Dresden Timetable Feedback - Request

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by DTG Matt, Sep 12, 2021.

  1. tcmikaelsouza

    tcmikaelsouza Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2021
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    PlayStation 4
    Chapter 2 RE50 Liepzig Dresden
    Train near Coswig, very close to the beginning of the Meissen branch, blocking the way to this branch, when causing a red light, I recorded the transmission on Twitch, tried to go to the stalled train, open doors and close doors, without success.

    All German Lines and BR 101

  2. redrev1917

    redrev1917 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2021
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    PC - Steam
    Service as below

    Route go vias are incorrectly set it seems, after passing Dresden Mitte, my next go via mark is 11km behind me just after Coswig
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  3. Aran

    Aran Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Off-World Destinations on Bahnstrecke Riesa - Dresden:

    With the Update on November 5th a majority of the services received their correct Final Destinations in Service Mode.
    However, a few services were unfortunately missed and some also got some incorrect destinations due to time specific regulations to these trains. The trains that are affected are listed below, including a reason for why the destination is incorrect in the game for those where this is the case.
    It is also worth noting that a large amount of services show up on the PIS twice, this bug would ideally be fixed too.

    S2s go to Dresden Flughafen, these trains currently don't have a destination when leaving Dresden-Neustadt in game. I believe this is a known bug as it was mentioned on the preview stream for the Meißen branch.

    S3s go to Tharandt or Freiberg, these trains currently don't have a destination when leaving Dresden Hbf in game. The service leaves Dresden Hbf at 34 minutes past every hour, the trains at 5:34am, 6:34am, 7:34am, 13:34pm, 14:34pm, 15:34pm and 16:34pm go to Freiberg(Sachs), the rest only go as far as Tharandt.
    It is not strictly necessary to get these differences in, but it would add some more realism and be much appreciated.

    RB31s go to Elsterwerda-Biehla. This service is a bit more complicated as the train leaves Dresden Hbf and drives into a portal,
    then reappears at Coswig to drive the service to Großenhein and then leaves to a portal again. This applies in both directions.
    To ensure the train shows up properly on the PIS over the entirety of the journey, all services must be linked together and the correct destination Elsterwerda-Biehla must be set on the service that goes to the portal after Großenhain.

    ICs that leave the map after Dresden-Neustadt go to Warnemünde, not Rostock. Only one train a day goes to Rostock, the rest go to Warnemünde. If all IC services should continue to use one destination across all of them, this should be Warnemünde.

    ICs also appear to suffer from an issue where the first station doesn't appear correctly on the train PIS. All trains that begin their service at Dresden Hbf instead show Dresden-Neustadt as the first station, despite Dresden Hbf appearing in the list of intermediate stops on the interior displays.
    Ideally the ICs terminating at Dresden would also need their starting station set so it would show correctly on the coaches displays (Köln / Warnemünde).

    ICEs go to Wiesbaden in regular service, not Frankfurt (Main) Flughafen. There are currently closures in place between Frankfurt and Wiesbaden, so all of these ICEs are currently terminating at Frankfurt. As TSW should represent normal opperation in Service Mode, the destinations should be set to Wiesbaden and not Frankfurt (Main) Flughafen.
    Some ICEs are also completely missing an off-world destination which means that they show up as terminating at Riesa, which is not correct. So these services would also need to get the destination "Wiesbaden" added to them.

    Thanks to Task for helping me with the research for this post.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2021
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  4. Task

    Task Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Another issue I found are trains appearing on the platform departure boards at the station where they convert to a portal service two times. This happens basically everywhere where a portal service becomes the player service and the other way around. This portal service also has the station you are at as intermediate stop.

