Gameplay Didn't Think I Would Be Able To Do This.

Discussion in 'PC Editor Discussion' started by spikeyorks, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Well after 5 days of disappointment, frustration and stress I have managed to create these screenshots.
    They are not particularly great screenshots and can easily be created in Free Roam.
    So why the fuss?

    These screenshots have been created from a GOBLIN Scenario !!!
    The player is departing from Barking PL1 (for a change) whilst there are also AI services in almost every other platform at Barking. (PL3 went wrong for some reason).
    Still lots of work to do but, TBH, I'm quite chuffed :D

    71895966-87eb-4824-9d2e-27a577f7104b.jpg c60960f3-ac78-43ca-8005-fafb88e56d1c.jpg d35d9cb0-ebd1-4f8a-9a30-84003d60b32b.jpg 87be25f8-a8bf-4060-9a71-c716b5e4eda7.jpg b989c381-27a0-4901-a5a2-71c13ca23a74.jpg
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  2. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    And here is the Scenario Editor front screen to prove it :)
    (There are issues with this......lots of duplications and other 'missing' bits......but as a "Starter for 10" it's not too shabby).

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  3. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Well that was an 'interesting' 48 hours.
    Everything that I learnt to be able to do the above I immediately forgot again :( (That will teach me to start making some notes).

    Anyhow, after hitting a few snags with GOBLIN I thought I would have a try at seeing if I can get a new Scenario Definition file into another route to test whether my brain cells were still working. So have a look a this. :cool:

    BRUM Scenario with the player service departing from New Street Platform 2 (going to Walsall perhaps?).


    An unusual exit from New Street (well in a scenario anyway) on the BCC route.



    Look at all of these platforms you can select at New Steet in Scenario Editor.


    Lichfield stabling sidings anyone? (Again accessed from Scenario Editor and not Free Roam).


    As with GOBLIN, still lots of work to do, but it is good to see that more parts of the route can be used for scenarios which, in itself, means we can make things a bit more interesting and less 'bare'. :D

    Right. Now back to GOBLIN where the current state of affairs is that I have 'lost' the route altogether !!!
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2024
  4. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Good news with GOBLIN in that I have now managed to add 8-car and 12-car CL710 formations in to my original paths pak file.
    This means that C2C service can now be replicated just by downloading one Creative Centre livery without the need for Formation Manager. I now need to see if I can do something similar with the District line stock.

    Has anyone got any thoughts about Portals? At the moment, if I put 2 services using the same rolling stock in the same portal then both come out coupled together. (24 car service anyone? :o ). Is there anything I can do to ensure that the first departing service doesn't drag out the next one?

    Also, I appear to have 'lost' my AI train lights on the CL484. They worked a couple of weeks ago but now they don't. Why might that be?

    d97c4822-e8f0-4d6b-80f9-688046fb7438.jpg 34d8bc35-d6ca-4c65-82cb-49eac008fc47.jpg f4b9d4ed-0872-4689-b724-3c8e3ab799a7.jpg 76ab1e1d-0163-4ced-bf9d-b33c24301ec8.jpg 8e0e8a9f-6280-4a48-89d3-8aac784c4821.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2024
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  5. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Well what do we have here?

    A Class 66, with a Creator's Club livery, hauling a unique formation, running on a bit of GOBLIN that isn't accessible and all of this within a Scenario. (No Free Roam or Formation Designer here). :)


    TBH it took a while to figure out how to do it but, hopefully, after a lot more testing I can upload a few things to enable others to have a go. (At present I have added 20+ paths to GOBLIN and am currently creating some scenarios that will (a) use these paths and (b) show off some different formations.

    (Later on the above service passed a pair of CL37s hauling some JNAs in another change from the norm).

    a7fc6736-72ff-4e4a-8a17-2502f4fba818.jpg 1aa54b8a-10ab-4d9a-bf6e-3550d0d27ace.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2024
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  6. bassv#9864

    bassv#9864 New Member

    Mar 26, 2024
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    Nice, very curious about how you got the custom liveries working!
  7. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    I started by duplicating existing, but hidden, Formations supplied within the game by DTG and used by their timetables. I then tweaked these before cooking and packing them using the Editor.

    I was also adding extra paths by creating a new Scenario Definition file for certain routes before merging them with the Formations before cooking & packing.

    By doing it this way the game thinks the new Formations are 'core' ones which means you can apply Creative Centre liveries to them through Scenarios Editor as normal.

