Enough Is Enough!!!

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by ExcelsiorGamingYT, Aug 22, 2023.

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  1. bakedpotatos.jm

    bakedpotatos.jm Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2020
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    DTG have only made 1 Scotrail route, Cathcart. The other 2 are from Rivet who are located in Scotland.
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  2. Doomotron

    Doomotron Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    While the 66s are inescapable on the UK network, even if we limited ourselves to DB and operators beyond GBRF and Freightliner, that still leaves us with some opportunities. We could get the DB 66 back, or one or more of the livery variations of DB's fleet (of which there are many). There are the similar 59s which can add variety, even if they'd need to backdate a route to accommodate them as DB no longer operates 59s - unless they get a license for Mendip, ARC, National Power or Yeoman. They could really push the boat out and put it in the Yeoman/DB livery and use it in Germany, but that would be really unlikely and not very useful.

    We still have Colas, Mendip and DRS as well. We've already seen DRS in the game, so they could add further variants of the 66 in DRS livery, or in any livery for that matter. We could get other DRS trains including the 68s and 88s. DC Railfreight also don't operate any 66s, so their inclusion would add a huge amount of variety.
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  3. devsecops#8603

    devsecops#8603 Active Member

    Apr 20, 2023
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    Windows is full of them, this is a bypass workaround so older TPM 1.2 computes can use Windows 11. TPM 1.2 does not support the newer cryptographic standards now being used. Although, it would still take a concerted effort to break them. Hackers theses days know users will just give them the passwords via phishing or still use one of the top ten passwords such as password123, qwerty, 12345678 and so on. So even if you have the current standards of AES 256 of SHA256 but a rubbish password it makes a mockery of the security implementation anyhow. You are only as secure as you weakest link be it a password, configuration or supplier...
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  4. Indege

    Indege Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2022
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    All these posts and theres a TSW5 on the horizon I
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  5. dxltagxmma

    dxltagxmma Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2022
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    SHA-256 is very insecure nowadays thus rarely used.
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  6. devsecops#8603

    devsecops#8603 Active Member

    Apr 20, 2023
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    SHA 256 is the current minimum recommended hash standard (NIST) and in theory is considered Post Quantum Secure (PQS). I think you are talking about SHA-1.
  7. Doomotron

    Doomotron Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    It is worth noting that the UK has fewer types of freight locomotives in service than the probably the US and definitely Germany.
  8. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    For the US/NA, our freight locos are....

    -EMD F7A/B
    -EMD GP9RM
    -EMD GP38-2
    -EMD SD40
    -EMD SD40-2
    -EMD SD70ACe
    -GE C40-8W
    -GE AC4400CW
    -GE ES44AC
    -GE ES44C4
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  9. locobilly

    locobilly Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2021
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    Fair point, but there are still plenty of alternatives in operation seen regularly - just checkout the photos on the Train Siding app. It wouldn't be so bad if all the 66's in the game were EWS!
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  10. ludwigtails

    ludwigtails Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2023
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    wait huh?? how many exact variants are there??? and damn if this is the problem. Then this is kinda what they brought down to themselves.
    I am still want them to make another loco instead of another bloody reskin of a class 66. Its sickening and tiring.
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  11. ludwigtails

    ludwigtails Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2023
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    especially when EWS technically dont exist anymore cuz its taken over by DBcargo. hell rivet somehow have a DRS class 66 livery so DRS locos surely have to be options to be in the game??
  12. rennekton#1349

    rennekton#1349 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2022
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    Many. Gwe, ecw, drs, one, sehs, cargo pack 1 and 2, rhtt. It's also why there's like a million dostos. if there's only 1 variant, it means one change can affect all dlcs at once and it makes it difficult to test and fix
  13. rennekton#1349

    rennekton#1349 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2022
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    When drs was first announced, adam from skyhook did say it only applied to the 66. That means they have to get licenses for the other locos
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  14. Monder

    Monder Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2019
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    That is a huge problem with the TSW architecture as a whole, the rolling stock should be route-independent and have one version that is up-to-date + liveries and model changes. The fact that even the slightest change can break DLCs only proves how brittle it is to begin with. The amount of copy locos and cars only inflates the game size and makes an absolute mess of which version has which functionalities.
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  15. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    A random one to throw in the ring about lighting. Continuing my A to Z playthrough of TSC now arrived at Birmingham Cross City. First scenario starts off at New Street in the dark and running ECS to Bromsgrove. What a difference! It actually looks like night in the city. They couldn't even manage to get ambient night lighting looking good on the Cathcart remaster for TSW.

