Feature Free Roam Mode - Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Player Feedback' started by DTG Alex, Sep 23, 2023.

  1. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    You can spawn a train anywhere in free roam as long as.....

    A. It fits
    B. There is no other train attempting to use that piece of track you are trying to place a train down. (Learned this when I tried to put a train on the Cutoff in Palmdale and an AI train appeared out of nowhere.)
  2. pierrechi

    pierrechi Member

    Jan 22, 2022
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    Oh please no auto AI Takeover after 60 seconds. I'd prefer a manual AI override. But not an automatic one after a certain amount of time. I'm also bothered by the popup question if I want to give up my service after some time on foot. Why not make that a direct function in escape menu and another AI-Takeover function for spawned trains?
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  3. matthewanthonygray

    matthewanthonygray Member

    Nov 6, 2020
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    all rail vehicles need to be able to be spawned in individually. Even in the showcase videos before release they talked about being able to drive around, decide to spawn in some coaches or wagons on a siding, couple up, drive some more, take some off and add different ones.
    Yet in reality if you want individual coaches or wagons you have to spawn in an entire formation and delete random parts of it to get the bit you want. It’s not like it’s impossible to do, god mode on pc has allowed it for years, and you can do it with some training centre coaches and German wagons? For some reason.

    and the coaches/wagons should be able to have creator club/your own liveries selected like you can in scenario planner.
  4. Scarlett

    Scarlett Member

    Jun 13, 2022
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    Game Randomly Crashed On MML while playing free roam with Scotsman (In Timetable mode) When approaching Nottingham.

    Game Froze, controller vibrated for about 5 seconds then the screen when blank, then came up the error message

  5. jaemes.hunt

    jaemes.hunt Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Xbox Series x
    Whilst using free roam at West Somerset Railway, I tried adding in Flying Scotsman and the 14 loaded Mk1 coaches at Minehead platform 1 facing north west towards the buffers. My goal was to create a little scenario for myself to disconnect Scotsman from the coaches. Reverse onto the other line, then head forwards to the turntable. After using the turntable to point Scotsman the right way up line, I used the path setter to connect her back to the coaches (opposite end from previously).

    After a successful connecting, I used Path setter to the next station and after clicking confirm, the game would crash to the Xbox homepage. This has happened every time I’ve attempted this.

    It’s not an issue with Scotsman as I have tested summoning the loco and coaches facing the right way up line and just headed to the next station without issue using path setter. This makes me believe it’s to do with connecting the loco to the opposite end of the coaches from the original.
  6. steve08

    steve08 Active Member

    May 16, 2022
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    +1 for this on BML can set a marker at any station including the ones you can’t reach
    I tried to drive an 801 on free roam from London Victoria platform 1 which is southeastern platform to Wandsworth Road I also tried to drive to Queens town road Southwestern route. Same thing happened “you have reached the end of the represented area”.
  7. stewartforgie

    stewartforgie Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2022
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    Can we have a "Fast Travel" option while on foot to any location on the map please? It would make the placing of a free roam train much easier.
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  8. Train Sim Society

    Train Sim Society Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    the dispatcher isn't assigning the right switches for me to reach the target destination I set.

    It keeps putting me on the path of the train that's being routed behind me... Also, the highlighted path will constantly go away on the map view but the destination marker remains the same.

  9. jaemes.hunt

    jaemes.hunt Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Xbox series X
    North Trans-Pennine
    Flying Scotsman
    Time Table mode on foot.
    Trying to take Scotsman and loaded x8 Mk2a coaches from Leeds to Huddersfield. Every time I arrive in Huddersfield the train has a huge derailment. I’ve tried different speeds including crawling and setting the path to different platforms. Nothing stops the derailment.
  10. Scorpion71

    Scorpion71 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Yes, agreed. I want to pace a broken down train near Standedge Tunnel and rescue it by sending a light engine from Holbeck.

    I've tried to use the teleport thing in God mode but it just sends me below the earth and on my to Australia!
  11. MP600

    MP600 Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2020
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    Can confirm I've seen this before as well with the exact same loco, happened to me when going over the switches just beyond the platforms. This is on PS5.
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  12. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    You can try using the crouch speed thing, I found it helpful moving around the map.
  13. MP600

    MP600 Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2020
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    Both of the following issues are on PS5 and apply to any route, with any of the locos mentioned when spawning them in with Free Roam. Locos that are part of the timetable are all fine.

