If you go on foot, moving southward from Hassocks, you hit an invisible wall. This is a pity, a little further is a beautiful tunnel entrance.
Do you come across an invisible wall when walking on the tracks or when sitting in train south of Hassocks? I would like to know since I am interested in downloading this game and I am trying to do a proper review checkup before I can do my final purchase.
Both bridges within a short distance there have invisible walls I think. I sometimes drive with a ‘nose cam’ by placing the external camera in front of the train and it gets glitched to underneath the tracks at the invisible walls at these bridges.
exact same happens with me i always drive with the 'nose cam / front camera view' and between the two bridges south of hassocks but north of the tunnel, the camera suddenly jumps underneath the tracks. if you reset it it goes back under the track again at the next bridge. happens in both directions and in any traction at any time of day/night.
I see. So since a lot of other people are facing this issue, I think you are better of trying to reporting this to the team. How did the invisible wall come in the game? Was it because the DLC was half downloaded when you bought it or was it made that way? A reason why I an checking on this issue is because like I said in my previous post I am interested in downloading this route and I want to ensure that it runs smoothly and if there is any issue then I can refund it. In fact I don't really drive the train much I just ride as a passenger. So, do you face the invisible wall in both directions when you are driving the train or even when you are riding as a passenger sitting on a seat? I would like to know so that I am safe when I am riding as a passenger.