Xbox Dostos And Fps Drop

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by thomastl59374, Aug 29, 2022.

  1. thomastl59374

    thomastl59374 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Lately, I've noticed that when I play any of my German routes, whenever I pass a train made up of dostos I get a noticeable drop in fps. However, the strange thing is on SKA when I passed the sidings filled with empty dostos there was no drop in fps.

    P.S. this is on Xbox 1
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  2. StokesJH

    StokesJH Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    The problem with the fps drop when crossing dostos has been mentioned in another thread. The dostos in the sidings are most probable empty shells, so they should not influence the fps.
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  3. pveezy

    pveezy Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2021
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    There seems to be a bug with at least one of the Dostos that causes terrible FPS whenever they appear on screen. I have it on PS5, and have seen people mention it happening on PCs with top specs or Series X. It’s definitely a flaw with some of the specific models because there are a ton of Dostos but only some of them cause the FPS drop. I was playing Rapid Transit the other day and any time an AI Dosto showed up FPS nosedive. I actually could tell when one was stopped ahead at the station before I even saw it because I felt the FPS drop. Seems most people agree it only started happening in the last few months.

    Reported it to DTG so we will see what happens.
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  4. thomastl59374

    thomastl59374 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Yeah, I noticed that it didn't really affect fps with the VVO dostos on DRA
  5. pveezy

    pveezy Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2021
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    I found the issue! It’s the interior cabin lights.

    On almost all the Dostos if the interior cabin lights are on… FPS take a massive hit. I tested them all:

    Therandter Rampe and Nahverkehr Dresden cabin lights hurt FPS but not terribly. So those two wouldn’t cause major issues.

    All the others, cabin lights destroy FPS. Some of them spawn with the lights off by default so you won’t see it unless you turn them on. But the worst offender is the Main Spessart Bahn one which defaults to them turned on and they kill FPS.

    I confirmed it with an AI train on Rapid Transit where is saw the most problems. At the station a Dosto approached and my FPS nosedived to like 10… when it stopped I went on board and turned off the cabin lights, sure enough everything went back to normal perfect FPS.

    So because some of them have the lights turned on by default, if you’re on a route where AI drives those ones they will destroy FPS whenever you are near one.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2022

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