Boston Sprinter Dso Coach Will Not Run Correct Brake Pipe

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by VolvoB10M, Aug 23, 2021.

  1. VolvoB10M

    VolvoB10M Guest

    I have run the route on the EMD F40 loco on Boston Sprinter but after changing ends as the same way as peninsular corridor I find it is not possible to release the brakes. I cannot touch the MUA valve as it has no hyper spot and as soon as I set the controller to cut-in but it will not fully release the brakes. There is no manual for this but I have don the intro as this is not possible to skip, the EMD is on trail 6-26, cut-out and handle off but the cylinder gauge is not at 0 when the DSO is released. Straight air is also off.

    Is this trailer supposed to be useable or do I just have to reverse all the way from the EMD F40 cab?
  2. bescot

    bescot Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Works fine for me. Before leaving the F40, 3 engine switches off, train brake handle to off position and independent brake to release. Let the BP fall to 0 before cutting out and setting the MU to trail. If you go the opposite way it takes quite a while for the BP to dump in the CTC car, just make sure it is fully zero before cutting out.
  3. phillip.good

    phillip.good Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2020
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    What he said! It took me 45mins sitting at Stowton to work this out:cool:
  4. OsamaBinLiftin

    OsamaBinLiftin Active Member

    Jan 9, 2021
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    That's odd, the only way I could get the brakes to work when swapping to the cab car is by leaving the MU-2A valve on the F40 in Lead/Dead

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