Route Frankfurt - Fulda: Kinzigtalbahn - Feedback

Discussion in 'Player Feedback' started by DTG Alex, Sep 11, 2024.

  1. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    had a run with dostos... just wanted to ask about one super-specific thing that occured during that run... I was sitting at a station, and it was time to move on, so I closed the doors, released the brakes... since I was on a 0.3 descent, I was like, heck, lets let it roll for a second :D ... so I let it to like 3-4 kph, and then I hit throttle... what was weird was that at first it slowed almost to a stop before picking up speed from the pushing loco... so I guess the pushing loco as it was starting its traction motors slowed the consist down a bit before accelerating? :) dunno if I explained it well :)
  2. mkraehe#6051

    mkraehe#6051 Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2022
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    If, within of 1250 m of the original 1000 Hz influence that you freed yourself from, you encounter an active 500 Hz magnet, you'll be penalty braked immediately. Or, if (within the same distance) you encounter another active 1000 Hz magnet, PZB will behave as normal, except for one key difference: instead of a braking curve running down towards 85/70/55 km/h, you need to be below that speed immediately.
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  3. fabienlimp95

    fabienlimp95 Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2019
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    I just cannot spawn any train via Free Roam into Timetable mode? Why was this changed ? Whats the point of a feature thats absolutely not usable whatsoever?
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  4. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    sorry for bothering :D ... but I am trying to find out what happened there :D ... like, could the pushing locomotive starting actually have slowed down the dostos in front of it which were just free-rolling downhill?
  5. who

    who Active Member

    Dec 11, 2019
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    Did not read the entire thread, so maybe posted before, but did anybody notice you can ride the underground S-Bahn between Offenbach Ost and (nearly) FF Oberrad?

    I ended 08:59 service S9 (35924) Hanau Hbf to Wiesbaden Hbf with BR 423 DB as a driver at Offenbach Ost but returned to Free Roam and remained standing in the cab (the AI driver kicked me out of the seat). The train drove into the tunnel, leaving the map and I expected an End of Session screen but instead it kept on running a service. It stopped at three or four imaginary stations underground with placeholder signals, and just when it was about to appear above ground again, east of FF Oberrad, did it end the session.

    IMG_3891.jpeg IMG_3889.jpeg IMG_3888.jpeg
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  6. mkraehe#6051

    mkraehe#6051 Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2022
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    No idea what happened there. It doesn't make any sense to me.
  7. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    wasnt able to replicate it on another service... could have been what I said in the original post, could have been sth I dont remember now, some leftover brake pressure, or a glitch/bugged physics at that moment, cos on the other run I let it roll for like 2 kph on purpose and then applied throttle and it just kept accelerating as it should, so no idea either...
  8. phil.elliott

    phil.elliott Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2020
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    The service S9 (35985) Frankfurt (M) Flughaven to Hanau Hbf using loco BR 423 DB does not spawn properly. I've tried it multiple times and never spawned in the loco or sometimes even near it. It's either missing entirely, or else I spawn a distance away and the service is being controlled by AI.
  9. Rutgerski

    Rutgerski Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2020
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    So, the new patch is here, but no performance fixes for Frankfurt-Fulda according to the patch notes :/
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  10. tcmikaelsouza

    tcmikaelsouza Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2021
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    Good morning.

    Has anyone on a standard PS4 tested Frankfurt - Fulda after today's update from Frankfurt Hbf? Were you able to start the service without crashing?

    As for those arriving at Frankfurt Hbf, were you able to complete it without crashing, or at least by saving, going to the menu and returning, were you able to complete it?
  11. PseudoStalker

    PseudoStalker Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2021
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    However, performance improvements for the WCML have been implemented, which are do like nothing at all. So I wouldn't wait for improvements with the belief that it will have any impact.
  12. DeltaFOX2k7

    DeltaFOX2k7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    DB BR 114

    - Still does not brake.
    - Windshield wiper buttons still do not work, wipers are still assigned to the washer button.
    - Engine room lighting is broken, you can't interact with the button as if it didn't exist, broken or just cheekily left out?
    - Cab 2 still has green destination display.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2024
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  13. vendys#6021

    vendys#6021 Active Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    PS5 console