    Still lots to double check but, at the moment, things are looking promising.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2024
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  8. LazLong

    LazLong New Member

    Apr 10, 2024
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    Do not set the initial location at the formation. Instead tick Spawn to Vault. The first goto instruction after the service definition should set the portal that you want the train to emerge from. This also means you can you a drop down menu to select location.

    Have you managed to get a District line line train to go portal to portal east to west or vice versa? I can get the trains to Barking but I get told there is an electrical problem past Barking. Which is weird because I can route a train from all from portals into Barking.

    Edit: If I unselect "Consider Electrification Requirements" from the path finder flags of the timetable defaults I can route the Underground trains.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2024
  9. vuurkip#5765

    vuurkip#5765 Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2022
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    Very interesting, i believe DTG Liam was looking how to bring 484 with d stock livery to his remasters. Maybe this will help?
  10. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    I think we may be talking at cross-purposes here. Although I am using the public editor to create new files I am NOT using the Editor to actually create the scenarios themselves. Instead I am creating the files needed by the in-game Scenario Editor to create new scenarios with new formations that use 'new' parts of a route. (Doing it this way means that I can also access Creators Club liveries).

    So the only 'tools' I have at my disposal are the Scenario Definition file itself and the in-game Scenario Editor. I can use portals (all of them if I want to) but, right now, they seem to act in exactly the same way as any other marker on the route. Yes I can 'stack' trains but if they are of the same 'type' then the longest formation will drag out any other similar formations when it departs.

    Yes I can run trains portal to portal on the District line in both directions (plus in and out of platform 3 too). But, as I said earlier I am using a different method to you. I created the portal to portal paths first in the Editor and packaged these up and into the game. Then, using the in-game Editor, I allocated my services to these paths. I think the in-game editor ignores any electrical differences which is also why you will only see CL710s running on the Bakerloo line in game created scenarios rather than free roam etc.

    Last edited: Apr 11, 2024
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  11. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Yes DTG Liam is aware of what I am doing. (I chose to start with GOBLIN as (a) I had made a District line set......although I will need to tweak this further now I know how my 'method' works and (b) I am originally from North London so the idea appealed to me).

    I have always felt that scenario creators have been a bit short-changed by the lack of paths in all new routes so I started off being hopeful that I might be able to add one or two paths to a number of routes. With a bit of guidance from both Liam and another community member Kyle I have been able to far surpass my aims adding 20+ paths to GOBLIN and similar numbers to BCC and ECML. Also, more by luck than judgement, I have managed to get additional formations in to the game too.

    Once I can guarantee that my mod is stable, it seems to be, then I can upload the .pak file and everyone can have a go at creating more detailed scenarios straight from the game.

  12. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    I have just 'lost' my "Cook Mod" button in the Editor. It's completely vanished??? Any ideas? :(

    As far as I am concerned I don't think I have done anything to cause it to disappear (although there has been a game update this morning). This is a bit of a bugger as I have 15 paths and some extra formations that I wanted to get into the game and test this afternoon.

    Tried doing a mod re-install but that hasn't changed anything. Also I'm a bit wary of just "clicking all the buttons" as I don't want to lose any of the work I have previously created. (Might this be similar to other things vanishing in the Editor.....if so then how do I get it back?). Hopefully, as I'm not very bright with these things, it's something really obvious.

    Thanks, in advance, for any suggestions. :)
  13. pwilson79

    pwilson79 Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2021
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    I think there was a small update to the PC editor this morning.

    I'll be away from my computer for the next 10 hours or so, but hopefully someone can check and make sure they haven't just removed it entirely? Hopefully it's something easier to fix than that!
  14. daanloman#3930

    daanloman#3930 Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2024
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    I recall them saying after a game update you should reopen the game and then the editor again so it recognises the game again.
  15. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Done that but I'm happy to try it again.

    If that is true then do I need to do anything with EPIC?
    (I think I'll wait for the smarter people here to report back :) ).
  16. CFTFC

    CFTFC Active Member

    Apr 18, 2020
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    Thanks for the heads up. I just updated the editor and this is what works for me. Update TSW in Steam and then open the Epic app to update the editor (there should be a blue dot on your username in the top right and on the Library on the top left. If not then it's probably auto updated). Open and close the editor to sync everything (as noted Cook button is missing). Copy TS2Prototype and Engine folder from the cooking mod to TrainSimWorld4MOD and overwrite files when asked. Open editor and you should be good to go unless you have to unblock certain dll files (only needed if you did this previously).