    Here is a list of some of the service patterns where it happens and at which station. You can also see most of that in the images I attached to the post (more in the zip I also attached).
    • Riesa: IC services to Dresden Hbf
    • Riesa: ICE services to Dresden Hbf
    • Riesa: RE 50 services to Dresden Hbf
    • Dresden Neustadt: S 2 services to Dresden Hbf
    • Dresden Neustadt: S 2 services to Dresden Flughafen
    • Dresden Neustadt: IC services to Rostock
    • Dresden Hbf: S 1 services to Meißen Triebischtal
    • Dresden Hbf: S 2 services to Dresden Flughafen (even with two separate versions of the line number "S2" / "S 2")
    • Dresden Hbf: ICE services to Frankfurt
    • Dresden Hbf: IC services to Rostock
    • Dresden Hbf: IC services to Köln
    • Coswig: RB 31 services to Dresden
    • Coswig: RB 31 services to Großenhain
    (this is only a selection of those problems, there may be more)

    I think this has something to do with portal services opening and closing the doors at a station before the player takes over and does the same thing again. This is another issue that can hopefully get fixed as that looks very strange when you are doing some trainspotting, the AI arrives, opens the doors, closes them, opens them again, closes them again and then departs. Terminating trains at Dresden Hbf also strangely close the doors when the service is finished to open them again a while later when the next service begins. A little strange at a terminus.

    Thanks to Aran for helping me with the research and providing me the screenshots for this bug report.

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  5. Aran

    Aran Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2019
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    Off-World Intermediate Stations on Bahnstrecke Riesa - Dresden:

    One thing that was missing from the update was all the intermediate station that are not on the ingame map, this is very unfortunate as having the PIS display these stations really helps sell the idea that you're part of a larger network by adding life to the PIS and making them more interesting. This was left out because it is very time consuming to research and add all of the data for this to work.
    However, the German PIS screens only need up to 3 off world intermediate stations due to the design of these boards and with help of all the information that has been listed below, it should be possible to implement this extra life to the PIS. One exception to this 3-station rule are the IC services, these would also benefit from having all stations added as the interior displays would show this.

    S1 --> Meißen Triebischtal: Train Terminates Here, no Off-World Stops needed
    S1 --> Pirna/Bad Schandau/Schöna: Dresden-Strehlen, Dresden-Reick, Dresden-Dobritz

    S2 --> Dresden Flughafen: Dresden Industriegelände, Dresden-Klotzsche, Dresden Grenzstraße
    S2 --> Pirna: Dresden-Strehlen, Dresden-Reick, Dresden-Dobritz

    S3 --> Dresden Hbf: Train Terminates Here, no Off-World Stops needed
    S3 --> Freiberg/Tharandt: Dresden-Plauen, Freital-Potschappel, Freital-Deuben

    RB31 --> from Coswig to Dresden Hbf: Radebeul-Naundorf, Niederwartha, Cossebaude
    RB31 --> from Dresden Hbf to Coswig: Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Dresden-Cotta, Dresden-Kemnitz
    RB31 --> from Großenhain to Elsterwerda-Biehla: Zabeltitz, Frauenhain, Prösen Ost

    RE15 --> Dresden Hbf: Train Terminates Here, no Off-World Stops needed
    RE15 --> Hoyerswerda: Lampertswalde, Ortrand, Ruhland

    RE18 --> Dresden Hbf: Train Terminates Here, no Off-World Stops needed
    RE18 --> Cottbus Hbf: Lampertswalde, Ortrand, Ruhland

    RE50 --> Dresden Hbf: Train Terminates Here, no Off-World Stops needed
    RE50 --> Leipzig Hbf: Oschatz, Dahlen(Sachs), Kühren

    IC --> Dresden Hbf: Train Terminates Here, no Off-World Stops needed
    IC --> Warnemünde: Elsterwerda, Doberlig-Kirchhain, Berlin Südkreuz, Berlin Hbf (tief), Berlin Gesundbrunnen, Oranienburg, Neustrelitz Hbf, Waren(Müritz), Rostock Hbf

    IC --> Dresden Hbf: Train Terminates Here, no Off-World Stops needed
    IC --> Köln HBF: Leipzig Hbf, Leipzig/Halle Flughafen, Halle(Saale) Hbf, Köthen, Magdeburg Hbf, Braunschweig Hbf, Hannover Hbf, Minden(Westf), Herford, Bielefeld Hbf, Gütersloh Hbf, Hamm(Westf) Hbf, Hagen Hbf, Wuppertal Hbf, Solingen Hbf

