Just to confirm re the tilt, have now come across a few sections where the posted speed is 140 or 150 km/h but the HUD is showing I can do 160. So all working as it should.
Just tried two night-time freight runs, one was a loaded intermodal and another was a string of empty tankers and both were from Frankfurt to Fulda. Both were restricted to 100 km/h, in spite of the wagons being rated for 120 according to the tables on the sides. I've noticed similar issues with Bremen-Salzburg and the Semmeringbahn, before: all freight seems to be under a blanket speed limit of just 100 km/h.
Well it looks like Frankfurt to Fulda has the stuck trains on resuming a save with a vengeance. Running ICE 1651 (Journey Mode) came to a grinding halt about 16km from Fulda. Referencing the 2D map showed a line of trains stretching ahead to something at Neuhof (?) not going anywhere. Now it looks like DTG did slip under the bar that you can now delete stuck trains in Journey mode so going to see if I can clear myself a path. Well that doesn't quite work because if you use the 2D map and select the train in front and confirm delete, you are then placed back in the cab of your train out of the driving seat. Hit E to sit down and the game states you are giving up control of the train you were previously driving and will fail the Journey, so you can resume driving the same train. What a crock of poo...
Wenn ich den Flixtrain Vectron im LZB-Modus fahre, bleibt die Lok bei automatischer LZB-Bremsung ca. 40 bis 50 km/h unterhalb der LZB-Überwachungskurve. When I drive normally with this in the LZB, the locomotive stays 60 km/h below the Vmax of 200 and does not accelerate any further. Dieses Problem habe ich im Thread bisher nicht gefunden.
PS5 - Scenario Pull! I was so much looking forward for Baureihe 114 and it’s services… after first run in Journey scenario No.1 called Pull! the dissapointment came. Scenario begins absolutely stunning (no spoilers but I really enjoyed it) then … at first station stop you realize that locomotive brake does not work - only brake power at notch Emergency? What the …? Gauge showing main line pressure stuck at 4.5 bar and another bugs mentioned over the flrum? Acknowledging SIFA with Circle button triggers PZB acknowledge sound like it used at TSW2 locos? Turned it off after second station stop. They propably just copy-pasted old loco and added suspension, magic added some new bugs (like they broke BR 185.2 with suspension update that Cab2 is not working, month after no fix…) so BR114 brakes aren’t working.. Iam asking… What are beta testers for? Nobody noticed that brakes are not operable?
Edit: Update to my stuck train issue. I was able to use free cam and move forward to Neuhorf where a stopping train of Dosto stock was stationary in the platform with the doors open, 25 minutes overdue departure. So it must have failed when I saved the game previously . As luck would have it, I closed all the exterior doors manually and it started to move off, with everything else following. No need to delete but sadly it seems this route has an issue restoring all the data needed to get traffic moving again.
I just spent my first three hours on this route with the 411. What an immersive journey that was! I had to be vigilant combining the GNT with a lot of adverse signals and a ton of AI traffic. GOAT route in my opinion! Edit: forgot to mention that I love the new menu music!
PS5 console I have the same problems on this map with the textures, both external on the loco and cars and also in the loco cabin..... the problem is exacerbated by the switching of external views EDIT: When traveling from Frankfurt to Fulda, the problems remain at the Hanau station......and then it won't compare anymore.....
Made some bug reports about the BR114, keep Dovetail busy! Clipboard_09-19-2024_01 by Rutger Luiten posted Sep 19, 2024 at 11:44 PM
Probably due to the wagons being loaded. Zacns (Tanker wagons) represented in TSW are allowed to go 120 when empty. But Loaded they are limited to 100 iirc. Theres also the brake force of the hole train to be considered, so 100km/h absolutely seems plausible.
The tankers were empty, or so it was stated when I selected it from the timetable with the RP Vectron pulling. And I am certain that the Sggmrss-type container wagons are rated for 120 km/h whilst being loaded. Those too had me getting penalised for speeding when doing more than 100 where the track is good for 150, just east of Frankfurt Süd. And yes, I did wait to clear the switches and everything.