    Please to explain DTG how your 15 plus year old game engine does lighting so much better. Enough is enough! If you want my £40 for TSW5 then you need to sort this out...
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  16. deeuu#6908

    deeuu#6908 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2021
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    It's the difference between using a proprietary engine built for the game and using one off the shelf that the developers have to make fit the game.

    UE4 can do good lighting, but it depends who's behind the keyboard making the game, and that's why I am not convinced UE5 will make things (any) better.

    There are times when TSW4 looks pretty good, but they are few and far between, and mostly the lighting ends up looking awful.
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  17. maxipolo12

    maxipolo12 Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2020
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    There is always something to say about this poor game :D
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  18. cornetrunner

    cornetrunner Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2023
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    Hang on. I thought you'd finally given up on TSW completely a few pages ago but now you're thinking about possibly buying TSW 5?!

    And I don't think the day lighting in TSC is generally as good as TSW's. It's far too diffuse to feel realistic. The whole brightness complaint is interesting because if I'm outside during mid-summer in blazing sunshine, I tend to reach for my sunglasses because, um, it's too bright.
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  19. Doomotron

    Doomotron Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    I've said before that DTG made the same mistake as TS when developing TSW. TSW's design should have been completely modular - routes would only include the route, scenarios and specific assets. General assets would be separate and would be used on all routes, like the European Loco and Asset Pack in TS. Trains would each be a separate item that is again universal throughout the game. It's possible, because DTG have done it before. The Class 465 in the extended SEHS really is just the DLC version, and in TS quite often DTG would include a full loco DLC with a route, like the Talent 2 and OBB 2016 DLCs being included with the Mittenwaldbahn.

    There should only ever have been one BR185, which would have been updated since the original one released.
    Something I remember from my time working on TSW for a third party was that seemingly many DTG TSW assets don't have night textures. In TS, most assets have a night version which adds lit windows to buildings which have no effect on performance but add hugely to how the route looks. In TSW it seems that all night lighting is done via light sources which are quite complex in UE, and DTG have to use them sparingly to avoid performance issues.

    To out it simply, if more assets had night textures (some already do and look great) they could avoid the problem of night lighting without even trying.
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  20. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    When did I say I’d given up on TSW? I am focusing on TSC at present but think you are reading too much into what I say, friend.

    As regards TSW5, assuming it is that, then I’ll make a decision at the time, depending on what, if any, core improvements there are (not promised, actually there from the start) and the route pack or bundles. Chances are I won’t buy it straight off this time but if we got a BR Classic route with a new diesel like the Class 50 or an AC electric Class 86 or 87 you wouldn’t hold me back!

    Back to BCC, one aspect where I do think TSW nailed it better is the Class 323. The sounds on the TSC version are a bit off to my ears, not mixed to the quality of TSW. And invariably on the TSC version, once you start running late watch that XP/AP on a career scenario drain into minus figures.
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  21. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    DTG are quite capable of producing decent night lighting in TSW. I can point to several routes going all the way back to SPG and including BPE and a number of German routes. Even ECML Is somewhat adequate. And I actually think Cathcart, while uneven, is improved from the original, though the source of the ambient light is a mystery, it's certainly not the buildings which use a very primitive " lighting " effect.

    But routes like BCC and Glossop are just laughable in terms of night lighting.