    Need to this every time the editor is updated as it reverts back to default settings.
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  17. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    That worked perfectly thanks. I've got my button back :D
    (It shows how much of a newbie I am to the editor. This was my first upgrade).
    Thanks very much for your help.
  18. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Finally I can see one of my freeware tankers (NTP) being pulled by a CL66 in a scenario. :)
    And to quote the name of this thread "I didn't think I would be able to do this".

    a9ab66a4-032a-497c-8def-0d2f201802b1.jpg eb667a7e-cf2b-41c8-a76d-7a0f2306ea5f.jpg 03f405bc-f6b1-459f-b049-3fba9e65626d.jpg 18e3d568-d150-47c7-94dd-0bfb56808d65.jpg 928f3242-fcda-481b-83a0-9f2f45241799.jpg
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  19. bassv#9864

    bassv#9864 New Member

    Mar 26, 2024
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    Your screenshots look amazing!!
  20. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Hmm. Here is an interesting one (and relates to Free Roam......which I don't usually use in relation to this thread).

    1) I go into Free Roam and select my own created formation for an 8-car CL710. This is what I get. (Hooray).


    2) I then repeat exactly the same operation but, this time, apply a Community livery to the same formation. This time I get this. (Boo).


    Where is the second unit?

    I'm not overly bothered as my project is designed to try and improve Scenario creation (not Free Roam) but I am curious to find out why this happens and what the link to Free Roam and Community liveries is?

    (Note that this Formation appears correctly, as does a 12-car version, with community liveries in Scenario Editor).
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2024
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  21. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    On a similar front here is a screenshot, in Free Roam, of 2 formations that should have been headed up by a CL08.


    Yet here is one of the same formations in a Scenario???


    I wonder if CC liveries might be the issue here? I'll do some more 'playing' and see what I come up with.
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  22. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Testing my home-made formations that are now in-game. (There are now 38 of them).
    Although this is in Free Roam, the formations are automatically available for selection and will take Community liveries.
    Started with the CL08. 5 out of 7 formations showed up correctly (CL08+4xJNAs Empty & Loaded failed to appear???).
    At present getting Loaded JNAs and Turbots in-game is proving far harder to do than I expected.....not sure why?


    And here is a screenshot of some random formations that haven't been finally tested yet.


    Similarly to my earlier screenshots the CL484 rake (6-car) changes to 2 cars if you try and put a CC livery on it. (But it stays as a 6-car in Scenarios........again no idea why?).

    You can see the CL08 rake with loaded JNAs. Add another 2 wagons and it won't load???
    You can see CL66s hauling freeware TEAs, BBAs, PCAs and PGAs. So that's good.(These will take CC liveries).
    The CL37 has got a CC livery on it and is hauling loaded Seacows (however my CL31 with loaded Turbots won't show the load and also crashes Free Roam).
    The PGAs display as empty whether you select the loaded or empty versions..

    Re the loading issues I'm wondering if these versions simply won't load in Free Roam at all (with default formations) and that is why they won't show up for me? Anyway more work to do. Onwards and downwards :)
    • Like Like x 3
  23. bassv#9864

    bassv#9864 New Member

    Mar 26, 2024
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    So, will this also work for timetables? I'm looking for a way to get custom liveries into my timetable.
  24. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    TBH I don't know. My aim was only to try and improve Scenario design so I wasn't too bothered about other aspects of the game.

    However, once I have tested all of my Formations, I'll try out Timetable mode and report back on what happens. At this stage my thoughts are that it should work.....but no promises.
    • Like Like x 1
  25. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Carried out a test of my CL08 formations (but also made a sneaky CL20 one too).
    All 18 appeared in Free Roam correctly but 2 (PFR Mineral wagons) would only appear as empties.
    Some screenshots below. (Never seen so many CL08s in my life :)).
    Remember, everything you see below is from 'new' in-game formations that will also work in Scenario Designer too.

