December Roadmap Q&a Thread

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by DTG Alex, Dec 12, 2023.

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  1. taurus20

    taurus20 New Member

    Nov 2, 2023
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    Will there be any new updates with the current routes with more usage of a busy schedule, more trains being ran, and also any extensions?

    Furthermore, I hope that we get to get different mass transit routes in NYC, Chicago, and Boston and more. But, I know things take time.
  2. 14trainfan2029

    14trainfan2029 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2023
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    Bug.png 377 Bug.png Here's the bug when I'm playing on the xbox
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2023
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  3. 14trainfan2029

    14trainfan2029 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2023
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    Please could you sort it as soon as possible?
  4. Indege

    Indege Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2022
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    On the DB BR 426 the doors close automatically after a set amount of time can this be implemented into all trains where this features? Also I would love if the doors remained closed unless a passenger was boarding through that door.. Its kinda weird being at an EMPTY London Victoria... and all the doors just sitting open for 2 minutes with an empty train
  5. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Well that's not good.

    You (as in corporate DTG) do realise that Railroader now actually has better physics on its steam locos than those in TSW and it's primarily a strategy and network building game?!
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  6. PegasusLeosRailwayFanatix

    PegasusLeosRailwayFanatix Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2020
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    I hope the wait will be worth while, and it will be something that the community will be blown away and please be a full Route this time not a half route like the Harlem Line
  7. Fawx

    Fawx Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2023
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    I'm not sure I'd go that far Vern, you can't actually run out of steam in Railroader. But it does burn coal/useup water.
  8. MrbKlegend89

    MrbKlegend89 Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2019
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    I wouldn't have any hopes on this lol.
  9. Adamgrant3

    Adamgrant3 Active Member

    Jan 24, 2018
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    I noticed that JD was not doing the Stream again for the second month in a row...
    i miss seeing him on the streams
  10. TimTri

    TimTri Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2021
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    Posting my main two questions from a more detailed response over in the roadmap article thread.
    This is regarding West Somerset Remastered:
    • I‘m wondering about the new track near Norton Fitzwarren, since this area is already modeled and accessible (albeit not used in the current in-game timetable very much). There are even mods on PC putting HSTs on the mainline. I wonder what additional track was added there!
    • I’m also curious why Peak Forest is required for the bulk of the main services in the new steam gala timetable, as it‘s a rather niche route and not owned by many. Why is Spirit of Steam, arguably the steam route owned by the most players by far, not represented in the timetable at all? It even has two of the three locos included with Peak Forest. Having to buy Peak Forest just to enjoy a WSR steam timetable mainly comprised of locos I already own through SOS sounds unnecessary and unfortunate. The target should be to make the new steam services available to as many players as possible in order to increase the attractiveness of WSR to the overall player base.
    Thanks to the team for their hard work, and have a great festive season!
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  11. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Well, massively worth it to whom? To us players, sure. But to DTG? Their experience with the Preservation Crew showed them that, however lovely their work, it didn't generate enough additional sales to be worth it financially.
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  12. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Oh, malarkey. Much as I am really enjoying Railroader - as an operational game, getting freight cars where they need to go - its loco "physics" are on a par with Transport Fever. It accounts for grades and train weight- and that's about it. No dampers, no blowers, no cylinder drains, no fire mass, no air depletion - all abstracted. Which is fine for what the game is; I let my AI hirelings drive them and just make sure they get coaled up as necessary - but the idea that the physics are "better" than TSW's is simply not on.
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  13. Rail Nation

    Rail Nation Member

    Jul 10, 2020
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    When will PC editor support the Microsoft Store for PC?
    And how come the US Loco was removed? Is this being pushed back or will we not see this again?
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
  14. all aboard railways

    all aboard railways Active Member

    Dec 12, 2023
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    thanks for the reply JD
  15. all aboard railways

    all aboard railways Active Member

    Dec 12, 2023
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    100% conformed its indeed Goblin
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  16. AtherianKing

    AtherianKing Guest

    they have to keep JD away from streams when announcements are near ;) JD is only one step away from leaking early and free access keys/codes to everyone ;)
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  17. richardwwoodward

    richardwwoodward Active Member

    Nov 30, 2019
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    13 miles 58 chains (22.1 km) to be precise, so even shorter :(
    I have been waiting for London Overground for ages, and then to get such a measly offering is pretty disappointing to say the least.
    Look at all the possibilities...
    Hard pass on this one I reckon.
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  18. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Perhaps I was a little ebullient but it’s still saying something that what’s essentially a strategy game has done such a good job. And I’m sure more in depth performance and management of the fire/boiler will come. At least DTG could actually have their locos consume coal and water… :)
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  19. fakenham

    fakenham Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Fair enough, but they feel good to me, I really have to pay attention to speed and gradient to brake effectively, sometimes in TSW the physics can feel v basic, even though they are programmed to be quite complex. There's something about the feel of driving the train in Railroader which is quite realistic, getting up there with Run 8 physics which is probably top of the tree. Just my humble opinion though.
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  20. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Indeed the point I was making. Railroader does miss out certain elements, as does TSW just different ones. And the RR developer has already stated this is just the beginning. With the comment from JD either in this thread or another that there are no plans to change TSW steam physics or interaction then it looks like we are stuck with the current very imperfect setup.
  21. Fawx

    Fawx Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2023
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    Yeah I honestly love filling up the water and coal in RailRoader.
  22. Doomotron

