Dl-109 Headlight

Discussion in 'Technical Reports' started by miata54, May 22, 2023.

  1. miata54

    miata54 Member

    Jul 31, 2021
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    Since the core update, the headlight on the VNHRR ALCO DL-109 does not work either by keyboard or GUI entry. Prior to the update, it worked just fine. Noticed this after a file verification.
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  2. 749006

    749006 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    I think it is a scripted item that would be having problems since the update

    DTG are working on a fix to carious issues
  3. miata54

    miata54 Member

    Jul 31, 2021
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    Thanks. I hope this bug is included in their fix.
  4. KodiakJac

    KodiakJac Active Member

    Jul 30, 2022
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    Same problem here. The headlight on my VNHRR AlCo DL109 does not work. It was working before the update on 4-27-2023.
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
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  5. 749006

    749006 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    That is such a Surprise - WOW :D

    It is not a fault with the DL109 - it is a problem that affects some scripts running as they should
  6. KodiakJac

    KodiakJac Active Member

    Jul 30, 2022
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    There is no place for sarcasm in the Technical Reports section of the TSC Community forum. I was merely conveying information to the TSC dev team. It is helpful for them to know the problem with the DL109 headlight not working is not isolated to one player.

    Why are you trying to make forum members feel unwelcome in the TSC Community?
    Last edited: May 23, 2023
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  7. 749006

    749006 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    If you have a problem with the DLC did you file a ticket with DTG Support?
    The more people report something then DTG would know ifs not an isolated problem.
    Just adding a comment here means you hope somebody from DTG would see your reply and then pass it on to support.
  8. torfmeister

    torfmeister Guest

    It's perfectly normal first to ask if others are experiencing the same before filing a report.

    Also, I had asked JD to do his job as a community manager and feed the forum feedback to the devs at this time, as the support process is totally intransparent. He promised to collect issues reported here.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2023
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  9. 749006

    749006 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    A lot of people post here saying they have a problem with something and having done so they think its not necessary to raise a ticket with the support desk.
    Because you had asked JD to do something does not mean it will get done - unless you are his boss ;)
  10. torfmeister

    torfmeister Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2023
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  11. KodiakJac

    KodiakJac Active Member

    Jul 30, 2022
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    Perhaps you should read the second pinned posting in this subforum "Reporting A Technical Issue"...
    DTG Jamie
    If you are having a problem of a technical nature posting in this forum is likely to get you a faster response than waiting for the support team.

    In any case, you are not my keeper. It's none of your business if I have or have not also logged a ticket (which I know how to do and have done on many occasions). If I want advice from you, I will ask for it (which, with your snarky attitude, I will never do).
  12. 749006

    749006 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Ok - my bad. - Sorry.
    I had mis-read that as to post to the Support team first.

    Whenever I have a posts with a fault posted here it is very rare for DTG to tell the OP what the solution is.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. DTG Jamie

    DTG Jamie Staff Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Thank you for letting us know will pass this on to the team
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  14. Reef

    Reef Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    I kind of get where Peter is coming from on this even if he missed the mark on this occasion.

    So many times people have jumped straight onto a forum or Facebook to slag off a dev or game because something's not working correctly yet haven't got the time or inclination to report the fault through the correct channels.

    Some people prefer complaining or sheep following the naysayers crowd rather than proactively, calmly and descriptively trying to help highlight the issue so it can get fixed.
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  15. torfmeister

    torfmeister Guest

    The issue here is that the bug is in correlation to the new TS core and not the DLC (subject to being sorted out by DTG and the DLC devs owning the source scripts which are needed for DTG to find the cause - you can't uncompile an .out file without losing viable information as comments etc...). Filing a ticket would probably cause DTG to directly redirect it to DTM. That's the reason I was saying it's probably better to post those issues here where a DLC behaves differently due to the core update.

    So no need to argue, Peter is of course generally right in saying you should contact support. On the other hand, issues related to the core update should be visible for everyone.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2023
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  16. Reef

    Reef Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    Agreed torf, my comment was more of a generalisation than specific to this topic, apologies for going OT.
  17. KodiakJac

    KodiakJac Active Member

    Jul 30, 2022
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    And my apologies for being grouchy about your original comment :)

    I had spinal fusion surgery several years ago that has degenerated and developed into a new problem. I'm in constant pain and in physical therapy right now hoping to avoid another surgery. So, I'm overly irritable when I shouldn't be :)

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  18. torfmeister

    torfmeister Guest

    Get well soon Kodiac. Best wishes!
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  19. 749006

    749006 Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    I was not really that helpful - having a bad week.
    Sorry again

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  20. wellington

    wellington Guest

    I was doing tests with the headlights of the DL-109 Loco, I found the couplings of the Green and Gold model strange, is anyone else having this problem with the absence of textures? I also noticed that even uncoupled, the coupler shows as if it was still coupled, opposed the other 4 models which are all correct.