    - Textures in the cabin, but also outside, keep blurring
    - Custom weather always resets to Clear default when using Photo Mode
    - Fast Travel froze again when trying to go from Frankfurt Main to Frankfurt Sud

    Overall, I think the fluidity is worse than it was before the update ... but that may just be a feeling

    Really funny....
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  14. Tigert1966

    Tigert1966 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I'm no expert on German Trains, but I think the issue here is that they have set the Dosto Cab Car up incorrectly. I found that on a few of the services I've played where the 114 doesn't brake. If you run down the back, sit in the drivers seat, turn the brake key on, set the brake to full service, turn the brake key off and run back to the 114 and set it up normally, then it will stop fine. This doesn't work on services where there is a 2nd loco on the other end. Can't work out what is wrong with those. Anyway, as you said - Still broken.

    In addition as I've mentioned on the Expert DB101 thread. There are a number of Cab Car services in the new timetable that give an instant Scenario Failed : Signal Passed at Danger. These are playable by spawning on Foot 10 minutes early and taking over the train when it arrives.

    Would be nice not to have to find these workarounds though.
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  15. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    have they fixed the Flixtrain services from Fulda not being completable due to some train always blocking the way at some point?
  16. 14trainfan2029

    14trainfan2029 Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2023
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    I can't climb up onto the 423 as it isn't even with the platform. I don't even have the climb up function as it won't allow me. Hope this can be sorted
  17. Lamplight

    Lamplight Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2020
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    The direct brake handle on the 114 is still wrongly positioned after the patch.
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  18. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    heh, when I play timetable services with dosto, when I spawn, I first check what loco is pushing me... if I see 114, I restart the service or run it anew from menu to spawn with 146.2 :D
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  19. tygerways#2596

    tygerways#2596 Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2021
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    Even though I haven't found it in the update notes.. Thank you for fixing the WB/Mg issue on the BR 411 screen!
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  20. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    also the center screen would sometimes display the amount of braking under AFB in a weird way - when you opened the left screen Fahren Bremsen it would show different values :) dunno if it was supposed to be that way or it was just visual/info bug

    anyway, they havent fixed the AFB behavior on 411 where if you were under LZB and AFB braked for you, either cos of restriction or you used it for lowering speed under LZB, it would lock throttle for some reason (if you used AFB to "brake" under PZB, it wouldnt lock throttle)
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  21. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    All right, the AFB in the new 146 behaves completely differently than it does in the old DRA and MSB versions. I don't know which way is prototypical and which is incorrect, but they can't both be right (the older locos exhibited AFB performance much like the ICE T does; the new FF 146 accelerates way past the set speed and then oscillates around it before settling down; it also doesn't brake under AFB worth a damn, rarely using more than 10% el-brake)
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  22. Kamui

    Kamui New Member

    Feb 19, 2022
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    There is an RE5 layer, but neither is any RE5 driving on the route or you can choose it from the Timetable. Is this a bug? Is it missing? I've installed Kassel-Würzburg and the layer is available.

    phil.elliott Same problem with this service. I've spawned in Haitz-Höchst.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2024
  23. strikeysolo#8982

    strikeysolo#8982 New Member

    Feb 25, 2022
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    I figured out the problem to the brakes, at least one reason for it. dovetail was blind enough to not notice that the 146.2 paired up in the same trainset with the 114 breaks the brake pressure on it, I only discovered this because I noticed the brake pressure on the 114 was working correctly when it was paired up with another 114 at the rear... interesting. So I decided to uncouple the 146.2 from the trainset and would you look at that, the brake pressure actually works as intended on the 114! The service that i was testing on was the [RE50 (4507) fulda to frankfurt (main) hbf] Its coupled with the 146(.2?) at the rear of the train [​IMG]

    Brake pressure on the 114 with the 146.2 coupled with the train[​IMG]

    Brake pressure on the 114 after I uncouple the 146.2 from the train[​IMG]

    my theory is that the 146 is fighting the 114 on who has the leading brake thus making the 114 brakes not work at all. I don't know how this got through testing, I would post a video showing this but videos aren't allowed in threads so womp womp, but hey, at least that solves that mystery. I don't know if this is the 146.2 but if it helps, the pause menu says the number 146 and its full number below it says 146 248-2.

