cases a really short time, especially for some american routes. So a monthyl sub gives more time for quite low price comparing to a new DLC, or even a DLC in sale. Depending what and how many stuff are available for time range x, could it be a interesting alternativ. And after a month it can be canceled until perhaps a next intersting selection is available.
    With this new subscription modell, will be there furthermore sales with reduced prices for DLC´s?

    Generally, would be interesting how many stuff would be accessible, how long, and ... will it be only DTG Stuff or 3rd party DLC too (those who are available on steam)? Will the DLC´s mixed over several countrys, or will be there perhaps some "special" months which are dedicated to one country,....
    Last edited: May 3, 2024
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  3. kilt46

    kilt46 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2022
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    Just need the AP Subscription now and I will be all set :mad:
  4. TrainExpert

    TrainExpert New Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    I find it very exciting to hear that there is a subscription planned. I just hope that this subscription with only a certain number of content won't remain the only one. I would rather like to see a subscription that includes every piece of content from Steam including third-party stuff. To me it would be like a dream come true to have access to everything for an affordable monthly price as Steam offers way more interesting and great content than I could ever buy (even during sales).
  5. raptorengineer

    raptorengineer Active Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    so will the core update that releasing for tsc 2024 be wrap of phase 2 and team moving to phase 3 witch i think team would look at adding more multicore support.
  6. Doomotron

    Doomotron Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    It's worth noting that every route in the new version has been included in a TS 20xx release before. Riesa to Dresden is also not the extended version which was included a few years ago, which is a bit hopeless really, and not including the extended LGV route is as well.

    As for the deluxe edition, I am not sure if the three trains (the PRR GG1, LNER A2 and ICE-T) are the original versions or a new release, although I suspect the former. These three are very poor choices of DLC, with none of them being very good and all of them are quite dated, especially the GG1. The only thing of interest - and the only thing I don't already have - is the new scenario pack, but considering it's only in the deluxe edition I'll have to wait for a very steep discount to consider getting it. If there is a 'complete my collection' feature available for it, I'm not sure how much it will discount it.

    While DTG had no new content to include in the new version, some more inspired choices would have been far better. Surely they could have picked routes that weren't in a bundle before? West Coast Main Line Over Shap would be a good choice. Throw in the APT and a few new scenarios for it and you've got a great route for the bundle. What about the Inselbahn as the German route, with the very good BR204 as its extra train? And for the American route, how about the Pacific Surfliner and the two commuter loco packs for it? It's a dated route and was included with one of the TS2015 deluxe versions, but it's still a very nice route. And if they really wanted to include the LGV route, why not have the full Rhones-Alpes extension and the TGV Reseau, finally fixed? I love driving the Reseau even if it's broken, and the full Rhones-Alpes route is very fun - it's a very scenic two-hour drive that has great scenario potential throughout.

    Of course, the point of the TS Classic name was to have a 'final edition' of TS that wouldn't be renamed every year, although the content refreshes would still happen. Now they've done a 180 and have returned to the yearly renaming schedule which defeats the point entirely.
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  7. WoodlandTracks

    WoodlandTracks Active Member

    Jul 15, 2023
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    A lot of replies in this thread seem to assume WE from the forum are the customers for the paid version of the new TS 2024. But in my opinion we are not, we are just the bread crums, just some cents and not dolars. We are potentional customer's for all new & old DLC, but not for the new paid version of TS 2024.
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  8. Doomotron

    Doomotron Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    I've bought almost every version of TS ever released to get the content included in it. I bought a sealed copy of RailWorks solely to get the fictional routes, and other than TS2012, 13 and 15 I have a disc or digital copy of the game as they are good bundles for routes. Yes, I am very likely to own anything that could come up, but even for new players there'd still be more value in a new version of TS having different content never included in a TS bundle before as I explained in my previous post. You can still buy codes for most versions of TS, and often for less than this new version, so for people who own most of the packs included already they'd be better off getting an older version. If you're new then yes, this is a good version, but for repeat buyers such as myself there's nothing to be interested in.
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  9. frank351981

    frank351981 Active Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    That this time there is no route included - yes, it´s a littly pity. But overall, is that really a problem? It´s same thing as in the past every year happened.
    A new TS version (number) that ALL will get. With that new Version there is an optional additional bundle of routes for the price roundabout for one DLC (sometimes little more). Mostly 3 routes, sometimes additional 1-2 routes as Deluxe Version, thats it. (And it´s not as in TSW, where we have to buy it,if wanting to play newer routes because they will be incompatible with previous versions.)
    It was at that time same as now:
    - those who have all: will not buy, but still get the normal core-updates
    - those who had parts or none of the content: will perhaps buy - depending on interest and savings with the bundle
    - those who are new to TS: may be a good starter package to start for a good price

    At the end: the only loss is now that there´s no new content for us already TS-players.