    Screenshot_VNHRR Springfield Line_42.09244--72.58509_12-02-08.jpg
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2023
  21. miata54

    miata54 Member

    Jul 31, 2021
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    Try this zip file which was provided to me by Buzz456 at RWA. Will make the couplers black.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jul 16, 2023
  22. wellington

    wellington Guest

    Only 30% solved, the texture is blinking ("glitch"), the couplings and their hoses are also wrong in relation to the other DL-109 models, when coupled the hoses are connected, when uncoupled the hoses are deactivated and stored in the compartments. I believe it is easy to solve this, I will check the problem.
  23. wellington

    wellington Guest

    Where is the fix by the developers? For my part it's like this...

    Screenshot_VNHRR Springfield Line_41.77854--72.67099_21-20-39.jpg Screenshot_VNHRR Springfield Line_41.77854--72.67099_21-20-45.jpg Screenshot_VNHRR Springfield Line_41.77960--72.67131_21-21-17.jpg Screenshot_VNHRR Springfield Line_41.79096--72.66645_21-35-48.jpg Screenshot_VNHRR Springfield Line_41.79205--72.66485_21-36-53.jpg

    I fixed the headlights script for my DL-109 Loco (on/off), DL-109 Locos AI moving (on) and DL-109 Loco static (off).
    I fixed also the missing lens flare of the DL109 NH Brooks Brothers and DL109 NH Green Gold ND models.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2023
  24. miata54

    miata54 Member

    Jul 31, 2021
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    Can you share that fix?
  25. wellington

    wellington Guest

  26. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    DTM has a bad habit of not fixing alot of bugs in his older releases, even if you tell him directly on Facebook.
  27. miata54

    miata54 Member

    Jul 31, 2021
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    I installed the patch into the proper DL-109 Rail Vehicles folder in the DTM Assets folder and fired up TSC using the Career scenario Brooks Bros Green and Gold under the VNHRR Route. Using the 64 bit mode, the scenario crashed before loading with the OOM memory error message. 32GB RAM in my system. Your Railnetworks patch for the VNHRR already applied.

    I then repeated the process using the 32 bit mode and the results were the same. Scenario crashed before loading with the error message "Fatal error in Drive mode when updating the Driver Manager"

    I then did a Quick Drive with the same DL-109 but this time selected the Boston and Albany route out of South Station. The QD loaded, the headlight lit up on and off, and I was on my way. Seems to be some conflict with the VNHRR in both 32 and 64 bit modes.
  28. OldAlaskaGuy

    OldAlaskaGuy Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Have you installed the VNHRR-Springfield 64 bit patch?
  29. miata54

    miata54 Member

    Jul 31, 2021
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    Yes. It was installed prior to installing this latest patch.

    Did some further testing. Decided to do a PC reboot and start clean. Selected 64 bit mode and went right to Quick Drive. Selected DL-109 Green & Gold with the Boston-Albany route again. TSC loaded without issue and the headlight was functioning properly. Exited TSC. Loaded TSC again but selected VNHRR this time with the same DL-109 in Quick Drive. QD failed to load. Same error message as stated in previous thread.

    I decided to do a selective file verification, not via STEAM, but with the new patch files. I reinstalled the original DTM DL-109 Rail Vehicles folder and TSC loaded VNHRR without issue in 64 bit mode which had the 64 bit patch applied. So far, so good. Headlight not working which is correct. I then opened the new patch folder which contained an Engine Script.out file, copied it to the original DL-109 Rail Vehicles folder, deleted the original Engine Scripts.out file and pasted in the new one. I then fired up TSC in the VNHRR route with a DL-109 scenario, and it loaded! I did not copy/paste any of the other files in this new patch, and the VNHRR route and scenario loaded. The headlight worked. I can only deduce that one of the remaining files from the new patch was creating some kind of conflict within the original DL-109 Rail Vehicles folder, but I have no idea which file it is. At any rate, the DL-109 headlight is running and I can load it in the VNHRR route in 64 bit mode.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2023
  30. miata54

    miata54 Member

    Jul 31, 2021
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    Problem solved. I uninstalled/reinstalled the DTM DL-109. Completely deleted it from the DTM folder and then ran the ap file to reinstall it. I then took Wellington's Super Patch and install it in the appropriate folder of the DL-109 main folder, and let it overwrite subject files. I fired up TSC using the 64 bit mode, went to one of the VNHRR Career scenarios that used the DL-109 and it loaded without issue. Headlight wo4rked as he said it would. I can only surmise that there was a corrupt file somewhere in the my original DL-109 setup as now the Super Patch has solved the problems.
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