    What's lacking is that " consistency " that was talked up during the recent Roadmap stream. Actions speak louder etc......
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  22. ludwigtails

    ludwigtails Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2023
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    Then its still their fault in the first place. If they didnt reuse so many god damn class 66s we wouldn't have ourselves screwed with just single 66s. How else are we gonna get more modern locomotives now, either DTG need to get their LOVE together to solve this problem other wise this problem is still gonna presist.
  23. SeventeenF

    SeventeenF Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2023
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    I am speaking to you while running a Windows 7 system. It's been 4.5 years since it stopped receiving security updates. I've had zero security issues with it during these years.

    Hell, even Steam is still working on Win7. Barely, but it is. When was it supposed to stop, like, half a year ago?

    I think Win10 has still got a few years in it, security updates or not, is what I'm saying :)
    Anyway, back on topic. I couldn't help but notice that in the first week after its release, the diesel BR218 has garnered about 40 reviews on Steam. The decidedly electric Class 380 crackerbox has, in the same time period, got 11. Which is barely a quarter of what BR218's got. This brings me to my question. I seem to recall Matt talking about how the focus will shift to modern, electric trains. I know that steam is dead, but have the same been said for diesel, and what was the justification? I bet it was something [inappropriate language] like "people aren't interested in it," but I can't for the life of me remember the actual quote.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2024
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  24. rennekton#1349

    rennekton#1349 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2022
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    The number of reviews doesn't have anything to do with what players want. Not every single player who buys the dlc reviews it so it's not an accurate representation of the whole picture
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  25. 21c164fightercommand

    21c164fightercommand Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2021
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    Since Steam doesn't show the number of units DLC sold, we can only guess how popular a DLC is.

    Modern plastic one-handle DMU/EMU are like shake the box kits, easy to develop cut-copy-paste,
    UK Diesel fleet is almost all Class 66's now.

    DTG's infallible market research shows the current majority of players using thumbsticks prefer fast action stop-and-go commuter runs?

    As a sensible and profitable business, DTG provides what the customer wants?

    Now, what again was the direction and focus DTG's new owner Focus Entertainment gave the TSW franchise???
    More of the same, or diversification?
    Diversification, as we've learned from this board, requires licenses for the 'ultimate in realism', and not all carriers are willing to give a licene for free or at reasonable costs.
  26. SeventeenF

    SeventeenF Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2023
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    Thanks for taking the bait. I knew you'd be here, shillin', so I deliberately left the following bit out.

    While the "No. of reviews" metric doesn't track exactly with the "No. of copies sold" metric, it's pretty damn close, statistics-wise. Within all games a review happens basically every ~30-50 copies sold. Within a singular genre, the spread gets tighter. Within a singular game, I imagine, it gets tighter still. There is simply no way people who bought the 380 decided, all at once, not to review it, while people who bought the BR218 decided to review their purchases to such an extent that there would be a 4x difference.

    Sure, it's not an accurate representation of the whole picture. In the same way a 144p photo is not an accurate representation of the scene being captured. But it's close enough to see said picture in broad strokes. And the picture is: people (edit: paying TSW customers) in general don't give much of an eff about modern single-lever EMUs, compared to historical diesels.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2024
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  27. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Guest

    Indeed SeventeenF the law of large numbers always wins.
  28. locobilly

    locobilly Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2021
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    I do get the impression that DTG are trying to exhaust the wealth of current UK one handled emu’s until they run out of subject matter. It could be that simugraphs on these units are very similar and hence involve less work in the physics dept.
    Sort of a much easier build than doing a new freight loco for example.
    Let’s hope and pray that DTG realise this and bring in the wow factor for the release of TSW5 (and counting). Hit us with something really special that makes us really want to go for it, rather than just compare the size of the letterbox view from the front of the latest itineration to the last one.
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  29. Class156

