East Coastway Preservation Crew Feedback/suggestions: A Comprehensive, Non-exhaustible List

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by cloudyskies21, Sep 27, 2021.

  1. cloudyskies21

    cloudyskies21 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    Hello everyone,

    I wanted to provide some detailed feedback and suggestions for Adam’s preservation crew for when they eventually reach East Coastway. This list is a mixture of fixes and suggestions which I’d like for the community to add their own thoughts, from any platform (PC, Playstation, Xbox), which they feel would improve this great route even more. I thought the time is right as some of the suggestions/feedback is linked with the upcoming London Commuter route. Without further ado, here is the non-exhaustible list:

    · Add London Victoria to Eastbourne/Ore services. Originating from the London Commuter route, the player would almost be able to drive the full route down to Eastbourne at least, minus the Keymer Junction branch. These services can now take advantage of the attach and divide function which will be found on London Commuter. For example, in real life the front 4 cars terminate at Eastbourne, while the rear 4 reverses back and goes to Ore etc. This would bolster traffic on the route between Lewes’ platforms 1 and 2 and Eastbourne.

    · Add new version of the Class 377 from London Commuter with updated destination screens and sound. Also make sure the new 377 used for ECW from London Commuter includes the /1 numbers for better immersion.

    · Add in AI traffic at Brighton from London Commuter, namely the Gatwick Express 387 services and any extra Southern services (313 for WCW), maybe depot runs for these too. Don't forget the parked Class 09 at Lovers Walk that will be on London Commuter. ;)

    · Fix incorrect PIS. For example, at Brighton, West Coastway services that show as Southampton depart as West Worthing on the train. Also issues with PIS at Eastbourne. For example, the PIS show 09:07 to Hastings as first, followed by 09:08 to Hastings as second. Same can be seen for Ore such as 09:35 first, then 09:37 as the second to Ore. Meanwhile, for Brighton-bound services at Eastbourne, the PIS shows 09:10 to Brighton first, followed by 09:25 to Brighton second, and 09:37 third. However once the train arrives to Eastbourne at 09:25, the time disappears and suddenly becomes 09:37. Elsewhere, back at Brighton, some trains depart well after the time shown on the PIS, for the AI service to Southampton, for example the board showed 17:18, but this service actually departed at 17:23.

    · Include more platform options for Scenario Planner. Namely, these comprise Platforms 3-5 at Brighton, Platform 1 at Eastbourne, Platform 5 at Lewes, plus, making Lewes’ Platform’s 1 and 2 useable for passenger services as opposed to just freight down to Newhaven Aggregates. Also, path options needed for Lovers Walk and Eastbourne sidings.

    · Fix 377 interior lighting. It’s way too bright and high contrast compared to reality, plus light source does not come from lights but instead from the glass panels/doors inside.

    · No train sounds for the AI Class 377s, especially when stopping – please update.

    · Add flashing yellow signals warning of diverging lines – a feature first found on Southeastern High Speed on TSW 2.

    · Odd change in speed limits. Near Berwick, the speed limit is 90pmh, before suddenly dropping to 80mph 0.6 miles from Berwick heading towards Polegate, then within around 0.1 miles it goes straight back up to 90mph almost instantly. Can be annoying when operating a service which doesn’t stop at Berwick.

    · Increase AI West Coastway traffic at Brighton. At times Brighton feels emptier than it should regarding platforms 1 and 2. Firstly, the Hove shuttle is non-existent and should be implemented. Meanwhile, the first WCW AI on the route leaves at 08:01 to Portsmouth from platform 2, followed by the first platform 1 at 08:18 - in reality these start hours earlier. The last AI WCW service to leave Platform 2 is the 17:31 to Portsmouth, while the very last AI WCW service leaves platform 1 at 17:48 to Southampton. These timings are unrealistic on the TSW 2 route compared to real life, plus these services only arrive by a portal, trains should move from Lovers Walk depot during start and end of the day.

    · Extra static trains. To appear randomly – a feature implemented on Rush Hour routes? – into Lovers Walk depot and Eastbourne sidings during the day, looks odd being empty.

    · Add GWR AI layer, a 166 would do. While this service is very limited, anything to add some variation would be nice, even if just once a day.

    · Add more railtours. A return railtour from Eastbourne back to Lewes in the evening, or maybe add a completely new one down to Newhaven Harbour, park in the sidings and then return back later to Lewes.