    ICE --> Dresden Hbf: Train Terminates Here, no Off-World Stops needed
    ICE --> Wiesbaden Hbf: Leipzig Hbf, Erfurt Hbf, Gotha

    Thanks again to Task for helping me with the research for this post.
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  6. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Not a bug but just wondering if there is any document, spreadsheet etc. which details the approximate arrival time of freights at either end of the route?
    I'm wandering all over the lines at the end of Dresden Hbf, have found where I think the freight spawns but of course no idea when the next service will appear (@0750).
  7. jiroo92

    jiroo92 Member

    Feb 12, 2019
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    Same happened to me yesterday. I play on Xbox Series X.
  8. Haribo112

    Haribo112 Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2020
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    Yup can confirm this. The go-via is too close to the signal. On the RE15 Hoyerswerda - Dresden Hbf run, the signal did not have enough time to change to green, giving me a 1000hz. I did acknowledge it, but it sure felt dumb to drive only 80kmh despite the line being very clear in front of me.
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  9. GooseWaffe

    GooseWaffe Active Member

    Sep 22, 2021
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    Platform: Steam PC
    Loco / Cab: 766.2 DB Pzfa DB
    Weather Settings: Default
    Date : September
    Service Name / Time : S2 Depot - Dresden Hbf
    Issue occurred roughly how long into the service : On start up
    Detail of Issue: Starting this route will spawn you at a random station without a train. Tried restarting and would just spawn me at a different station. Doesn't exactly make the game unplayable (unless you pick this service.)

    Hope this helps!

    Attached Files:

  10. thomastl59374

    thomastl59374 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Platform: Xbox One
    Loco: DB BR 146.2
    Weather: snowing
    Service: (see images attached)
    Just outsoide Coswig I encountered a red signal. When looking on the map to see what I was waiting for, there was a 6car talent 2 stopped on the points that connect the mainline to the Meissen branch (please see images below (the on foot icon shows where the talent 2 was stuck). I was able to take control of the service and after doing a full shut down of the unit (inluding the battery) and turning it back on again I got it to move. upload_2021-10-22_14-7-45.png
    upload_2021-10-22_14-6-33.png upload_2021-10-22_14-5-51.png

    However, just after coswig (roughly 1km) an S1 service had the same issue. Again I was able to take this service over but as I reached its next stop, I realised that it had been given the wrong path and was on the track (see images)

  11. thomastl59374

    thomastl59374 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    (last image for my report above, shows that the service was given wrong path)
  12. tcmikaelsouza

    tcmikaelsouza Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2021
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    In addition to the well-known lockups on this route, trains locked on this stretch are one of the most recurrent problems on several routes.
  13. loeffler.marcel

    loeffler.marcel Member

    Mar 30, 2019
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    Platform: Steam PC
    Loco / Cab: BR 155
    Weather Settings: [Default], Clear
    Date : October
    Service Name / Time : BR 155 [6:33:00] Röderau - Dresden Hbf
    Issue occurred roughly how long into the service : ~07:20 [07:10] bevor i will go to Dresden Hbf
    Detail of Issue: I get an red signal bevor Dresden Hbf. Disapatcher say the train is offside the route, see please in the attachment... I see all trains to dresden are stucking now :D

    The last pictures (20211023123502_1.jpg/20211023124105_1.jpg) is from my second run, in this case with full speed, i arrive the singal on 07:11, another train will use the same line, nothing goes anymore..

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    Last edited: Oct 23, 2021
  14. tcmikaelsouza

    tcmikaelsouza Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2021
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    PlayStation 4
    S1 Services
    The loading time of passengers at stations is ONLY 15 SECONDS, on S1 services, is this correct?
  15. loeffler.marcel

    loeffler.marcel Member

    Mar 30, 2019
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    Platform: Steam PC
    Loco / Cab: ICE BR 406 DB
    Weather Settings: [Default], Clear
    Date : November
    Service Name / Time : Service 16:59 and 17:04 ICE Frankfurt - Dresden
    Issue occurred roughly how long into the service : -
    Detail of Issue: 2 ICE Services arrives Riesa shortly after each other, i think the service from 17:04 must be placed on 14:59 (15:01), see picture below.