    By the way: if someone is interested in which versions of TS which DLC`s was included, in the german forum is a wiki-article with a overview (
    Last edited: May 6, 2024
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  10. kilt46

    kilt46 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2022
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    No new rail content this year. Fine by me. I already have a lot of catching up to do with all of the sales I have bought over the years.
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  11. oldman777

    oldman777 New Member

    Dec 14, 2023
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    The same here. :)
  12. malikrthr

    malikrthr Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2019
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    I wonder since TSC2024 is aimed at new users getting into the Train Simulator series, could there potentially be something in terms of new route DLC or further optimization of TSC coming in the future? I really hope so. It will be great to know what the roadmap reveals regarding the future of the original TSC. Right now, it seems like TSW is the main focus but I definitely hope DTG creates more routes for TSC soon. The last major route for TSC I believe is the LIRR from 2022

    With TSC2024 having the optional subscription model, it's great to allow new players to see if they want to purchase the route later down the line. For long time players of TSC, I don't see the point of the subscription model as many of us already own a good library of DLC from over the years
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
  13. Wivenswold

    Wivenswold Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    The gap in releases was apparently to allow the TSC team to focus on core changes. Hopefully we'll hear more about whether that work is nearing completion. I'm hoping for more options on Quick Drives for example, to make up for the lack of a Timetable mode in TSC.

    I really think DTG need to knock out a few route updates and some modern traction to encourage new TSC subscribers. A TSW port of the 710 and an updated Overground/GOBLIN DLC would, for example, be a relatively simple but popular update. London to Brighton with AP 387s and 700s and an extension to Blackfriars would also be popular. Low-hanging fruit some might say, but to improve product reach, TSC needs modern routes and traction.
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  14. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    But be aware they are already offering a library of ~750 DLC to choose from, and content creation focus is on TSW - just don't expect (much) new DTG content for TSC other than from 3rd parties. As Danny once posted, many route building contractors have either joined TSW or were released from their contracts.

    TSC has this large library of content already (more than I can ever play) + 3rd party pay- and infinite freeware. It's a good source of revenue for DTG, and the main goal is to make sure the game engine will be able to run that content in the future.

    Speaking for myself, I'm stacked with content and there is still a lot to be discovered in the back catalogue. I don't _need_ new content and money spending really. What I got is enough for a lifetime, and then I want to stack up on AP content so I finally got everything. (Awaiting the MTU HST pack!)

    I'm currently enjoying the quiet phase of not having to permanently buy new stuff, and instead exlore more in depth what's already there. And then some days are filled with freeware asset leeching, now I have most requirements for all the brilliant freeware stuff out there.

    And now there's this (never thought it'd come that far, already moved the Manuals folder (5GB) to my HDD as I don't need it in the game folder): :D
    2024-05-09 04_56_27-Window.png

    Need to visit my MediaMarkt store today and grab a 2TB M.2 SSD. Then use the old one for the bulk of the Steam library to keep C: clean. Stuff that's not depending on fast loading / data streaming times like RDR2 (160GB) is played from my 4TB HDD. Ought to suffice (?)...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2024
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  15. nwp1

    nwp1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Are the five routes offered in the package not updates on the previously issued routes and worth buying again? I have them all, but cannot see the point of releasing this package unless the routes have been improved. DTG are not going to make much out of the deal if they are the same other than attracting new buyers.
  16. frank351981

    frank351981 Active Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    If they would be updated - than this must be a hack of great updates to rebuy it. But I don´t believe they are. So as the ICE-T was not updated when the Leipzig Extension was released. It was the same old thing.
  17. raptorengineer

    raptorengineer Active Member

    Jan 16, 2018
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    i wonder what new developer tool is?
  18. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    Well, that's what it's aimed at obviously. Be glad you don't have to spend money. Fair enough.
  19. nwp1

    nwp1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2019
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    l am happy to spend money for new or updated routes. I spend as much or more on a round of drinks in the pub these days so buying DTG content is not expensive.
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  20. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    I've haven't even fully explored all existing DLC, so I'm glad I don't have to continually purchase.
    Plus I've got about new 30 freeware routes of decent length which are waiting for me, for which I didn't find the time to play them yet. Imho there's enough out there to happily live with the fact that DTG aren't making new TSC content anymore. It's a collection that doesn't get old for me.

