Would any of our esteemed livery creators be able to produce a Class 158 as pictured? I cannot see one on CC.
I'll have a go at that for sure! I'm not the greatest at making liveries but I have made a few in the past and I'm always looking for a new challenge and this doesn't look too hard! (Famous last words) Not sure when I'll have it done by, but I will definitely get it done unless someone beats me to it! I would work on it now but I'm off out to see a 175 drag so can't, but I'll definitely begin once I'm back!
I'm almost done. I just need to add the logos and do a few extra little details, then test it and ensure the colours aren't too dim/bright. Not everything is accurate.. adding the orange lining on the roof has been a pain, so that doesn't look too great but I am actively trying to find a way of fixing it....
I've uploaded it to the CC! https://creatorsclub.dovetailgames.com/creations/146326 I will continue to work on it and do a few little details that I missed out however since it's practically fully completed I thought I'd upload it to keep you from waiting. Hope you like it and if I've done an awful job.. let me know - any helpful criticism is appreciated!
Yeah I'll change that sometime today - I probably messed it up, I'm not very good with getting the colours right when making liveries
Sorry, I've not yet no. Been out and about trainspotting a lot recently, I'll get working on it now though, got a few hours before my next train!
Just added the OHLE signs and changed the grey on the doors and sides, and added a tiny bit of weathering to the fronts, so it should hopefully look a bit better now! - Sadly the OHLE signs are blurry, there's nothing I can do about that annoyingly though.