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  16. tcmikaelsouza

    tcmikaelsouza Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2021
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    PlayStation 4 Fat
    BR 442 - Talent 2
    RE18 Dresden - Cottbus (14:51)
    A few seconds when starting a service, the service failed to run a red light, as I was stationary, and with the doors open, probably caused by an AI train.
    DLC: All German Lines + BR 101
  17. WonterRail

    WonterRail Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2018
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    Now that I have completed a big old pdf timetable for this route, I want to bring up a couple of issues that came up while I was making that timetable.

    Firstly, in the service selection for the 143, there are two services that are blank and don't have any information about what the service is or what it actually does.

    One is at 18:28
    …and another is at 19:26

    Now both of these services are actually drivable. The 18:28 service is an empty stock move to the middle siding at Meißen from Triebischtal and the 19:26 service is a empty stock move back to Dresden Hbf running non-stop. It just would be nice if we could see what they were in the service selection.

    On the subject of the 143, the next issue is regarding a couple of service where if you selected them, you will just be dumped in some random place that is nowhere near your train. This issues affects the following services.
    • RE18 Dresden Hbf – Cottbus 12:51
    • S2 Dresden Hbf – Depot 21:10
    • S2 Dresden Hbf – Depot 22:40
    • S2 Dresden Hbf – Depot 23:11
    On top of this, I would also like to mention that the S2 Depot services are also given the wrong description. They are all listed as S2 Depot - Dresden Hbf when it should really be the other way round.

    Now the next issue is regarding the fact that the IC/ICE services don't have their service numbers listed in the service selection. Now from doing the timetable, I was actually able to find out what the numbers actually where by looking in the PIS boards on this route, as the number are actually displayed in these boards. From that I was able to work out what the service numbers for the IC/ICE services actually where. Down below is a list of these services and what their service numbers should be.

    IC Service Numbers
    • IC 2044 Dresden – Köln 05:23
    • IC 2274 Dresden – Warnemünde 05:24
    • IC 2249 Dresden – Köln 05:29
    • IC 2076 Dresden – Berlin 06:55
    • IC 2272 Dresden – Warnemünde 07:19
    • IC 2046 Köln – Dresden 07:24
    • IC 2044 Köln – Dresden 08:01
    • IC 2270 Dresden – Warnemünde 09:19
    • IC 2048 Dresden – Köln 09:23
    • IC 2249 Dresden – Köln 10:01
    • IC 2178 Dresden – Warnemünde 11:19
    • IC 2440 Köln – Dresden 11:24
    • IC 2249 Dresden – Köln 12:01
    • IC 2176 Dresden – Warnemünde 13:19
    • IC 2442 Köln – Dresden 13:24
    • IC 2044 Köln – Dresden 14:01
    • IC 2274 Dresden – Warnemünde 15:19
    • IC 2444 Dresden – Köln 15:23
    • IC 2249 Dresden – Köln 16:01
    • IC 2172 Dresden – Warnemünde 17:19
    • IC 2248 Köln – Dresden 17:24
    • IC 2249 Dresden – Köln 18:01
    • IC 2448 Dresden – Warnemünde 19:19
    • IC 2248 Köln – Dresden 21:24
    • IC 2044 Köln – Dresden 22:01
    ICE Service Numbers
    • ICE 1652 Dresden – Frankfurt Flughafen 08:19
    • ICE 1553 Frankfurt Flughafen – Dresden 08:59
    • ICE 1650 Dresden – Frankfurt Flughafen 10:19
    • ICE 1555 Frankfurt Flughafen – Dresden 10:59
    • ICE 1558 Dresden – Frankfurt Flughafen 12:19
    • ICE 1557 Frankfurt Flughafen – Dresden 12:59
    • ICE 1556 Dresden – Frankfurt Flughafen 14:19
    • ICE 1554 Dresden – Frankfurt Flughafen 16:19
    • ICE 1651 Frankfurt Flughafen – Dresden 16:59
    • ICE 1559 Frankfurt Flughafen – Dresden 17:04
    • ICE 1552 Dresden – Frankfurt Flughafen 18:19
    • ICE 1653 Frankfurt Flughafen – Dresden 18:59
    • ICE 1555 Dresden – Frankfurt Flughafen 20:19
    • ICE 1657 Frankfurt Flughafen – Dresden 22:59
    Now I still don't have any service numbers for the freight services on this route as that's a different beast entirely, but maybe that is something that can be looked upon in the future.