Sbk 773 presignals Vr 0 + expect 60 km/h when entry signal to Wirtheim shows Hp 0, such combination of aspects is not correct. Train 51195 (and possibly others) have an incorrect stopping point set at Wirtheim, they stop at platform instead of at signal, so during their stop to let trains overpass they remain blocking the main track.
Then still it's possible that the service is limited to 100 km/h even if unloaded due to brake force requirements. Speed of freight trains in Germany (ans probably central europe) isn't as straightforward as you might expect so i recommend following: https://forums.dovetailgames.com/threads/german-freight-speed-limits.82565/ Think there is also an explanation about the sggmrss wagons, iirc they are allowed to go 120 when loaded but only on LZB tracks due to the longer brake curves. Hope this helps you to put things in perspective. Also noir 's freight calculator is also really helpful. https://forums.dovetailgames.com/threads/universal-freight-calculator-for-german-content.75134/
Empty tankers should be 120 km/h, the game simply applies flat 100 km/h on all freight services unfortunately. I do not think it's correct. In reality, the individiual train timetable may be set up for lower speeds for various reasons (a slower wagon is scheduled to be present, for example), but the game does not include any visible reasoning of that kind.
Still really enjoying the route. One of the best German routes, if not the best. Maybe some things are already mentioned but here is a set of remarks: (Let me know if something is unclear) Direction Fulda -> Frankfurt: When passing through Flieden there is an unannounced speed limit of 130 km/h. It is on the hud, but no signs along the line. On a cabride I noticed the speed limit was announced by a signal. Right after leaving Flieden there is an unannounced speed limit of 140 km/h which is on the hud but has no physical sign along the line. Driving towards Wolfgang on the middle of the three tracks. There is an unannounced 80 km/h reduction. Right after that the signal announces there will be a 80 km/h reduction starting at signal P603. So either the signal announces the reduction too late or the 80 km/h reduction on the hud is too early. I think the latter. Direction Frankfurt -> Fulda: Right after joining the Kassel Würzburg line there is a speed reduction to 80 km/h when driving the RE50. Signal A427 announces it but it doesn’t trigger the PZB 1000Hz. I was driving 140 km/h so it should have been triggered. Finally, in Steinau an der Strasse there are no train length stopping signs, same for Flieden, Bad Soden, Wächtersbach and Offenbach Hbf. Basically all the smaller stopping signs without the ‘H’ are missing. See this image as an example. This is Bad Soden:
Sorry if this has been mentioned before (or if it is how it's supposed to be), but I found out on my recent drive with the ICE-T that if you have clicked on the main display (speedometer etc.) to zoom in and while in that zoomed in state the SIFA activates, you can't acknowledge it until you exit the zoomed in view (pressing 'q' key does nothing). (PC/Steam)
I would be surprised if DTG actually manages to push an fix in the next couple of days or weeks... It took DTG a couple of months to address SOME of the issues with the BR 642 and the Maintalbahn itself.
Tried driving a service from Frankfurt to Hanau, the performance got more worse as I approached Hanau, and as I arrived in the platform, it crashed.
Yeah very frustrating, unfortunately. Performance overall on Series X for this route has been very poor. Also, on Series S are you having the same low-res texture issues?
Where is 363? I saw it on a DTG stream in timetable list. I've got both Dresden routes, and my friend additionally got the Maintalbahn. Nothing.
Hanau in particular is almost the most problematic place for me......I almost always break down the textures there (low resolution), but then I didn't crash at all
If I'm not mistaken you also need the BR101, check the layer tab for the requirements. It's definitely there.
Something is seriously wrong with the passenger system on this route (even more than on other routes, if you can imagine that ). If you jump around the route using fast travel few times, then the passengers just, stop spawning.. and every station is deserted. This wouldn't be that much of an issue if it would be isolated to fast travel, but the same happens if you play the route. After a while passengers just stop spawning. If you run the whole route, from Frankfurt to Fulda, then when you arrive at Fulda, it is totally empty, and no passengers are spawning. I've tried to replicate this on WCML, but I there everything looks normal, even after extensive jumping around using fast travel. PC, no mods, clear engine.ini
AI going at 143 max in a 160 zone. This is the train I’m following (06:52 to Frankfurt sud) and I’m ICE1652.
You mean the old one made by DTG? I have it! But the route layer for BR363 says I don't. I can drive BR101 on this route. WTF?
