In that case "Rivet" should have remadeEW1 cars to make it work correctly ..... there is still a separate version for Bernina as the spawn menu shows EW1 Arosa and EW1 Bernina.
PS5 version Examining the train circulation within the daily timetable, I discovered that the R4605 Poschiavo - Tirano approx 7:42 (wrongly labeled Ospizio - Tirano) is missing from the daily timetable. But it is available in In foot mode
A quick google search shows that those are indeed there. probably so you see them if you want to cross the tracks
Yes, that's fine, but the location is too close to one of the track... it is not centrally located I guess we misunderstood what I meant.....
The final position of the R5644 Tirano Coupling service is not the happiest, and also the starting position of the R1644 Tirano - Ospizio service. Tested on PS5
PS5 .... tested on service R5644 Tirano Coupling Probably not a very well made connection of the air hose connectors. Allegra vs EW1
Almost 4 months and no patch... or even communication from Rivet Games. This doesn't change! Easier to release new DLC than to fix old ones. Disappointed with this DLC in the end where we cannot take full advantage of it. This is not the first nor the last DLC of this kind in TSW unfortunately. This was the last DLC I bought in TSW even though I had been buying almost all of them for years. I have since abandoned TSW to avoid further and ever-increasing disappointments.
I found, that those "floating hose ends" always appear in place, where any version of the external camera is activated ..... and then probably disappear again, because then they are no longer there and will appear the next time you jump from the internal to the external camera On PS5
PS5 console. Anomaly at entrance signal F71, location Poschiavo. After passing signal F71, the "small" signal 71F also switches to stop .... in other cases, meaning other places, the "small" signal switches to stop only after passing the front of the train. It has not affected the function yet, it will not stop the train, because this signal was not visible at all on the HUD. Tested on a controlled service, as well as an AI controlled train. I don't know yet if it's the same in the case of the side track...
PS5 console I have already noticed on several services in the direction of Tirano that at Le Presse station passengers get off at the same time through the back door on the other side.....
PS5 console Service R4657 Ospizio - Poschiavo : The C31 entrance signal before Poschiavo shows Stop (red), but the system shows, as you can see them on the right on the HUD display, or on the map, it is yellow and you can drive normally ...
PS5 Console Question: Do you open the doors (Unlock Doors) on the sightseeing car at the BEX service ? They don't open for me, so no one gets into it. It is a layer over the RhB Anniversary Livery Collection pack
When will an update finally come out that fixes errors such as incorrect signaling or incorrect timetables? The Bernina line would be so much fun if there weren't these mistakes that ruin everything.
Haven't checked the broken service in chapter 2, but today's update unlocks all the chapters! Got to start Chapter 3 today
It's nice that the Bernina map update has finally arrived, unfortunately many problems remained unanswered ...... crossings, polygons on Allegra, lighting of EW1 cars and others mentioned here in this thread
Got this route in the PS Store sale, the only issue is the same as the BR 185 on Voralberg and the 47 on Blackpool: Not getting credit for activating the ZS safety system. I couldn't even get a bronze medal for the training module or the first scenario.
After buying this DLC during the last sale, I can definitely say that I have been enjoying the route quite a lot. The map truly is beautiful and after many runs I am still blown away every time by the climbing up the mountains in the amazing allegra unit. Unfortunately, the timetable has been implemented very poorly. I understand that request stops are not possible to implement in TSW as of yet (according to the devs). However, instead of randomly changing the stations one stops at during a given service to still simulate the presence of request stops is shortsighted. After having run all services in the timetable replayability suffers due to this decision since now I know where trains will stop during a given service, implying that during a certain hour there will always be request at certain stops and not at others. I wonder if they could have created multiple timetables with 50 services each that only change according to the stop pattern. In my opinion, this would have offered variety in regards to the stops according to requests on that day. If this is not possible, I think it would be better to just stop everywhere. Just as I started to accept the approqch to the timetable and the request stops, I ran the service at 17:00 from Tirano to Ospizio Bernina and sadly the schedule skips Alp Grüm! Alp Grüm is NOT a request stop. Not only that, but during the winter period the station is only reachable by train (why in the world would I not stop there?????????). It's things like that which create the impression of sloppiness by the developers; you create this beautiful map and then mess up something so simple. Please fix it, this ruins the experience for that particular service. Finally, I also ran a service which skipped Le Prese station, which is also not a request stop. Please don't forget about this map and fix the things that are wrong with it!