    Attached Files:

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  24. mrmaster#3790

    mrmaster#3790 New Member

    Jul 31, 2022
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    I also noticed that when you turn the brake key off in the cab car, the brakes immediately release instead of holding the brake pressure that was set, at least when coupled with a 146. I noticed when stabling a train at the Frankfurt sidings and the train suddenly just rolled away...
  25. solicitr

    solicitr Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2020
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    Why would that combo of locos even exist? You have a cab car at the back.
  26. mrmaster#3790

    mrmaster#3790 New Member

    Jul 31, 2022
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    Theres (at least) one service in the morning from Fulda to Frankfurt that has two additional dosto cars and a loco attached to the cab car at the back of the usual consist. These then get detached at Frankfurt and go to the sidings and the train continues in its usual formation.
  27. strikeysolo#8982

    strikeysolo#8982 New Member

    Feb 25, 2022
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    to add onto this, the brakes goes into emergency when you join back through a save, stopping the entire train, and to add onto that even more, the sifa voice becomes silent, not even warning you anymore. as a player that plays with the speedometer off and uses the cab gauges, that is awful if you can't hear sifa at all for the rest of the run. even after attempting to do the service with the 114 at the rear, the brakes apply HORRIBLY slow still, and it still is so slow to stop the train, the brakes don't even feel that strong like other trains normally do. I'm honestly shocked at how awful the 114 is and how this was even released in its current state.
  28. squerble

    squerble Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    I'd like to report this is still very much an issue after the latest patch.
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  29. BrunoCerq_PT

    BrunoCerq_PT New Member

    Oct 19, 2024
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    You are lucky to get it done, I can't even finalize it, it says at sometime to place the AFB to the max 230Km/h but my AFB controls maxes out at 229Km/h so I'm stuck since it does not progresses to the next step. This is awkward.
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  30. tygerways#2596

    tygerways#2596 Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2021
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    I guess this is all caused by the old problem that on the BR 146.2 keeps refilling the brake pipe when the reverser is set to "off", while doing this should imho "lock" the brakes and prevent the brake pipe from refilling (and thus releasing).

    You can run into similar problems when you try to change ends between the BR 146.2 and the BR 766.2 driving trailer (train running away while you are walking to the other end).
  31. Train Sim Society

    Train Sim Society Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    The performance on this route as well as WCML is a nightmare. There are ZERO excuses for receiving framerates below 20 with an Nvidia Geforce RTX 4090... Even in the rural sections, dipping into the low-mid 30s. No mods, no ini tweaks, etc.

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  32. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    so, some 411 services still have this bug where LZB section (and supervision) that starts a bit after Hanau doesnt end where it is supposed to, aka at 160 kph mark, but drags on way through 2nd GNT section... got a Zwangsbremsung shortly after the end of LZB, cos I was trying to brake and forgot to reset AFB and all, and even though I was going like 60 kph, I still got it, so I have no idea why I got the Zw.... but the point is that the LZB should have ended way before that point

    second, the AFB/LZB bug where AFB would lock the throttle... sometimes when AFB is braking for lower speed/red signal under LZB supervision, it locks throttle... also if you use AFB to lower speed, it locks throttle... which it shouldnt

    another point I have already posted somewhere else, but well... I played a 411 service (a couple of em in fact, cos I like the train) on DRA, the BR 101 Expert timetable, and noticed that on this route it isnt doing a lot of tilting... I am not sure if it is cos some curves are canted, or sth else... on Frankfurt Fulda, even on parts where there isnt GNT, it tilts quite a bit... and on DRA, where there are multiple sections where you go like 120 or 130 kph, or a bit less, and those have curves, the train barely tilts... only at like 2 places it tilts more

    I have done some testing on other routes, and not sure if my perception is skewed, but looks like they incorporated sth that with GNT the 411 tilts more and on routes/sections without GNT it tilts less... I believe it used to do full tilt range even without GNT if you had NeiTec on... so I am not sure if it is modelled right or if I am losing my mind lol :D
  33. Maik Goltz