    Issue 1:

    Both variants of the Class 47 and Class 52 have broken brakes for me when spawned in with Free Roam. As soon as I sit in the drivers seat in any of the four overall variants (47 NTP, 47 WSR, 52 WSR, 52 GWR) on vacuum brakes all brake pressure immediately drains out of the system and the train brake lever does nothing, meanwhile on air brakes the pressure stays locked at maximum and again the train brake is useless. Independant brake lever still functions and the loco also cannot operate its brakes any differently when they are cut out and being controlled by another loco, in fact they almost seem to infect the brakes of the other loco as on vaccum they constantly release and on air they constantly apply. While testing for this message I coupled a Class 37 to a 47 while both were in air brake mode, the 37's brakes immediately jumped to full pressure and couldn't release. Moreover, when I then swapped both locos to vacuum brakes the 37 couldn't even create a vacuum until the engines were decoupled, at which point both its vacuum dials shot up to 21 as normal. The 47 remained in its broken state. All of this applies to all four engine variants I mentioned above, HOWEVER when using one that's a part of timetable mode all brakes are completely functional.

    Issue 2:

    Several variants of several German locos have no drive. Brakes release, panto goes up, MCB closes, but when you pull the throttle the train makes no effort to move. I've tested every variant I have and, listed by the names they appear under in the Free Roam spawn list, these are the results. All of these were tested on German routes with appropriate OHLE and full startup process was performed. After noticing the issue affecting more than just 185 variants, I tested all modern German locos.

    BR182 DB: Throttle delivers no power.
    BR185 DB: Throttle delivers no power and brakes will not fully release.
    BR185 RP: Throttle delivers no power.
    BR185.2: Functions and drives as normal.
    BR185.2 DB: Throttle delivers no power.
    BR143 DB: Functions and drives as normal.
    BR146.2 DB: Throttle cuts in for a split second every so often but otherwise delivers no power.
    BR185.5 MRCE: Throttle delivers no power and driver assist triggers with the dialogue to raise the pantograph and close the MCB, obviously I already did this.
    BR 193 Vectron: Functions and drives as normal.

    If required I can make a video demonstrating any of the mentioned issues.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2023
  14. bryan#7049

    bryan#7049 Member

    Dec 20, 2020
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    Same thing happened to me was about to couple my 37 to my RHTT wagons at Derby and boom went black and sent me back to the xbox home/dashboard my controller didn't vibrate as ive turned all vibration off and it also crashes when starting the game takes 2 or 3 attempts before it works and allows me to play the game.
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  15. surreychuff#3060

    surreychuff#3060 Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    totally agree with this; as a workaround I’ve been setting my destination on a stop by stop basis… so rather than set the end destination, set the first stop you want, then when you get there, then next etc.. not ideal, but means you can enjoy some stops en route
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  16. Train Sim Society

    Train Sim Society Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2021
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    i added a waypoint in my path from peterbourough to Doncaster about halfway through my journey. i accumulated 10k AP by the point when i added the waypoint but did not remove the path or train, but my score reset back to 0. Do i still get those points i’ve earned thus far on my journey on my profile or do they not count until i reach my destination?

    really hoping they count. also maybe it’s a bug they reset back to 0?
  17. roggek

    roggek Active Member

    Jul 27, 2018
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    I would like a little feature in the 2D-map:
    A little arrow ( like o> or <o) ) which shows which direction the signals are facing.
    Doing shunting i freeroam is a pain, since you don't exactly know which signal is facing you...
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  18. Spikee1975

    Spikee1975 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2023
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    It takes a few seconds until the tile is loaded, just click on the destination again while you're falling.
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  19. tygerways#2596

    tygerways#2596 Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2021
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    Notwithstanding all the issues that inevitably must arise with a thing so comprehensive.

    Thank you very much for your boldness of opening up your game so far and adding this mode, IT IS GORGEOUS!