PS5 - whenever I’m driving away from the Frankfurt end of the route all the aircraft are static in the sky, not flying forwards, but when driving towards Frankfurt they are working properly.
PS5 console I did a test, completely deleted TSW5 and installed only simulator + map Frankfurt Fulda + Vectron Flix. Even presto in the Hanau region it freezes and stings upon arrival. That probably won't be a lack of PS5 performance Then I'm not surprised that at full operation it goes to .......
Isn’t AI traffic always 10% below line speed? Not sure but I seem to remember this was mentioned somewhere ages ago… I don’t seem to have this problem. But I am actually really enjoying the planes on this route. Especially with scattered clouds you can actually see them fly through them. Gives it a nice touch of realism, especially if you know the area. When you drive further towards Fulda you can actually see that they are coming in from different directions. All in all a nice touch…
The AI is running at 90% performance indeed. This is done so the timetable runs realistic timing-wise, and doesn't require the player to apply full throttle and perfect braking curve to keep on schedule. This is no issue on routes/services with frequent stops, but gives these unrealistic results on long stretches of high speed. I'd recommend DTG to consider upping the AI performance to e.g. 95% for these kinds of services, as a lower performance is especially helpful when stopping frequently. The performance can be modified on every individual service, so this is easily adjusted.
'Cheesed to meet you' scenario is bugged when you get to Frankfurt (Main) HBF platform 7. The next objective won't trigger.
Something's iffy with the 114 brakes. Driving the Pull scenario and despite having both the driving and train brakes on fully applied the train hardly slows down at all. from 100kmh it had slowed down by 9kmh over 1km as it sailed through the stop marker at Frankfurt (Main) Sud and failed the objective/
I am still getting constant crashing on PS5 nearly every time I run a timetable service on this route, last one was the 16.49 dosto from Frankfurt…. All was fine until I press the close doors button and it dumped me to desktop again! Lovely route when it works, frustrating as hell when it doesn’t, which is currently most of the time
I don't know how you can miss it, but in a lot of places the track is in the air. I don't have an exact location but it happens all over the map. The colour of the ballast is off again. What does it want to be? 423 has this suspension:
PS5 console I was playing the Hanau Heart Raise Raise scenario and it crashed before Offenbach on the way back. Great....
Got a few weird Zwangsbremsung’s which I can’t explain to myself today at my Flixtrain runs. In direction from Frankfurt to Fulda at about km 64-65 In opposite direction from Fulda got another one just after leaving the tunnel, fully stopped just in front of the 76,4 km marker. Propably got stopped by magnet here (U283) : Anyone experienced it too? As far I can tell there were no need to acknowledge some PZB situation, even playing with safety system helper which definetly did not showed yellow Acknowledge! alert like it used to when passing yellow signal or relevant speed reduction for example.
After the Tunnel in Frankfurt direction there are speed reductions ( i believe down to 110 ) so there might have been a speed controlling magnet which got you. Do you know which service it was ? Might try it myself to see if i can spot something.
If the helper didn't display an Acknowledge you probably weren't slowing down fast enough for an upcoming speed restriction.
Another PS5 crash, this time on the ICET 1519 service from Frankfurt to Dresden. It happened as soon as I reached the 140kph signs after Frankfurt sud. so far my score is 15 timetable services attempted and only 3 completed due to CTD…. Absolutely furious
Not sure if mentioned already, in the 'Mind the gap' scenario, after loading the passengers, your train remains in LZB mode. You can drive lzb all the way to fulda. Another one, if the vorsignal S556 is yellow i could not stop for the red light, resuting in spad (DB BR 101)
But if I remember correctly, I keeped exactly this rule in mind after those Zwangsbremsungs and reduced speed to 110 in advance of speed limit. In direction to Frankfurt it was “Expect delay” scenario, I think the second mission in Flixtrain Journey.
Agreed. To call the 114 a mess would be an understatement. It seems the 143-clone curse continues. The 112 was bad enough already but it seems the 114 makes every effort to match or surpass her 112 sister in quality. The 114 needs an urgent patch at the very least but seeing how the 112 was never really addressed either… 4.5 bar brake pipes is a new low in the sim.