    Maik Goltz Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2016
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    NeiTec is not bound to GNT in TSW with the 411. It always tilts 8° max. It depends on angular velocity. So on tighter curves with their max speed it should tilt full, on same speed with more wider and open curves it tilts less.
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  34. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    so I guess that on Dresden Riesa those curves are more gentle and when the curve has canted track it also gives 411 less reason to tilt, right? I am not an expert, so I dont really know :) I just enjoy it tilting on FTF so much :D ... hell, I might do a run on Tharandter Rampe just to enjoy the tilting :D
  35. squerble

    squerble Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    Just reporting that this bug is still present at a number of signals on the FTF route. I'm getting a bit annoyed that I can't run HUDless just in case the incorrect signalling/magnets force my train to a halt.
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  36. cloudyskies21

    cloudyskies21 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    Just wondering why this route doesn't feature the DB BR 406 ICE 3M as AI at Frankfurt to represent the Brussels' services? Kind of ruins the immersion when TSW already has a Koln-Aachen route.
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  37. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    DTG Harry LZB Intro needs looking at again please for 411. Subtitles (maybe audio too) say 330 max, but it’s 230. AFB handle max goes to 229, and then with a big of jiggling you can get to 230 but it’s not easy. I would suggest a dev just playing it on PS5 - they should see what I mean. Also refers to the hud even when the U etc. isn’t visible in the default (I think) TSW5 hud. And then it also doesn’t tell us to enable GNT / NeiTec in this one.
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  38. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    havent played the intro, but as for GNT/NeiTec, you get full tilting and HUD displays the increased GNT speeds where it is applicable for ICE-T... the only difference you get is that if you dont enable Neitec, you wont get tilting, but the speeds remain, and if you dont enable GNT, you wont get the enforcement GNT brings (it watches if you dont overshoot speeds and can even apply Zwangsbremsung)... so I guess thats why they didnt put this into the tutorial :)

    but in the preview stream they show this :)
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  39. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    Thanks for explaining - it’s interesting to know that level of detail on the systems as I’m only really familiar with UK safety systems.

    Just to clarify my point though, the train is set up automatically at the start of the tutorial without GNT / NT enabled, and it does not tell us to enable them prior to departing. I remembered to turn them on myself
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  40. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    RE50 4522 Frankfurt Main HBF to Fulda Conductor Mode

    spawns you at different platform (IIRC 16 when you need to be at 7?)
    When walking up the platform (7?) there seem to be lots of invisible blocks preventing you from walking forward in places. Almost like passengers but invisible.
    it doesn’t ask us to check tickets on first leg? Though this may be prototypical - I don’t know.
    the dispatch sequence is in the wrong order. It asks us to uninhibit door then make sure other doors are closed. Surely we should check the other doors prior to closing guard door?? Though may be prototypical. Also doesn’t tell us to inhibit guard door. I would’ve thought, based on UK so could be different, it’d be:
    - guard blows whistle to show doors can close
    - driver closes doors
    - guard checks doors closed
    - guard door closes
    - train departs (maybe with another whistle for good measure- perhaps from platform staff)
    Some ticket check markers seem to pop in (faint, then suddenly vivid when get closer)
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2024
  41. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    On the top deck first class Cabin when approaching Hanau I stood up near those metal bridge things and got ejected from the train!!
  42. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    Worst bit is I’m now stuck atop the bridge and can’t get off even with the physics reset. Was going to walk to Hanau. Can’t even do that.
  43. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    Realised it put me in crouch mode. I fell off the top of the bridge into the gutter between the two bridge. Got stuck on one end, walked towards the other and through some trees and I’m now trackside. Now to walk to Hanau and not press L2!!
  44. Nerd1404

    Nerd1404 New Member

    Aug 23, 2019
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    The 101 Expert layer has at least 2 Timetables witch arn't possible to do un time one of them is the IC 1193. In both cases iv'e got stuck both times in Wirtheim behind a Freigthtrain witch sticks put on to the Mainline. 20241021221450_1.jpg
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  45. razmatus#2517

    razmatus#2517 Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2022
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    I once tried a bit from the route, like till Hanau or so, with Neitec + GNT on, then Neitec on + GNT off and Neitec off and GNT off