    Especially for showing and testing pathing, signalling, safety system behavior.. maybe the most valuable addition to the game in TSW4.
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  20. steve08

    steve08 Active Member

    May 16, 2022
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    Add a time skip to next departure at stations too.
  21. max#2873

    max#2873 Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2022
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    No CC liveries on freight cars at all... very disappointed.
  22. flystentz

    flystentz Member

    Sep 17, 2020
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    i have the same issue with german locomotives
  23. bescot

    bescot Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2016
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    I've had this on PC too. I took a 37 + Mk 2 coaches into a loop. Uncoupled, set a route to run the light loco round. I then coupled to the other end of the train, changing cab ends for each light loco movement. When I set a route after recoupling to the other end, the game crashed. It's reproducible - have done it twice now with same result.
  24. max#2873

    max#2873 Well-Known Member

    Oct 9, 2022
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    I tried to spawn additional power to my consist from timetable but no avail, I was able to spawn a loco on paralel rail but not mine. We need, free camera spawning on top of that. For now free roam is usless for such option as: adding locos to unpowered SPG winter timetable trains - I thought it will greatly support many flaws this game has, but for now it has just marginal usability for me.
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  25. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    You cannot spawn anything on an active rail with a train that has a set path already, this including timetable trains, or a train you've spawned that already has its path set.
  26. frank351981

    frank351981 Active Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    • Issue Summary: UE Crash
    • Platform: PC
    • Route Name: S-Bahn Vorarlberg
    • Loco Name: ICE BR 403
    • Step-by-Step Instructions: Started in Bludenz by foot, want to test Freeroam drive to Lindau HBF. Until Feldkirch all without problem. Timed departure just 2-3 minuten before regular train in that direction. Just before Feldkirch short red signal because of another train in front. From Feldkirch the Dispatcher want me to direct on wrong track so I have red. Set new waypont then green and further without problem. Somewhere after Dornbirn the dispathcer leads me on the wrong side, some short kilometers green, then I became stuck because of southbound train. I´ve tried to delete them (by go back from mapview my driver suddenly stands, then I go out of train) - after 2-3 trials he other train was deleted. I go back in train, want to move off, but couldnt, the leaver was blocked (brakes are released). THEN UE4-CRASH.
    Some questions I couldnt read out from the manual for FreeRoam.
    - If setting a destination, I can add a waypoint. How many waypoints can be added? Is there only one possible ore more? Can only another wypoint be added if the first one was passed by?
    I´ve tried at some time a waypoint, then he tells me thats not possible because not reachable. But I´m 100% sure that the selected track should be possible to reacht, because it was the main track, its electrified, until there where enough possibilities with several intersections to change track if needed (if dispatcher leads me to opposite track), .... So I have no clue why this message pops out, whats the reason for it
    Would be nice if waypoints (when selected some station tracks) would be somewhere shown up, as it is shown up at regular scenarios where to pass or stop.
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  27. gerard

    gerard Member

    Jun 26, 2021
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    - PC
    - antelope / freeroam
    - CSX SD40-2
    - impossible to run the loco: no brakes, no power

    - Antelope / freeroam
    -CSX GP38-2
    - impossible to run the loco: no power with the throttle (but brakes are ok)
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2023
  28. Taihennami

    Taihennami Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2023
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    I tried this to check, and it seems that the AWS is in the alarm state when spawned as a Free Roam train, and vents both the air and vacuum pipes even though it is set to isolated in both cabs. When I unisolated the AWS and set the change-end levers for the direction of travel, the AWS operated normally (except for permanently showing the warning icon in the HUD), and I was able to release the brakes and drive. This is still a bug, but less catastrophic to gameplay than first appears.

    I haven't specifically checked this, but there might be something similar going on with the German trains you mentioned. Try setting up the PZB system and see if that resolves the problem.

    It's also possible that the "Reset Simulation Physics" panic button in the pause menu might help.
  29. Taihennami

    Taihennami Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2023
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    I've just set up a train on ECML with three waypoints (one at each of the intermediate stations) on the way from Doncaster to Peterborough. Since all of them are off the fast line, it should be obvious once I get to them whether they've taken effect.
  30. Blacknred81

    Blacknred81 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Pretty much all the older SD40s and GP38s are currently unusable, however, AFA GP38s go the CN and NS ones works and the UP one sort of works, but not when it's spawned with another one.
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  31. Taihennami