    Speaking of freight, I have discovered a pretty major issue with one of those services. Specifically, the 6:33 service from Röderau to Dresden. This service takes the slow line via Coswig which is all fine, but when the service gets to Dresden Mitte, near the end of the service, it suddenly starts reversing the wrong way back down the main line as far as the junction east of Coswig, before continuing as normal to Dresden Hbf. Luckily no services are behind it, but it's still pretty dangerous to see. This labeled image of the map should give a better idea of the issue in hand.
    Reversing Freight Train.PNG
    Now looking at the schedule for this service, I was able to work out what the problem was, now for comparison here's what a normal Röderau-Dresden via Coswig service looks like.
    …and this is what the 6:33 Röderau-Dresden via Coswig service looks like (with labels to point out what's wrong).
    Reversing Freight Train 2.PNG
    Now as you can see, the problem is that one of the go via points (located on the junction east of Coswig) is in the wrong location and should be swapped around with the go via point for Dresden-Mitte. That way, you won't see this train reversing dangerously back down the main line on the wrong path.

    The final thing I want to bring up here is that when I spawned in walking at 15:40, I noticed that after a while, trains where starting to skip stations they were suppose to stop at and eventually the timetable broke after a while with trains stuck in blockades all across the route.

    That's all the major issues I was able to find for now, If I find anything else, I'll be sure to let you all know.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2021
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  18. speedy2972

    speedy2972 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2021
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    Haven't been on this route for a while so I decided to do the first ICE service towards Dresden, met with an out of memory error in usual place, tried again but this time I uninstalled ALL German dlc, tried again and exactly the same outcome, same location, just after you cross the river in Dresden.
    I'm on Xbox series s, they may think that not a lot of noise is being made about it, therefore it's magically fixed itself, it hasn't, it's just we're fed up with the same types of bugs and no-one at DTG seems to really care.
  19. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Scenario "There and Back Again" : ruined by persistent red.

    Platform: Steam/PC
    Train BR: 143 (+ cab car)
    Season: September, light fog

    Where in route: almost at the end.
    Specifically, as one approaches Dresden-Neustadt, you get a red; your target platform is occupied by another train, which has a green but refuses to move. In fact, every single other signal at the south end of the route is red, and no trains move at all.

    Note the S-Bahn stopped on the bridge:
    Screenshot (60).png

    And five minutes later:
    Screenshot (61).png

    Here is the traffic and signal situation:
    Screenshot (58).png
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2022
  20. rocangus#8958

    rocangus#8958 New Member

    Feb 4, 2021
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    Edit: Did not occur after running the part of the career service following the one in question:

    Platform: Steam
    Loco / Cab: BR 442
    Weather Settings: Defined by scenario
    Service Name / Time : RB31 Grossenhain - Coswig 08:10 (Welcome to Saxony Chapter 6, part 2)
    Issue occurred roughly how long into the service : Beginning
    Detail of Issue: The load passengers objective at the start does not progress even after unlocking right side doors onto the platform.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2022
  21. gesingus#2808

    gesingus#2808 New Member

    Mar 2, 2022
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    Plattform: Steam
    Loco / Cab: Br185.5 MRCE
    Weather Settings: Partly clouded
    Service Name / Time: Fright Röderau -> Dresden beginning 6:33
    Ussue occurred roughly how long into the service: ~40mins
    Dretail of Issue: Deadlock between two fright trains inbetween Dresden Mitte and HBF, seems to be the case because of incorrect "go via"-instructions. This is reproducable.

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