    I wanted to try if HUD will actually reflect your setting... without GNT you shouldnt realistically be allowed to go higher speeds, but I guess they just wanted to let ppl go that fast with ICE-T, even those that dont play with safety stuff on... with GNT it lets you go that fast + it also watches your speed (I even managed to get a Zwangsbremsung once or twice :D )

    as for NeiTec, realistically I have no idea how it should be IRL... but in preview stream they mentioned that even with Neitec off, the train should still tilt 2 degrees, and with Neitec on it should only go full tilt if GNT is on, but they let us use full tilt in-game even with GNT off

    so, your best bet is to play with everything on :) you get speeds, you get tilt, and GNT shows you speeds and distances on right screen (press UD once or twice, i forgot)... all in all, a well done train, tho as I mentioned a couple times, not sure why AFB can lock throttle when lowering speed under LZB (it doesnt do that under PZB)... but I guess we will learn later, as I have filed a ticket for that and they replied it is noted :D
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  46. TrackingTrains

    TrackingTrains Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2023
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    Anyone finding except on the training session 411 LZB is broken? Turn the dial from isolated to normal, no horn, and no braking seems to occur.
  47. Winzarten

    Winzarten Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Where do you turn it on? Immediately after starting the service at Fulda, or later? Realistically turning the knob will only allow the system to work, but for it to really kick in, you need to go through an LZB 'entry point' (place of track marked with LZB boards). If unisolated while already on LZB track, it will not kick in untill the next LZB board. That could be several Km.

    The only exception is when you takeover a service in Fulda, where unisolating will immediately start the system. This is a workaround, becasue the scenario is that it is a crew changeover, so realistically LZB would already be initialized and ready to go, as the train got there under LZB.
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  48. DeadlyDiddly

    DeadlyDiddly Member

    Jul 30, 2021
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    Does the blind work on the BR 411? I can't find a hidden button so I guess not (on Xbox Series X.)
  49. Matin_TSP

    Matin_TSP Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2020
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    It's there and working. Behind the right lever.
  50. WeightOnWheels

    WeightOnWheels New Member

    Jun 2, 2022
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    The shunting signals at the semaphores in Hanau Hbf should go blank (dark) instead of Sh1 when the main signal semaphore has a route set from it and shows Hp1/2. It's a weird type of semaphore/Ls combination but it's the same for other stations in Germany that use this system as well.
    Screenshot from 2024-10-27 18-00-32.png
    Shunting signal should be fully dark instead of showing Sh1 here:
    Screenshot from 2024-10-27 18-00-20.png
    Before any doubts arise, I found a cab ride passing this exact signal on youtube here (at 47:05) ;)

    Edit 2:
    At Gelnhausen, coming from Wirtheim, when you're required to stop at platform 2 the brake distance from the Zsig to the Asig is way too little. Only 591m of distance for a allowed line speed of 160 km/h. This will break any run and inevitably result in a in-game SPAD no matter what you do.
    In reality if you have Hp0 at platform 2 exit signal, the entry signal (F571) will already show two yellow on the distant signal, announcing the exit signal. The following intermediate signal (S556) will be dark and show Kennlicht. This'll give a full braking distance of 591m + 667m resulting in 1258m which in turn is enough to keep a line speed of 160. See images attatched.
    I've set a target marker to platform 2 infront of the exit signal, lets pretend the following track behind the exit signal is still occupied by another train.
    Entry signal should in this case show Hp1 and Vr0 for the exit signal, this way we would have the full 1200+m of braking distance available:
    Screenshot from 2024-10-27 18-50-23.png
    And the intermediate signal (Zsig S556) should show Kennlicht/dark distant as per reality.
    Screenshot from 2024-10-27 18-51-54.png
    In the current constellation in-game you're losing valuable 660m of braking distance at 160km/h, making every service that encounters this scenario an inevitable SPAD.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2024
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