Route Edinburgh - Glasgow - Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Player Feedback' started by TimTri, Aug 10, 2023.

  1. sam5166

    sam5166 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2023
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    Well that doesn't sound surprising at all. I wonder what happened to the sound improvements that they were doing on the 385? It wouldn't suprise me at this point if it has been canned.
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  2. rennekton#1349

    rennekton#1349 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2022
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    The last update was that they still had to get a second round of sound recordings. Their sound team also has to be available to actually implement it too but with them making other dlc as well, it's probably delayed
  3. rennekton#1349

    rennekton#1349 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2022
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    You have to activate them manually
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  4. TSW Nathan

    TSW Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    Yes, but many other routes get far bigger and better updates post release. It's been a year and there is still a number of bugs and issues that need fixed.
  5. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    It’s the same story with nearly every route and although some other routes may get more fixes there are always some issues that remain. There are much older routes from all developers, DTG, Rivet and Skyhook, that still have some fairly major issues that we all wish were sorted but alas they probably never will be. It’s not good but it is the reality of TSW.
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  6. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Every time I find my finger on the buy button for this route, something holds me back. Earlier in this thread, back in August, Rivet gave a very pessimistic response to fixing the issues that they are very aware of. They seem to be unable to apply the finishing touches to this and their other routes.

    And today they are launching another new route which, from what I've seen and read, also lacks the polish, the finishing touch, notwithstanding the curtailed length. If they can keep releasing new content, why not spend some resources fixing their existing content.

    Of course that's something that other developers, including DTG, are failing to do.

    I'd like to buy this route. But it's going to take a very deep discount to persuade me to finally press that buy button.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2024
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  7. trainsimplayer

    trainsimplayer Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    They were talking to ScotRail the last time it was mentioned, iirc.

    Naturally getting a chance to record a 385 will be quite hard considering they are the core of a very under-equipped ScotRail fleet..
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  8. TSW Nathan

    TSW Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    I mean. They have been "talking to ScotRail" for a whole year now.
    I'm surprised it's taking this long. But as I have said above, there is alot of other bugs that can be fixed and should be fixed in the meantime that aren't getting sorted. That is my main problem with rivet right now. Instead of sorting bugs, they've released a new route. Dovetail really need to look at their partners and concider which are good/necessary and which aren't performing so well.
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  9. trainsimplayer

    trainsimplayer Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    ScotRail is already short on carriages, and the 385 are the core of the fleet.
    ScotRail need them in service, not making video games.
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  10. Bravo2six

    Bravo2six Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2021
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    Do do wonder sometimes how much is down to Rivet and how much us stuck at DTG waiting to go into a patch
    There must be so many fixes that just get left before the 'release window' never materialises

    Welcome to the railway.
    Things are usually booked in 13 week blocks, and around all the other absurd requirements for just keeping trains in service.
    I wouldn't doubt them if they've had it cancelled a few times, or only had access to static units.

    It may also have been, but they've not yet got around to it... we just don't know.
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  11. Do the announcements play in train? Are they automatic?
  12. Double Yellow

    Double Yellow Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2021
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    No they’re not automatic announcements.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
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  13. Bravo2six

    Bravo2six Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2021
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    They play in train, but have to be manually selected
  14. dbrunner#4864

    dbrunner#4864 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    Meantime modders are able to get a ride and use they're own equipment in order to produce fantastic HQ sounds. Interesting isn't it?
    I mean look at the previous work done by ItsYa165 and raph#6037

    ItsYa165 managed to turn the sound of multiple trains into AP quality masterpieces by just buying a ticket and getting a ride on the train. Funny how you can record sounds without needing a whole empty train just for yourself when you really want to do it right?
    Shout-out to you guys for the absolutely insane work you did!!
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  15. sam5166

    sam5166 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2023
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    And this is the part I don't understand. There are already modders that have made great sound mods for the class 385. Rivet should just get permission from the mod creator port them over.

    Rivet are a professional software house and if a modder can get sounds a month after a route release, then there is no excuse as to why Rivet can't do the same
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  16. Bravo2six

    Bravo2six Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2021
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    ... not really? There's if DTG started doing it ad hoc, I'm sure it'd sour relations.
    What modders can do, vs a company having to do everything by the book is clearly very different.
    There's bound to be some form of agreement, the same reason why modders can "fix" signals while DTG can't use the same tech.