    3cdfcddb-30ae-42cc-80ef-bc1ee9fc890a.jpg 6da2a802-e24d-4eac-89c6-f24dbdbf2102.jpg 1b58a87e-c3b6-4192-9d9f-0ff604d9b0e5.jpg 649debce-1b07-407b-aac9-042542b6754e.jpg c1c51a52-2410-439b-89f8-9cb0cb9f0f44.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
  26. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    And here are the CL20s hauling Limestone Hoppers. (Plus a couple more CL08s).:cool:

    958e468b-7b6a-4a90-b685-11825b205ed6.jpg 1e173c8c-4dd1-430b-b099-ef97a74e326a.jpg 8069153e-cfd5-4674-a511-ee42808902d7.jpg ba2f5818-33c9-4f2c-a94d-e94feab28c2d.jpg ae7da561-106d-4ce5-9426-44dae5147868.jpg

    Still lots of testing to do. For instance, the first CL31 formation I tried in Free Roam crashed the game altogether (even though it works correctly in Scenarios). :(
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
  27. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Have now managed to add a number of CL20 and CL33 formations to the game. As before, I am testing them in Free Roam to see if they will load but the main aim is to use them in Scenario Planner where they can pick up community liveries. Below are some screenshots of my latest tests. (It was rather busy). :)

    077b32ee-9165-4b41-af42-7d96658b1072.jpg b6a152df-70c2-4cad-b0b2-8ffd0bac0051.jpg c4a54a6b-543e-40ce-b478-7a3090f307d4.jpg 5f25116c-cc10-4bad-bc43-4d84b0fa8a8e.jpg d17e62f5-bd78-46ae-b2e9-05d33183f420.jpg

    Only a couple of issues so far and that is that I can't see to get loaded Turbots (Seacows are OK) or loaded Mk1s (not tried Mk2s yet) into the game. Everything else, so far, seems to pick up loads correctly so that's good. :D

    Moving on to CL31s and 37s next. Lets see what we can make with those.
  28. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    Do you experience FPS hits with that amount of spawned stock?
  29. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    No not really. But then nothing was moving and all I was doing was spawning one formation, checking it and then moving onto the next one. Mind you it did take me 80 minutes to get through the whole lot (including walking around and taking photos).

    Not sure what it would have been like if I had started elsewhere and then drove to the sidings. I guess there would have been some lag then when everything loaded all at once. :)
  30. The7Train

    The7Train Active Member

    Nov 6, 2018
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    Do you have to redo the generate and copy programs when doing this or nah?
  31. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    No you literally just do what is written in the various posts.
    1) Update the Editor from Epic.
    2) Open the Game, Open the Editor (to sync) then close again.
    3) Copy the TS2Prototype and Engine folders from the mod download to TrainSimWorld4MOD (allow overwrite).
    4) Do the security thingy with the dll files.
    5) Open the Editor from the Start button in the Epic folder.
    Then you should be good to go with a nice new Cooking button. :)
  32. The7Train

    The7Train Active Member

    Nov 6, 2018
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    NVM I found it, thank you.
    Last edited: May 3, 2024
  33. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Well I've moved on to Edinburgh-Glasgow following a thread on the forums pointing out that the original route only came with 6 paths (2 really). TBH I couldn't believe this but it turned out to be true. I, therefore, couldn't resist seeing what I could add to this route to give it more "playability" in Scenarios. As a result I now have 75 paths in my version of the route. But, as usual, I have dug a bit too far and am now wondering if I can do something with the Edinburgh Trams?

    I have worked out how to create scenarios around them. (They can only be added by using a text editor). However I haven't worked out how to change the formation of the tram from the default 5-car (5-section) to a slightly more realistic 7-car. (I thought that this would be easy, and have created a copy formation, and added it to my scenario, but it won't work in-game).

    I was, also, wondering how you would go about trying to improve the livery on them. It's been done before as there is a mod on Train Sim community but this won't work in TSW4. Mind you, even if I could get the relevant parts to work then I have no idea how to create a livery without using Livery Editor. So if anyone has any suggestions that would be great. Thanks.

    Trams running in a User created Scenario. (Proof of concept).

    Tram 'congestion' when I tried to see what would happen if I pathed across a cross-over on the Tram route. Sadly nothing would cross. (Note the rear tram is travelling in the opposite direction to the other two).

    HST (Player Service) calls at Edinburgh Park whilst a tram pulls in to the adjacent platform.

    At the other end of the route you can see a much busier Queen Street.

    Passing Eastfield Depot in the HST, with a couple of AI 385 services present. (Might still need to add a couple of extra paths here).
    • Like Like x 4
  34. spikeyorks

    spikeyorks Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2023
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    Here's another "Didn't think I would be able to do this?" moment.
    Getting a loose consist in to a working scenario. (Apologies for the poor screenshot. Rake of 7 Seacows at Glasgow Queen Street).

    Will probably now disappear down another rabbit hole seeing how many stock formations I can come up with. ;)

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