PC Broken Achievements Because Of Inaccessible Collectables

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by Rob Jansen, Nov 26, 2021.

  1. Rob Jansen

    Rob Jansen Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    DTG, there are currently 2 DLC that you can't complete with collectables, could these be fixed, for now you can't get the Achievement for it sadly.

    - Train Sim World 2: Rush Hour - London Commuter Route Add-On
    You can complete 98%, there are 2 missing posters or not accessible, according to the guide from chrisvazquez7, available here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2622177439

    DTG was made aware of this, but there were several patches released, including for this route, but this wasn't fixed yet.

    - Train Sim World 2: Sherman Hill: Cheyenne - Laramie Route Add-On
    According to chrisvazquez7, there are 4 snow fences that are unreachable because of the invisible walls.

    Could DTG pick this up and get a fix out for the platforms?

    Also, does the Beta and Q&A Team check that collectables are even collectable, as during testing, an invisible wall could be found, unless the testers use the tooling to disable the collisions.
  2. Jannerdunk

    Jannerdunk Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    I find it very difficult to understand why these problems keep happening. It's not the first time, I seem to recall there were issues both on Peninsular Corridor and the revised Sandpatch.

    I completely understand that due to the nature of the game, it is not possible to test every service, particularly for every possible thing us users could do to break them, but come on, the collectables?, how hard can be be to get somebody to spend a couple of hours checking everything is in order on the final release build?

    It makes a complete mockery of everything they have been saying on streams about the beta testing process and how issues that stop people achieving things in the game are the highest priority. I assume these are simple fixes that could be done and tested in minutes, so I would also like to know why the London commuter has not been fixed even through there have been various updates.

    On a slightly different note, there is something still very wrong with the way certain steam achievements are being awarded as I keep on being given the achievements, when I know I have not completed the requirements, it seems to effect the distance driven ones in particular.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2021

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