Game Update East Coast Main Line: Patch & Timetable Update

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by DTG Alex, Sep 25, 2023.

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  1. DTG Alex

    DTG Alex Senior Community Manager Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2022
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    Hello everyone,

    Thank you to all for the feedback during the early access period of Train Sim World 4, our teams have been working hard to deliver the best experience over this time, and today we’re sharing a set of audio improvements to the Class 801 Azuma on East Coast Main Line.

    These improvements should now be live on all platforms, expect for PlayStation 4 which will be coming shortly.

    Full Changelog
    East Coast Main Line

    • Fixed multiple collision issues where the player would fall through the world or end up stuck and patched up holes in the scenery.
    BR Class 801 Azuma
    • Increased AWS & TPWS audio to improve the volume of audio warnings.
    • Fixed issues for text on the loco PIS board, preventing overlapping and adjusting scroll speed.
    • Increased the volumes of the cab running sounds, traction motor sounds, transformer sounds, cab joint sounds, and door seal sounds.
    • Fixed an issue with the TPWS audio not playing the words correctly.
    • Adjusted attenuations so volume levels are audible from further away.
    • In Livery Designer, when changing carriages, the UI text “Class 801 LNER” will no longer disappear

    East Coast Main Line - Timetable Update
    In addition to the patch, with the launch of Train Sim World 4 tomorrow we are releasing a reduced timetable for Gen-8 players when compatible content layers become available.
    Progress WILL be shared between the Normal and Reduced timetables.

    Depending on your platform, whether you select the Normal or Reduced timetable, you will receive the following contents:

    Normal Timetable
    • PC, Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5 will get access to all layers:
      • HST (MML, static and playable)
      • Class 700 (AI and playable)
      • Class 158 (AI and playable)
      • Flying Scotsman (AI and playable)
      • Class 66 (AI and playable)
      • SoS (AI)
      • RHTT (playable and AI)
      • Glossop Line (AI)
      • TVL (AI)
      • NTP (AI)
      • WSR (AI)
      • GWE (AI)
      • SEHS (AI layers) - some will be in Doncaster Works as static AI
    • Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 will get:
      • HST (MML, playable and AI)
      • Flying Scotsman (playable and AI)
      • Class 66 (playable and AI)
      • GWE (playable and AI)
      • NTP (AI)
      • SoS (AI)
      • Glossop Line (AI)
      • RHTT (AI)
      • SEHS (AI)
      • TVL (AI)
      • WSR (AI)
    Reduced Timetable
    • PC, Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 will get access to all layers:
      • Flying Scotsman (playable, AI)
      • Class 66 (playable, AI)
    • Xbox One, Xbox Series S and PlayStation 4 will have the same as the above, however, will see a slightly reduced amount of static stock.
    Players can choose the Normal or the Reduced timetable. For best performance, we strongly recommend that if you are on the following platforms, you select the following timetables:
    • PS4/Xbox One/Xbox Series S – use the reduced timetable
    • PS5/Xbox Series X/PC - use the updated timetable
    Depending on your hardware, you may choose to play on the reduced timetable, if you’re struggling with performance – as in certain locations, it can be very demanding on your system.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2023
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  2. DTG JD

    DTG JD Director of Community Staff Member

    Feb 25, 2021
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    Edit - 22:00, 25th September.

    We've amended the platforms - this was a miscommunication. Series S is considered 9th-gen, so will get 9th-gen content, so has the options above. Apologies for the confusion.

    We do strongly recommend they engage with the reduced timetable, but the option is there for players to try.
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