    It is what it is, but it certainly isn't "interesting"
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  17. trainsimplayer

    trainsimplayer Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2021
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    It's almost as if a company can't just go onto a train, pull out recording equipment and get to work.

    And that doesn't even mention the disapproval both ScotRail & presumably people on-board the trains/in stations would have towards that stunt.

    Modders don't follow the same rules as Rivet/DTG have to. That's the ''''Interesting'''' part.
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  18. raph#6037

    raph#6037 Member

    Nov 23, 2022
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    Which won't happen, seeing as we've sourced recordings from one of SepianSound's 385 recordings (with permission that is), which therefore can't be used commercially, unless Rivet would buy the license for said recording. We're gonna re-do the entire soundset anyway while updating the mod to TSW 4, ItsYa went to Scotland last weekend and managed to record a ton of sounds, which could technically be bought by Rivet too. But I'm afraid that Rivet is neither interested in updating their old stuff nor know what exactly is wrong with the their soundset, as they've proven several times that they don't know anything about how electric traction works.
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  19. raph#6037

    raph#6037 Member

    Nov 23, 2022
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    Oh, they sure can. DTG has done this several times, some examples being the ICE 1 and 3. The driver basically just recorded samples for them on a normal shift. Other samples for those trains were taken from Linus Follert's 406 soundmod for TSC, he recorded them as a normal passenger on a normal service. Said recording can be found on his youtube channel too. Almost the entire 425 soundset (except cab controls) was sourced that way too, iirc. Feel free to correct me, but that's what I've heard from several people (and it's obvious when comparing the in-game sound files with the TSC ones.) Not too sure about the 425 though, Maik will know more about that one I'd assume.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2024
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  20. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    I actually enjoy EDN (and Cathcart). The sounds may not be right, but that's not something I consider a bug in a sense that it would impact my fun with the route. There's lots of nice stuff, like the pianos, the CCTV on the 385. I love Rivet's loco modelling capabilities, although route scenery has some flaws but which route hasn't. It's not like catenary poles on the tracks like on KWG or RRO.

    For me it's a bug when sounds are completely missing like on the BR187 for example.

    Love the announcement feature, and Rivet's stock always working in Freeroam.

    EDN is among my most played routes. Always in for more scottish content.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2024
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  21. rennekton#1349

    rennekton#1349 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2022
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    Dtg and 3rd parties probably want very specific sound recordings. If it has notches, going through each, gathering other sounds that might not get picked up if people are present.
  22. raph#6037

    raph#6037 Member

    Nov 23, 2022
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    I can assure you that the same can be said for modders.
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  23. sam5166

    sam5166 Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2023
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    A shame really. Edinburgh-Glasgow isn't a bad route, but the sounds of the Class 385 let it down.
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  24. 390001

    390001 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Still got a few bugs in the route.

    8 Car services the marker on the platform to stop at is telling the player to stop on the 4 car markers instead of the 8.
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  25. 390001

    390001 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Does anyone know where the switch is to turn the saloon lights on on the class 385 for the life of me i cannot find it ???
  26. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    In the TMS. Bottom Left Key, Saloon Lighting.

    2024-01-17 04_24_10-Train Sim World 4®.png
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2024
  27. 390001

    390001 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    the one friging place i forgot to look lol.

    thanks spikee
  28. AtherianKing

    AtherianKing Guest

    Had another think about picking up ScotRail express but a recent video shows the rain still don’t even lay on the window… jeezus it’s been out about a year and they wonder where the negativity comes from…
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  29. 390001

    390001 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Dont know what recent video you watched but rain laying on the windscreen perfectly fine when idle on a platform with wind hitting it


    and when driving
  30. AtherianKing

    AtherianKing Guest

    There was this one (about just after 2 mins in to it), you can see the windows don’t react like any other train at no point are they covered in heavy rain before the wiper has time to get to that spot, it looks as though the wiper does nothing.
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  31. AtherianKing

    AtherianKing Guest

    that does not look to be layering like any other, does it ever cover the window like all the rest if left ?
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  32. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    Corrected, the raindrops do disappear at a certain speed.
  33. AtherianKing

    AtherianKing Guest

    pretty sure that’s the day 1 issue still their then about a year later…

    Edit: before I would have said DTG would have reacted with more urgency on this kinda issue, but with the now class 43 I don’t think that would be the case neither.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2024
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  34. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    All I know is the 385's glass material has been changed to use the new TSW4 rain effects. Like the Talent 2 on Vorarlberg, it's not working properly. The only thing that makes this less of an issue for me is that the window's small and the wiper fully covers it, so it's not that noticeable unless you turn the wipers off. Raindrops return when stationary.
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  35. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    How do you use the announcements realistically?