I am aware that the little white sign with the black dot marks this signal as a main signal that can also show distant signal aspects. What I didn't know is.. that it can do this AT THE SAME TIME:
Do not know about the RhB, but on the Swiss main line where the type N signals are installed, they can do either and it is up to driver knowledge to know what is being displayed.
Well, I am pretty sure this is not a valid aspect. (amyinorbit , you seem to be an expert on Swiss signalling, tell me if I am wrong).
Mmh, I am pretty sure that combined signals should not display the advance signal if the main signal part is showing a danger aspect. On the RhB, that's also the case for advance and main signals mounted on the same mast: if the main signal shows danger, then the advance signal shows nothing, see attached photo of the signals at the end of Poschiavo Sud passing loop (whereas I've seen SBB signals with danger main, and danger advance signal) I have sent Rivet a full spreadsheet with the wrong signals, speed boards and various issues with the speed limits on the line when it came out, it was acknowledge at the time but I've not managed to get any info about whether this will ever be fixed since.
Yeah, totally agree. This is how it is supposed to be. I have seen your sheet and appreciate it very much! Great job! This is why I took the liberty of tagging you. I really hope it will lead to something at Rivet. Maybe at some point in time they can even add the flashing white/orange lights above the checker boards in front of locally controlled level crossings.. Do you happen to have additional info about how overspeed control circuits with ZSI-90 magnets are implemented, if at all, on the Berninalinie? The ones initiated by a north pole on the right, if not suppressed by a north pole on the left next to it, and leading to a penalty break if a south pole gets picked up on the right before a .18 seconds timer has elapsed?
What annoys me the most on this route... They did their best to display the signals for a barrier going down. mostly in Campcologno. You arrive there and when you are prepared to leave the barrier for cars goes down and you see the signals change. the problem is that that barrier is already down when you leave Tirano I have seen it only once or twice (mostly when another train is waiting in campcologno) that this happens The barriers are down since you start in Tirano basically. Also train routing is kind of off i think, going down to posschiavo you should be on the right instead of left. (not sure tho) When will this route get an update? It looks brilliant but a lot of stupid details and stuck trains ruin it
Don’t be too much optimistic with Rivet Games, they usually don’t update their DLCs. They promised us to fix the shopping trolley cart sounds on Arosa Linie but… nothing, same with the weird physics, you go at notch one and it accelerates like a rocket. They said that they’ll update the 385 sounds but yet nothing.
I'm like you waiting, waiting, waiting... And hoping. I gave up on this route which is unfortunately not finished properly (as often with Rivet Games DLCs). Sometimes we get an update from them if they release a new DLC on the route but it takes a year. So maybe end of the year... No communication
I've finally got round to buying this route, and it's quite enjoyable. I haven't yet encountered services or scenarios that I couldn't complete. One thing I wanted to ask: there's this place, just past Poschiavo going downhill towards Tirano, where I always get a penalty brake. It's close to a little loop, which was empty anyway. I tried spamming the Ack button, makes no difference. Does anyone know how to avoid this? Thanks.
