Can Somebody Make A Different Variant This Door On The Gwr Mk3 Carriage L Be Removed?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ludwigtails, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. ludwigtails

    ludwigtails Active Member

    May 10, 2023
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    So on coach L of the GWR HST with now a patch i can use it on different formation.
    I have tried putting this on a 2+9 HST formation with 2 first class carriage on one end. However unlike the MML MK3s, GWR's MK3 dont have the doors open and close function at each end of the gangway as most of them are left empty and here is just one example how this door is permeantly there and you cannot work through the entire train.

    Has anybody made a mod or can somebody or DTG make a variant of carriage L on the GWR MK3s to have this door be removed or removable so allowing access to the other carriages without getting out of the carriage?


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