    I'm using "Arrive at"... one mile before arrival, "This is..." when stopped and opening the doors, "Next station" as soon as my train has left the platform. Would that be true to real life?
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  36. AtherianKing

    AtherianKing Guest

    I haven’t seen much of the Talent 2, it’s got the Xbox plague badly (Z-Fighting) so been avoiding it unless DTG get onto that.
  37. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    It's generally an issue with precipitation in TSW4. Even when setting it to max there's very little rain or snow at all.
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  38. TSW Nathan

    TSW Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    It's their local train as well! You'd think they'd be better at this!
  39. TSW Nathan

    TSW Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    You can hardly see that though.
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  40. TSW Nathan

    TSW Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    Irl the announcements would go something like this:
    When departing first station:
    Welcome aboard this Scotrail service to...
    The Next Station Is...
    If you see something that doesn't look right...

    Approaching First Stop:
    We'll soon arrive at...
    Don't forget belongings...
    Mind the gap...

    Stopped at Station:
    This is...
    This train is for...
    The next station is...

    Departing Normal Station:
    Welcome aboard this Scotrail service to...
    The Next Station Is...

    Departing Falkirk High:
    Welcome aboard this Scotrail service to...
    The Next Station Is...
    (Safety announcement of your choice:
    smoking not permitted.../btp61016/first class, etc)

    Approaching Final Station:
    We'll soon arrive at...
    Don't forget to take your belongings...
    Please mind the gap...
    BTP 61016 See it, Say it, Sorted...
    (Irl there would be alot more other announcements but as these are not included in the game here are the closest I could get)

    Stopped at Final Station:
    This is...
    This Train is for...
    Don't forget to take belongings...
    Each announcement should be played with a 7 second interval to be as close as possible to real life.
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  41. 390001

    390001 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    well thats how trains react IRL when driving at speed the rain will "dry off" with the air hitting them. Same as on an aircraft when taking off or landing in rain
  42. 390001

    390001 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    just like IRL when driving in rain then (i am a driver in real life) . Rain wont stay on the windscreen when moving IRL either, Why you want the windscreen to be covered in sim is beyond me as IRL you would NEVER operate a train with a windscreen you couldnt see out of when raining.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2024
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  43. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    Special aerodynamic and water repellent glass. :)
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  44. TSW Nathan

    TSW Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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  45. meridian#2659

    meridian#2659 Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2021
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    Exactly this was the official answer for many of the routes. "We dont have the proper rolling stock" said on so many streams. Kept supporting, buying.. just to find out this is a very low excuse.

    - first iteration of ny - trenton (lirr / freight a.i?)
    - 700 on bml ( again, i choose my platform to not come across any performance problems of any other platforms)
    - gatwick express / 700 on eastcoast way, why not updating the a.i?

    For me highly wasted potential while they seem to have used it on sehs. An extended route with so many types of rolling stock and different types of services. This should act as example for other routes because there DTG proofed to use the route through its entire possibilities. Thats improvement for me.
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  46. dbrunner#4864

    dbrunner#4864 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    I am really glad that you guys will redo the sounds for the 385 in TSW4, since a 385 without modded sounds is not worth driving.

    A very big thanks to you guys again for all the incredible work you have been doing so far in providing some outstanding sounds for TSW trains, sounds that completely changed the immersion while driving.
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  47. Fawx

    Fawx Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2023
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    The TSW4 Class 385 audio mod is quite literally my most anticipated release lol. Can't wait for it, completely transforms it from terrible to great.
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  48. AtherianKing

    AtherianKing Guest

    All the other trains certainly don’t, unless they are announcing this sort of physics upgrade then something is wrong.
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  49. dbrunner#4864

    dbrunner#4864 Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2021
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    He must be kidding since it's hard to take that kind of statement seriously. Sure if the rain stops and you drive long enough the air will dry the water down but that is not what he is saying.
    In TSW EG with torrential rain there are no rain drops on the window once you ran your wipers once untill you stop or exit the cab regardless of speed.
    I think we need to redo the real world physics for this one
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  50. 390001

    390001 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Shame tsw3 mods don’t work in tsw4.
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