    Class156 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2020
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    I’m going to do something I never normally do here, and that’s defend DTG, in a way. The bashing of the one handled EMU DLC’s is all well and good, but there MUST be a player base out there for them or else it wouldn’t make financial sense to build the model and route for it to go on? I agree with many on here, it’s not the most fun type of loco to drive but I’m assuming there is a reason they continue to churn these out.
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  30. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    The point is not so much bashing the one handled trains which obviously have a place in the game. It’s the fact these now seem to be the only type of train DTG’s stock builders and physics configurators can make. Give us a balance between modern and a bit more classic and keep everyone happy. If the leaks are true and WCML South or at least part of it is the UK portion of TSW5, I am looking forward to it but with the caveat every likely train apart from the inevitable Class 66 will be a one handle experience. They could have set the route back in an earlier era and given us tap changer AC electrics to drive, or are they just frightened of being inundated by support tickets from impatient players who don’t understand you can’t just put the throttle to full and let the electronics take care of it. Too impatient to tap up gradually and keep those ammeter needles just inside the yellow zone.
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  31. Jpantera

    Jpantera Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2019
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    Churning them out is fine, nobody would argue with that, producing nothing else is the issue. So the people who want steam who feel abandoned and the people who want older diesels or electrics who also feel abandoned can have a bit of content.

    I'm also not sure DTG grasp the fact that some older diesels can still run on modern routes on railtours but should have modern safety kit. Giving us railtours with class 45s and 40s is appreciated but it would be good if they could have TPWS and headlights as per today's standards. If somebody comes along and says they need to be totally rebuilt just to fit a few things then something is really wrong with the way TSW is set up....

    Anyway crux of the problem one handle is ok as long as something else is occasionally produced.
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  32. marcsharp2

    marcsharp2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    For example, the Mark II carriages are now an old design, JT tarted them up a bit for Blackpool Branches which was nice but MKII stock on the mainline has CDL on them, plus tail lamps, that you can only add Tail lamps to the Mark 1s from Peak Forest and SoS is frustrating. So the only way they have Tail lamps is on timetabled services and then then they are sometimes missing. So give us new MKIIs, Air cons, a mark I buffet carriage, loco hauled MKIIIs etc etc.

    As others have said, there is clearly a market for one handled EMUs but there is a market for American Freight, British Rail Locos (Diesel and Electric), Steam etc etc. DTG seem to think a Railtour with older DLCs as a tickbox exercise will keep us happy when really it's just driving players away.
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  33. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    There’s also a market for a nice Mark One RMB buffet car… ;):o:o
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  34. marcsharp2

    marcsharp2 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2019
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    Why one hasn't been created yet is a mystery. It's not like there aren't any left.
  35. Jpantera

    Jpantera Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2019
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    May be wrong but different vehicle types is supposed to be a drain on memory. However its ok for EMU types to have more than 2 types of vehicle but haven't bothered with loco hauled stock of any type to have catering vehicles. That included the German IC stock.
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  36. bartolomaeusz

    bartolomaeusz Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    How many of the German locos are one-handled? Answer: Not many. But they are popular and more keep coming out. I'm not in love with the many German routes; I prefer UK - but definitely there is more in the game than one-handled locos. I'm more concerned that there is no new Route released between April and the release of TSW5 in September.
  37. Class156

    Class156 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2020
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    Steam is an interesting one. None of us have access to the sales figures or the all important play time figures that DTG have. I suppose through their data they can see what is already popular and what isn’t, thus maybe the reason they appear to have shelved steam for now. I personally would welcome some. BR stock and would HOPE that if it is WCML South we get some stock we can buy as a standalone, if the route does indeed come with the one handled Pendo for example.
  38. Crosstie

    Crosstie Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2016
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    That reminds me of a quite delicious meal I was served on a UK passenger train restaurant car about a thousand years ago.
    I wonder, do any of the longer distance trains in the UK still have full-service restaurant cars?
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  39. dxltagxmma

    dxltagxmma Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2022
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    So, the leaks were real.

    Honestly, I don't feel bad for DTG. This wouldn't have happened if they would have been straight up about TSW being an annual release now and didn't ignore the huge issues with TSW (some of which existing since TSW 2020) - we're PAYING for it for god's sake.
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  40. jack#9468

    jack#9468 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2023
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    DTG ain't to blame for what happened over the weekend.

