PC Can't Finish Timetabled Run On Rapid Transit + Texture Issue

Discussion in 'TSW Troubleshooting & Issues Discussion' started by PeteW, May 12, 2021.

  1. PeteW

    PeteW Active Member

    Jan 3, 2020
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    2 issues on RT after update.
    Journey Details
    10.16 Talent2 Geithain - Leipzig Messe @ 10.16
    Got to Messe and it wouldn't terminate. 3m from location but hit/through the buffers

    2nd issue - some odd textures at Markkleberg Nord. I noticed some flashing going on as I drove into the station. So hit 8 and looked what was causing it. Some white textures round the base of the houses flicker and change as you move. See the houses to the at either size of the station. All have issues.
    I notice the sheds at the next station Leiozig Connewitz, have a similar white base but no odd flickering.
    My System
    Nvidia GTX 3080
    150% Screen Percentage
    Graphics Ultra
    VSync Off
    FPS limited to 100
    Motion Blur On

    Changing Screen % to 100 and AA to Off made no difference
    My linked Images didn't seem to show. I have links if needs be

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