    Since I've gotten hold of the abandoned 3DTrains Tehachapi assets, I can now explore Powder River Basin.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2024
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  21. kilt46

    kilt46 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2022
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  22. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    RSSLO released Wien - Payerbach, and their next route is also on the way.

    I've installed the fantastic Rodachtalbahn a few weeks ago and just forgot about it due to the mass of content I have. And I often jump around, seeing reports here, checking for myself, adding stuff like MJW Class 60 and 180, enjoying their content, stocked up on AP stuff, also loads to discover.

    DTG make core+content for TSW, and take care of the TSC core and let the 3rd parties do their stuff. Fine! All that matters to me is that the game engine itself is reliable, content supply is never the issue in TSC. One day I might step into the world of India's huge TSC scene. Just have to trust the FastLineGames downloader - everything is behind that wall. It seems trustworthy.

    I'm not a fire and forget type. Everything I own will be used for years to come.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2024
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  23. pjduplooy.gis

    pjduplooy.gis Member

    Aug 16, 2020
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    Screenshot 2024-05-11 065328.png
    I probably don't need a subscription..... Thats just from Steam. Damn, I probably have shares in DTG now
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  24. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

  25. synth

    synth Member

    Nov 15, 2024
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    sorry for the bump but i can imagine if there would be train simulator 2025, that would be train simulator revolution 2025 or something else
  26. kilt46

    kilt46 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2022
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    No it will be Train Simulator Classic. There will be no yearly packages.
  27. knuckleshed

    knuckleshed Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2024
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    Well, this year was Train Simulator Classic 2024..

    Screenshot 2024-12-26 015240.png

    So it's not too much of a stretch to think they'll package some 3rd party steam DLC and rebadge it Train Simulator Classic 2025.
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  28. kilt46

    kilt46 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2022
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    I doubt it. They sell it now as a subscription. Gone are the days of TSC packs. That’s only TSW when they are packaging DTG products
  29. Blazin

    Blazin Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2022
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    While that's true I've noticed over the years the title change and package of DLC updates would be done in September and not towards the end of the year or the beginning of the next. It makes me wonder if they will change the title yet again to TSC 2025 which I think is a very silly idea as was the original decision of adding the date back to the title after the much better "Train Simulator Classic" title update which avoids confusion from newer players and avoids complaints towards the game arguing that it tries to brand itself as something new every year.
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  30. 749006

    749006 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    The DLC included each year has been made by DTG - I doubt they would put third party DLC in an official release
  31. knuckleshed

    knuckleshed Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2024
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    I'm not saying they will it was just a musing I had, but they've little other options if they did decide to do a package but like already mentioned they've passed the usual window that they do the next yearly "update".

    Maybe then they'll just drop the 2024 bit which is odd (yet normal for DTG and their awful decision making) seeing as 2023 was just TSC and then they added a year suffix which is now obsolete, they really don't think their decisions through do they lol.
  32. triznya.andras

    triznya.andras Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2019
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    The silly thing about TSC 2024 is that this one includes fairly old DLC. Previously they packaged recent content.
    I guess they don't want to just sell TSC alone. Stripping the title would convey that this is an old (cough) abandoned (cough?) game.
    While you could say that about Steam - and it affects workshop - it definitely isn't when looking at 3rd party. Plenty of awesome content showcased on Steam Community Screenshots.

    I suspect that they had plans but got delayed. I was never a fan of "next year's edition" like KITT in 1982. TSC 2024 fine by me yet.
    Ideally we'll get an update sometime early next year, bringing the best of 75.x and 77.x, assuming they use Git or something and didn't just lose their previous, working code forever. If anything, a headlight flare fix would be welcome. 77.x did bring some great things, such as the clock fix. The one thing glaringly in my eyes is AMD support. Maybe a collab with AP / RWE / etc to improve some core stuff.

    I mean, if the only reason is the lack of a UK route, they could just add something like West Highland Line Extension. Sure, 3rd party, semi-pro and only the 37, but stock and scenery looks nice compared to a lot of even newer offerings.
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  33. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    In the end, for most of us it's pretty irrelevant how they call it. RailWorks64.exe stays RailWorks64.exe. The denominator is only about route bundles, and thus, "editions". :)
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  34. synth

    synth Member

    Nov 15, 2024
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    afterall, i appreciate this game
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