    Taihennami Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2023
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    While playing around on ECML, I found that I couldn't raise the pantograph on a spawned 323, even after trying many different things to tickle the logic into functioning. That included using the "Reset Physics" button, setting the Auxiliaries switch, and trying Pan Down followed by Pan Up. So there seems to be some general problem with initialising the state of spawned vehicles, which affects some more seriously than others.
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  32. Fawx

    Fawx Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2023
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    I really feel that at a bare minimum, every loco should have been tested with free roam, and made to work before this was launched.
    We shouldn't be having issues of this many trains straight up not working, or having extremely obvious issues.
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  33. stujoy

    stujoy Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2019
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    I found on GWE that the route given on the slow lines from Slough to Reading crossed over to the fast line for a section approaching Reading before directing me back onto the slow line I was originally on. When trying to add a way point to keep me on the slow line it told me it was an invalid route. A bit odd as it was the most direct route staying on the line rather than the odd detour the game gave me.
  34. MP600

    MP600 Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2020
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    Reset physics does work, since posting I have figured that out and have been able to use both classes.
  35. zappatime

    zappatime Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Spawned player loco in timetable mode doesn't appear to show the driver in the cab (from an external camera or photo mode) when you are are driving it [PC Steam version - BML timetable mode, spawned Class 52; spawned Class 33 - both tried]
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2023
  36. cloudyskies21

    cloudyskies21 Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2021
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    There seems to be a number 0 bug with unit numbers associated with Free Roam. For example, when spawning a train - see pictures below - the RABe 523 shows as 000, while the Talent 1 always ends in -0 which is unrealistic:
  37. flystentz

    flystentz Member

    Sep 17, 2020
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    When spawning german locos from the older games they wont registrate any power, even on german routes

    also miss the posibility to spawn passenger wagons individually
  38. steve08

    steve08 Active Member

    May 16, 2022
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    Spawning a train has the brakes applied in each cab
  39. Bravo2six

    Bravo2six Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2021
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    • Issue Summary: 150/2 AWS/ Alerter going off in rear cab
    • Platform: PC
    • Route Name: Any
    • Loco Name: 150/2
    • Step-by-Step Instructions: Spawning 150/2 and going into helicopter/ outside cam, you can hear the AWS alerter tone going off. activating AWS fuse and acknowledging it clears it. - Just an audio bug -
  40. amogus#1263

    amogus#1263 Member

    May 8, 2023
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    Can someone own bakerloo line DLC tell me
    free roam harrow - elephant & castle is accessible ?
    I tried at TSW4 first launch , it fail
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2023
  41. Omgy24

    Omgy24 New Member

    Oct 31, 2021
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    Found wrong/missing car in free roam.
    Multi-Level commuter trailer car can be only found in livery editor, but not in free roam mode.
    There I can only find Multi-Level commuter car but only with NJT livery, no liveries from me or Creator Club.
    Works like this on every route
  42. jufiz#9670

    jufiz#9670 New Member

    Oct 10, 2021
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    • Issue Summary: Can't add waypoints to the route when the loco is backwards
    • Platform: PC (Epic)
    • Route Name: any
    • Loco Name: any
    • Step-by-Step Instructions:
    1. spawn a loco with free roam
    2. set a route in backwards to the loco
    3. set a waypoint between the loco and the end of the route
    4. get a error message that this place isn't reachable
    In this example I tried the Br204 starting in Lindau-Insel with the destination of the route on the opposite track behind Lindau-Reutin. The waypoint should allow the route to run over the normal directional track to Lindau-Reutlin.
    First I got the error with the Br110 at DRA then I tried it with the Vectron at DRO and had the same problem.
    upload_2023-10-31_19-49-31.png upload_2023-10-31_20-2-6.png
    upload_2023-10-31_19-50-34.png upload_2023-10-31_19-49-31.png upload_2023-10-31_19-50-34.png
  43. AtherianKing

    AtherianKing Guest

    Had quite a bit of fun using free roam today, I particularly like using it on timetables, therefore I get the Ai trains as scenery rather than the blank canvas but exclusive options are always good.

    quite good to get trains what are both accurate to route and time era or perhaps not accurate and have a go driving them on such routes when they’re no timetable service for them.

    also quite enjoyed going down sets of track not often used like the outer lines of the ECML route in the 700.