    I hope DTG can acknowledge the feedback for at least some of this going onto a fix list. :)
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2021
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  2. JellyScrub

    JellyScrub Active Member

    Jun 27, 2021
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    More variety is always good. I hope all the AI trains get added at Brighton.
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  3. davidh0501

    davidh0501 Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Nice list OP.
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  4. Southern Driver

    Southern Driver Active Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    Where are the flashing yellows on this route in reality that have been requested above?

    Class 166 is not cleared to operate north of east of Brighton.

    Class 377/1 differs from Class 377/4 which is why they’ve not modelled them I suspect. In the cab they are much the same but the passenger saloon is slightly different. There are no bi-parting gangway doors (star trek doors we call them) between 1st Class & Standard, some of the early 377/1 units have more 2+2 seating than the later 377/1 & 377/4 units. However if you model a 377/1 it should be easier to then construct a 3-car Class 377/3 unit.
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  5. Mkdog45

    Mkdog45 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    This is my local route (although I live on the bit that wasn’t modelled, Hastings)
    I complete agree with the points on the OPs list.
    However the drop down to 80mph to polegate then back up to 90mph or down to 75mph up to 90mph agin towards lewes is completely realistic and is there in real life.
    I will try to find the screenshot of the track diagram.
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  6. mattwild55

    mattwild55 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Fully agree with everything (except changing speed limits as already noted is realistic) in this highly comprehensive list - well done OP.

    Only thing I'd add is changing the AWS ramps from yellow to green ones per London Commuter (assuming that's realistic).

    As to the 166, I think OP was suggesting that the daily GWR service is represented as AI-only out of the WCW platforms at Brighton.
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  7. Mkdog45

    Mkdog45 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Just checked the sectional appendix and it appears that the 80 mph has been removed but the 75mph is still there.
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  8. Mattty May

    Mattty May Guest

    Any improvements to the route would be welcome, especially if it increases traffic and introduces 12-car 377’s and the Gatwick Express 387’s. Would be a great way to ‘Rush-Hour’ the route.
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  9. Northerner

    Northerner Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Great list, especially the extra services to/from Victoria and extra platforms available on the scenario planner.

    IIRC, the drop down to 80 is across a bridge which would explain why it was for such a short distance.

    The banner repeater on platform 7 at Brighton also needs fixing as it's currently permanently showing a clear aspect, unless it was fixed with the Rush Hour update.
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  10. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    The thing is, in no case have the Preservation Crew ever revisited a timetable, except for RT which Adam did personally and which took three weeks of the allotted month. And RT was rather a special case, since it had no trains whatsoever besides the 1442.
  11. mattwild55

    mattwild55 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Didn't they add a number of new services to WSR?
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  12. meridian#2659

    meridian#2659 Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2021
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    I would suggest to add the newrush hour passenger system and integrate the route in the upcoming london to brighton route.
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  13. cloudyskies21

    cloudyskies21 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    Thanks for your comments everyone, feel free to add anything else you can think off to some of the decent suggestions added by others already.
    See my comment below.
    Sorry, I should have been clearer. What I mean by inclusion of the 377/1 is purely just the number, on London Commuter the /1s that will exist are just renumbered /4s to have more trains available for that route. Thus having /1s on ECW will make it feel more immersive.
    Ah that's interesting, thanks for the clarification. :)
    Cheers, agree with your suggestion too regarding the AWS ramps. Yep, the suggestion for the 166 was just as an AI service from the WCW portal - any variety is welcome, especially if the train exists to use.
    Yeah I'm pretty certain the recent update for WSR added in a much busier timetable with new locos from other routes - while I'm personally not a fan of WSR, the feedback has been extremely positive. So I can't see why this could not be done for ECW, especially when London Commuter links closely service-wise, rolling stock and Brighton obviously. While extensions/mergers are not possible, some of the list above will make both routes feel more interconnected and realistic when switching between.
  14. JayTG123

    JayTG123 Active Member

    Apr 9, 2020
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  15. skyMutt

    skyMutt Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2019
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    Here's another suggestion!

    Tone down the amount of bloom. East Coastway appears noticeably brighter when compared to other TSW routes before and after its creation. And while it might look good in certain situations, it is just a tad too bright. This is Southern England we're talking about, it shouldn't look as bright and sunny as though it was in the middle of the Mediterranean! :)
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  16. Jasonic

    Jasonic Active Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Here are some of my comments, I expect they have been said before but here goes-

    I would like to see the timetable correcting as it was nearly right for the year it was based on but a lot of the timings are not correct between stations.

    I agree about the Victoria services being added.

    I also hate seeing AI trains at Easbourne moving up the platform towards a red, they should not move unless they have a proceed aspect but this is a core issue as it happens elsewhere.