    Someone was given confidential information, and decided to share it with someone else, knowing full well what would happen.
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  41. thundergaming11

    thundergaming11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    It wouldn't of happened if the NDA was adhered to. Unfortunately this puts the beta testers in a bad spotlight and means it's unlikely they'll look for more anytime soon, which might mean less feedback. Every year we all like a speculation and the odd tease, it makes for good discussion without giving it all away. But the recent saga was a step too far. DTG, like any other developer, is a business, I think people sometimes forget that...
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  42. TSW Nathan

    TSW Nathan Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2022
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    Just railtours and sleepers now I think
  43. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Funny that I never even looked in that thread over the weekend, I thought it was related to UK 3rd Party stuff, now I had to dig thru the TSC discord for context.
  44. CK95

    CK95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2019
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    We’re talking about content that’s a matter of weeks away & DTG’s only discussion strategy was to announce the announcement. I certainly wouldn’t have done what a certain person did, nor do I condone it - but it does shed some light on the fact that DTG are far too tightlipped.

    I don’t expect a full rundown of the content, but for something that’s likely going to be in hand by September, I’d expect to know more about it than ‘New Content’.
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  45. Disintegration7

    Disintegration7 Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2018
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    I agree. The "announcing of the announcement" in the July roadmap was destined to go over like a lead balloon, and it was WAY too long between then and the DTG Direct in August.

    They should probably done the Direct instead of the July roadmap (this Tuesday would have been perfect, ironically), and then used the August and Sept roadmaps to keep the hype going until launch.

    It's easy to see/say in retrospect, but DTG do have a reputation of being leaky so they probably should have known it would be hard to keep fully under wraps.
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  46. thundergaming11

    thundergaming11 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    Agreed. Did not like the x5 "New Content - To be announced" If they can't say anymore on it then they shouldn't of mentioned it till at least a week or few days before announcement, that would've been a better time to get us all geared up. Otherwise they could've said something else, hinting if it's a new route, game feature etc.
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  47. CK95

    CK95 Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2019
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    Yep, there was 0 need to put any of those listings on the roadmap. DTG dug their own hole with that, that content has likely been with Beta for a while, it’s only when everyone wanted to know what it was that it got leaked.

    We’re talking about a community that can work out a new DLC, from an image of a carriage through the windows of a train inside the image.

    I get it’s disappointing for the devs, but even now they have an opportunity to take control of the conversation & we can go back to one of the only enjoyable discussions I’ve been involved in on the forum in months. Not deleting any mention of the thing we all know about. All for the sake of a pre-recorded video in a month.
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  48. KatiaBLR

    KatiaBLR Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2021
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    I must admit whilst i have no issue waiting until 20 August for the new route announcements, it did seem strange to announce that new content was coming that cannot yet be named around 6 weeks before it would actually be revealed.

    i think 2 weeks is optimal for any new announcement, anything more is just unnecessary, which i kind of think this whole saga may have proved
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  49. OldVern

    OldVern Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2020
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    While I understand the decision to nuke the thread in question, it all seems a bit pointless given there are now scattered references everywhere to the UK route, most people are fairly positive about the prospect of it being at least part of the southern WCML. Perhaps the thread should just have been locked, with any pictures removed and cleaned up as required.

    If it was that critical, why was action not taken on Saturday morning rather than allowing the discussion (and excitement) to build?

    A major balls up in terms of tester integrity but in some ways an unexpected PR coup given as stated the total vagueness of the last road map.

    As the old saying goes, once the smoke is out of the chimney - it's hard to put it back. Maybe DTG should adopt a bit of flexibility and move things up a bit in terms of official announcement.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2024
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  50. mikec1701d

    mikec1701d Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2022
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    I also get why the threads were nuked. This is their official forum and they have to protect their currently in development routes.

    However, the entire community beta team being nuked won’t end well. They’ve caught a lot of stuff pre release and their suggestions have helped make improvements. Time will tell to see if their loss has a significant impact.
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