Creators Club Search

Discussion in 'Creators Club' started by mike#7913, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. mike#7913

    mike#7913 Member

    Feb 12, 2024
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    Hi all,
    I've downloaded a scenario created by Spikeyork (DJ) but it says it needs an additional livery by “Yoinkermc” (Northern CL101). I've tried a number of ways but no results show up in the search no matter how or which way I enter it.
    If I just put just 101 then a number of results show up but it seems you have to go through each one to see if its the creator your looking for.
    Is there an easy or better way to search for what I'm looking for?
  2. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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  3. mike#7913

    mike#7913 Member

    Feb 12, 2024
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  4. mike#7913

    mike#7913 Member

    Feb 12, 2024
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    Any ideas as to why when clicking on the link above to the users page it says the user has 128 items but all the CC seems to show is 12 items on the users page. viewing this on my PC. I find the search facility & CC in general so frustrating.
    I find scenarios that I'd love to subscribe & download but in the descriptions it mentions you should have this or that livery but when doing a search for the user to get the livery required the search results come back with nothing.
  5. TrainGeek08

    TrainGeek08 Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2022
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    Yeah, the search function is not the best on Creator's Club to be honest :(

    Some creators do have creator tags like me however not everyone does which adds to the difficulty sometimes.
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  6. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    The search facility is hopeless but, often, so is the description from the Scenario Creator too. Put those two things together and, often, you are doomed. :| Like a few others I try to list liveries using the same words as the original Livery Creator but, as you found out, that doesn't always work. I also always put (DJ) in the name of my uploads and then tell people to search for that rather than the name of the file they want.

    Finally some creators make their own threads which is a nice way to find out what they are up to. The trouble is that these threads can also be hard to keep in order and, if everything isn't listed, then things can still fall between the cracks.

    If you are stuck just post on here. Many of us can't resist the challenge of trying to solve the riddle. If you end up creating some scenarios yourself then remember all of these points as they will come in handy when you want people to be able to find your own creations :)
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  7. mike#7913

    mike#7913 Member

    Feb 12, 2024
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    Hi Spikeyorks,
    Thanks for the reply. As I'm just getting into the scenarios & liveries via the Creators club I've recently done your CL66 Tees yard Aggregates TVL which was great, enjoyed that. I've just downloaded a scenario done by G49 & managed to find most of the liveries required for it so will give that a go.
    I've not really dabbled in creating one myself but will give it a go at some point. When creating scenarios do you add in the AI traffic too?
    I have tried the livery designer by trying to paint a simple tanker but gave up as I couldn't work out how you get different colours applied along with any sort of logos. Maybe its because I'm on Xbox & you have to copy & paste logos from the internet so it works best on PC? To be honest my knowledge of trains, correct numbers, colours & where they should run on what networks etc is very very limited 7 you could write it on a postage stamp so probably best I just download them from the folk who know train stuff a lot better than me ;-) (Motorbikes & classic scooters are my thing)
    Anyway thanks for the help much appreciated

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