    Doomotron Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    It's worth noting that the TS version has both the North and West London Lines as well. Granted I don't think it's an automatic loss for the TSW version - length and quality aren't always mutual - but based on previous efforts I won't get my hopes up. I have slightly more confidence in the German route, and I am absolutely loving the new scenery on the West Somerset Railway. If the Class 710 is any good I hope it would be made playable on the Bakerloo Line, assuming they're making the appropriate version of the train. I've seen some people complain about the lack of a 378 but they only ran on that route for a limited time with a non-standard configuration so I'm not bothered. If done right, the route could be a good full end-to-end route. If done wrong however, it'll just be a shorter version of a route that is an entire network in TS.
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  23. pinxtonpaws

    pinxtonpaws Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2022
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    I thought the WSR update wasn't until next year?
  24. elarthur

    elarthur Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2020
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    Will Rivet games ever get round to solving any of the long standing issues with routes such as Edinburgh Glasgow, West Cornwall Local and Isle of Wight 2022. In particular, will there ever be a fix for the IoW 2022 Mastery that hasn't worked at all since launching?
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  25. Fawx

    Fawx Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2023
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    It isn't out till next year, correct. I'm assuming they mean how it looks in the screenshots.
  26. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    I guess we're not going to get an answer to the question about the sudden disappearance of the promised US loco?

    In fact this roadmap has so little mention or information about future US content, we over here would be forgiven if we imagined that DTG was in the process of abandoning the North American market.
  27. Joethefish

    Joethefish Staff Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Yeah it was the AI that didn't like the task. I know the KWG works but this timetable already uses a LOT of stock. I mean a lot. And I'm very nervous about adding another for RAM concerns. Those services are still represented though, so you'll see them. It is unfortunate though, you're not wrong.
    Started this project in February. I'll take all the time it needs lol
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2023
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  28. LeadCatcher

    LeadCatcher Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    What? Better physics? I must not have gotten the right version of railroader. I have yet to see the pressure gauges show anything in Railroader, the cylinder c0cks are just window dressing, have yet been able to cause any wheel slip. I mean once you put coal and water in the tender, it is an advanced point and click. Not that that takes anything away from Railroader at all, its focus is more on railroad management rather that locomotive operation.

    Not trying to state TSW Steam physics are much to write home about in their current state but at least there is some physics involved. TSC advance locomotives are the best for Steam in my humble opinion, but to state Railroader has better … sorry, I can’t agree.
    As I stated in another thread TSW and Railroader fill two different niches for train fans, I like they both for what they bring to the table, but I do not see them in direct competition. I wish them both success
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  29. pinxtonpaws

    pinxtonpaws Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2022
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    Ah, gotcha.
    For a minute I thought I was missing out :)
  30. DTG Liam

    DTG Liam Staff Member

    Nov 17, 2020
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    Dunster castle is in the update along with the town of Dunster.
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  31. Double Yellow

    Double Yellow Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    Please consider adding Platinum medal support for older routes.
  32. DTG Alex

    DTG Alex Senior Community Manager Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    Hello everyone,

    Adding to the thread to say that I've gone through and timestamped the December Roadmap last night, which highlights every question asked and our answers for each one that you can skim through.

    As for the remaining questions in this thread unanswered, I will talk about these below, and then close the thread.
    (Thank you to JD and some of you in the community who have provided answers to many!)

    Q: Will there be any more Remasters for other routes? New updates, busier schedule, more trains or extensions?
    Matt gave a good answer to this on the stream ( where he mentions that often these upgrades/updates start as personal projects. As it stands, there's nothing on the plan for more remasters, but this may change and we'll let you know.

    Q: When will the next PC Editor masterclass be streamed in 2024? Can we have a dedicated Q&A thread to raise our questions?
    We'll let you know when we start back up in January regarding more masterclasses, currently, we've not got any recorded or planned but we are continuing to look at how we can keep these coming. As for dedicated threads, this certainly seems like a good idea and I can set these up prior to the episodes :)

    Q: Will there be updates to eliminate the micro-stuttering issues with TSW?
    Not much new to add on this, other than we're always looking at the feedback regarding performance, and we will keep looking into new ways in which we can improve this for you all.

    Q: Will red signal issues across routes continue to receive fixes?
    We are continuing to look at where we can ship improvements to all issues across routes, including red signals. We do talk about patch frequency in our roadmap, so expect larger suites of change, just at a slightly lower cadence than what we've had so far since the launch of TSW4.

    Q: Xbox users who previously purchased the DB BR 204 will be able to use it in TSW4?
    This issue is still outstanding for us to resolve, however, we are able to offer a workaround for users on Xbox who are affected by providing a new working key for the BR 204, so long as you have a valid purchase receipt you can show us. Please submit a ticket through our Support Site to do this and we will be in contact.

    Q: US/ Austrian loco pack being removed from Roadmap - is that permanent, or is it outside the timeframe?
    When we put items into our roadmap, we aim to be as confident on those timelines as we can, but it's worth mentioning that our timelines can often change for various projects for a variety of different reasons. Anything in the 6+ months category in particular has a high chance of being one of those projects which get moved around, simply because it looks quite far ahead into the future.

    We often have many projects ongoing at once, at various stages of development, but not all of them stay in their original timeframes, some of them get elevated or others are pushed back to make way for different content. We'll share more news regarding upcoming US and Austrian releases when we're able to do so, so keep an eye out!

    Q: Do you plan a bigger core update like the WCU for spring or summer 2024?
    The second half of our Winter Core update is planned for early next year, and currently, we don't have any branded "X core updates" later in the year, but we do talk about the frequency of patches in our Roadmap which would include more regular core fixes and improvements we'll make throughout the year.
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