I suspect that at this place the ZSI-90 magnets are too far behind the signal (behind the switch). When you pass the signal, the signal falls to red, and the magnets get primed accordingly. If – because of the distance – you have not passed the magnets at that time, you get a penalty brake for "trying to run a red signal". Ich have a video about this:
I wonder if the issue (at the southern end of the Le Prese passing loop if I remember correctly) is ZSI magnets placed the wrong way around (looking at the opposite direction). There's a similar problem with repeater signals at the Cadera halt/passing loop (the repeaters for southbound are turned to the northbound side, and the northbound repeaters turned to the southbound side). From a response on their forums it seems there are no plans to fix the incorrect speed boards that are peppered around the route, which is disappointing, but I suppose not exactly surprising given the history. I hope at least the ZSI magnet at Le Prese and the repeaters at Cadera will be fixed, but I'm not sure I'll be holding my breath
I remember seeing your posts with a lot of effort pointing out the missing speed boards and other bugs etc. , unfortunately Rivet is the only dev currently making swiss content, and their history of fixing bugs and inaccuracies of their own released dlcs, is a shambolic desaster. Rivet is not "bad", but im not willing to pay money for lazyness and lack of passion.
For a green main signal this should not be possible, no? The magnets would be South Pole left and right:
The only thing I own by Rivet Games is the Island Line 2022 because it had good reviews. Yesterday evening I took the plunge on the only other Rivet product, that has very positive reviews: Berninalinie. I´ve only been on the route for about 30 minutes, but wow. Why can´t they always make products like this? One vehicle included, low speeds and a very straight forward line without branches... but that does not matter in this case because the scenery is breathtaking. Lidar really shines here. Maybe Rivet should just stick with the Rhb routes and stop doing other stuff. They seem to be good at this and did most of the routes on TSC before.
LOL I was ready to buy Berninaline today, but I will not because of this. Wrong speed boards are one of the biggest gamebreaking bug to me. There are usually one or two on every route and DTG never fixes it (i dont know why), but this long list on berninaline is no-go for me.
Well, the speed boards are there, but they are wrong. The worst part of this whole story is that amyinorbit gave them a complete list of wrong signs to adjust and they just plain won't do it Furthermore this route is stunning, and it brings me back to my youth when i was there (probably too young to read signs)
I think thats more of a core problem, as i've been seen it on San Bernadino also might be the name starting with bern
it’s not only the name “Bern”- on Sursee-Luzern there is a level crossing right after Sempach. When exiting the station on tome or late, the crossings go up again before you crossed the crossing XD But back to Bernina. I also pointed out the wrong speed boards day one when the route released- many times in many different threads and forums. Hearing that amyinorbit sent them a whole spreadsheet with signal and board bugs, mistakes and places and Rivet haven’t done anything is really a shame to be honest! I mean: Signalling is one thing but the speed boards are simple assets that have to be replaced. That should be a work of like 30-60 minutes since some boards are correct? And by having a sheet with the exact places of all the boards it should be an easy fix. Jasper_Rivet sorry for the Ping but it would be really nice to get a small update on whether Rivet is still fixing stuff on Bernina like the boards, signals, the weird lighting in the shelters and weird behaviour of the speed limiter braking the train down although the speed is already lower than the new set speed, would be really appreciated. And that not only by me, but many others as you can see since the feedback thread is still pretty active although the route is already out for three quarters of a year
And this is why I think long and hard before buying anything where Rivet are involved. Haven’t touched Bernina, Edinburgh to Glasgow or Fife Circle. Good luck with your ping but doubt you will get a response. I pinged Jasper a couple of weeks ago in a thread about WCL and the incorrect speed limit in the Up direction on the St Ives branch after Carbis Bay. Still outstanding years after the route released. Not a whisper heard back. Think it will be a cold day in hell before they fix the blatant errors on their products and DTG (who are happy to sell this LOVE in their TSW store) seem too meek to push them on our behalf.
Yeah good luck having an answer or a fix from Rivet, generally after releasing a non finished product, they don’t fix it at all later and considering they’re working on a “project” for a forever beta-game, Rivet Games will continue to do what they’re the best at: ignoring us.