    Had an issue that I had to reset the physics to get the DB 612 with 8 cars to work, for some reason the power handle refused to go higher than 1% power without that and the hud stayed red I think.

    It’s quite a lot of fun to have the option to go back and forth without having it end like older version scenario planner and of course in timetable mode that means more stock in the background doing things.

    an improvement I would suggest would be to allow multiple stops to be set up rather than one & have the passenger load and unload options in free roam.

    Xbox Series X
  44. Taihennami

    Taihennami Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2023
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    I don't actually think the passenger stop mechanic needs to be implemented, since you can just as easily make-believe while operating the doors as usual.
    More useful would be to have faster trains overtake you when you "go via" a loop siding or platform for that purpose. Presently you get priority over any train that hasn't already claimed the route when you finish entering your instructions, which could be an hour or more before you actually reach that point while driving. I think that could be done by simply adding a "pause in location" entry which doesn't call the route beyond it until you actually reach it, and otherwise works just like "go via".
  45. AtherianKing

    AtherianKing Guest

    Of course you can pretend to (well only to the degree of opening doors as no one enters or exits) but also the feature could get added.

    some routes also have about 25 stations so needing to go to the map for every one is quite a bit of a tedious chore.

    It would also fix that on some trains certain features like the PIS resets to default every stop marker placed (not in service for class 150)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2023
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  46. BeastyBill88

    BeastyBill88 Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2022
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    It does this for a few services on timetable mode with DLoGW as well especially the tanker services.
  47. steve08

    steve08 Active Member

    May 16, 2022
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    After update ecml keeps sticking on free roam
  48. L0L360

    L0L360 Member

    Nov 26, 2018
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    After uncoupling wagons from a train, setting a path for your locomotive becomes impossible. The game apears to give the instructions to the disconnected wagons. It seems to happen mostly when you've uncoupled from the "front" of the train (unsure of this as it will occasionally happen with the rear of the train).

    Current workaround I've found is to: uncouple the desired wagons, spawn a new locomotive, couple that locomotive to your bugged one, set a path, cancel the path, finally uncouple and delete the new loco. This will allow the game to correctly give instructions to the original locomotive.

    Hope this helps anyone else having issues who loves shunting as much as I do.
  49. thomastl59374

    thomastl59374 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2020
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    I'm doing free roam in timetable mode on WCL and I am at the depot/yard just outside Penzance (the one with the train cleaner) and I set a path to stop just in front of the stop and call the signaler board.
    Once I reached this I then set a path past the board and into the yard. However, when I contact the signaller I'm denied passage and told to check switches but all the points are correct. I didn't want to risk a SPAD so went round another way.

    Platform: Xbox one
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2023
  50. Harmsway

    Harmsway New Member

    Dec 15, 2017
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    First off given all the problems and issues noted in this thread I am still grateful to have Free Roam.

    Some observations for those having difficulty setting a path.
    My preference for Free Roam is to do so in an already existing time table. It is great fun having all the train traffic while I'm working my train. However it is problematic inside a time table.

    Possible reasons you are unable to set a path or the signal doesn't change even if with the path is set.
    1) There is an AI train on its way. Typically though you will be able to set the path but will have to wait until the AI train clears the block. This is a good thing and adds to the immersion.
    2) There is a time table train waiting to be activated to start a preset scenario. There may be several of these but one of them is set to go down your path. Even if it's an hour later it will jam you up. Possible solution is to walk over to it and delete that service. This worked for me when I was able to set the path but the signal wouldn't change. No AI train was coming down the track in this case and this lead me to check for waiting services.
    3) Setting more than one combination of engines in Free Roam. To have enough power to haul freight I often use a 2-Engine setup. This works fine but if I spawn a new set of engines elsewhere on the route problem often occur.
    4) Having a Free Roam engine spawned on the route may cause a crash to desktop if you try to start a preset service by climbing aboard and starting a time table engine. I'm not sure but it may be possible to leave static cars (wagons) in place and just delete the Free Roam engine. Then maybe you can drive the scenario engine. Need to check on this one. Don't know.

    Lastly I noted that all the AI trains will run there course in 24 hours but not run them again the second day.This is sad because I want a career mode where all my static cars I set out stay put yet the AI continue to run day after day.
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