Fishing Sim World Bream Do Not Fight

Discussion in 'Content and Feature Requests' started by RedDwarf10, Oct 18, 2018.

  1. RedDwarf10

    RedDwarf10 Member

    Oct 9, 2018
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    Have been a match and coarse fisherman for over 40 years fishing and learning from the best , And you say you have had experts to learn from in how the fish fight yet you have got bream so wrong ,you might gat an initial run from the big ones but once they r coming in they give up they do not fight under the rod tip or close in .In England they r called slabs and dustbin lids partly because how the look and partly how they come in . its like dragging a slab in no fight
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  2. Daft Badger

    Daft Badger Active Member

    Sep 16, 2018
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    Same as you,been fishing for 40 odd years & never had a Bream fight like they do in this game.
    I call them Bream/Tuna hybrids as that's how they are in this game.
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  3. Duncanmacleod08

    Duncanmacleod08 Member

    Sep 20, 2018
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    Honestly i am sure they will get lots of fish species wrong as time goes on i'm sure they don't have expert advice 24/7 my guess they only got them when they choose to call said expert and want to pay for the advice... but hopefully they listen to their players and adjust how they fight as needed.

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