    It would be good to see some of the scenery improved as a few areas look wrong(yes I know it is only meant to be a representation of the line and not 100% correct), Polegate and Berwick are the worse.

    Regarding Level Crossings If you are stopping at a platform with a level crossing beyond the signal you will run into the station on a red as the barriers lower, unlike in the sim where they are always green.
    Wilmington, Selmeston and Ripe crossing are AHB and not full barier as in the sim.
    A couple of the farmers crossings have not got gates accross them, Dukes crossing near Polegate and Cow crossing near Southerham Junction.

    LW15 signal on the Down at Southerham Junction should be approach control for the Seaford branch.

    Regarding Signalboxes this route is based on Three Bridges ROC having recently taken over the Eastbourne to Glynde areas with CCTV at Hampden Park Crossing and Obstacle Detection at Polegate and Berwick Crossings, Lewes and Newhaven Town/Harbour boxes still operational.
    Polegate Box should be removed(demolished) and Berwick should be added(saved from demolition), Eastbourne and Lewes Boxes should be bigger.
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  17. cloudyskies21

    cloudyskies21 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    Some great points, thanks for sharing.

    Joethefish I appreciate you will be super busy with future timetables for other new routes for the foreseeable, but is there any chance of some small input or overview you could provide to the preservation crew for a potential new/updated timetable for ECW? What's impressed me the most from the London Commuter preview is the extremely fine details in there - a lot which may have been missed by someone not local to the area, plus your passion is fantastic! Additionally, I'd love the ECW timetable to match with London Commuter, such as the 1F96 Victoria-Ore/Seaford service which you highly recommended to play on the new route - would be great to pick up then from Lewes on ECW after the service splits. Nonetheless, keep up the great work Joe. :)
  18. chieflongshin

    chieflongshin Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2019
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    Personally I'd like to see the arm join the elbow and drive into Brighton from east coast way and then up to london
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  19. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    We would all love to, but route linking lies off in the misty fullness of time.
  20. mattwild55

    mattwild55 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    I'm not really the best at articulating my reasoning on this, but I honestly think that solving route merging and developing a 'world timetable' is so important for where TSW goes next. It's in the name, after all - if I were to have a 'vision' for where TSW should ultimately end up, it's having one world linked (where possible) continuously which would completely immerse the player and allow them to seamlessly travel (for instance) Eastbourne > Lewes > Victoria > Rochester > St Pancras > Bedford (or whatever really) in one session.

    Ultimately as good as AI trains are to fill up termini platforms, they wouldn't hold a candle to being able to actually get in and drive a different service.

    There are obviously a number of logistical challenges to do with DLC ownership and the like but I'm sure they're not insurmountable, with the same to be said for technical hurdles like RAM usage and timetable testing.

    Still, it's only a 'mission statement' if you like - there are clearly some short and mid term goals to meet technically before the above is likely possible. Route extensions would be a sensible starting place.
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  21. Joethefish

    Joethefish Staff Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    That's certainly a good idea! I can't make any promises but at least for now, the Seaford portion can be driven, search "London" in the 377 timetable. :)
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  22. ItsYa165

    ItsYa165 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
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    There's so much bloom I can't even tell what colour this train is supposed to be.

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  23. Clumsy Pacer

    Clumsy Pacer Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Assuming you're on PC, go to your engine.ini file, and add to the bottom;
  24. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Cam, out of interest will that also reduce or prevent the sparkles which seem to manifest off shiny surfaces (such as the railhead) in certain lighting situations?
  25. Clumsy Pacer

    Clumsy Pacer Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    I'm not sure on that one - have you got your Anti-aliasing set FXAA? Switching it to TAA will stop that I think (if you can put up with the horrible ghosting effect it produces).
  26. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Yes I'm using FXAA, here is an example of what I mean:

    I'll give TAA a try see if that helps.

    Edit: That fixed it, obviously another outstanding bug! Only drawback is running TAA rather than FXAA probably going to cost a few FPS.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2021
  27. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    That just messes up the look of other routes if you do that, though. Hopefully Adam's team will fix the awful lighting and bloom ECW suffers from.
  28. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    ReShade cures most all lighting ills.
  29. Clumsy Pacer

    Clumsy Pacer Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Oh, is that something that got messed up in the 4.26 update? Before that, I had it in my engine.ini and it looked nice everywhere I tried it IIRC.
  30. londonmidland

    londonmidland Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2017
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    I keep bloom on globally, because I find with it disabled, everything just looks flat. Particularly the sun which turns into a basic yellow circle with no haze around it.

    ECW should look a whole lot better once the pres team/DTG releases it.

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