To title the most powerful diesels in England! It would be cool to see this route in full, meaning from Oxford to Paddington instead of the current Reading to Paddington. what i would like to see Route gets a complete transformation to the latest standards of Train Sim World 3. A time theme from the 1995s To keep the history a bit alive these proposals. Trains Class 166 Network Southeast Class 43 HST Intercity Express Class 47 passengers as freight. ideal combination for a busy railway Second route or an update? Or just a remake of the same route and a big discount for those who have the Great Western Express Route all. Reward to the players who have been playing Train Sim World for a long time. For 5 years of existence!
Great suggestion except your proposed time line. The Class 165/1 was not around in 1989 as they were launched in 1992 with the Class 166 following in 1993. In 1989 you would have seen predominantly Class 117 and 121 DMUs on many services with a very small allocation of Class 101 and 104 units to make up numbers. Also, if I am correct, 1989 was the final year of operation of the Class 128 DPUs which were largely in Royal Mail Red livery by this point. You might also still have seen a few Class 50s on Semi fast services alongside Class 47s.
If you were to go back a few more years prior to 1989, it would be possible to include the 2 prototype DEMUs of Class 210. Each was a little different, one being a Paxman/Brush 4 car version and the other a MTU/GEC 3 car variant. These are of the Mk3 derived multiple unit family which included Class 317 and Class 455 and shared many features. As I have mentioned before, there is currently a plan underway to rebuild a Class 210 from surviving vehicles by BRCW. The link to the project/fundraising page is I am sure that they would appreciate any help that they can muster.
Class 119's occasionally escaped to Paddington (especially if I was on the NSE Desk in Control!) but it was generally frowned on as they lost time due to not having doors at each seating bay like the 117's.
You should do this 1990s complete with 165/166 NSE Paint Paxman Valenta HST Class 56 BREL/Romania 001-030. For the Romanian built Class 56 that can allow Riesa-Dresden Tharandter Rampe Rapid Transit to get a DR Baureihe 119 U-Boat
If we get an extension, it'll be set in the present day and the extension will be the Elizabeth Line. I guarantee it.
Class 210 would be very special to see, I myself am a big fan of the 455 and the Class 210 is it. Sorry about that time period, year 1995 or 2000 would fit with the trains that already exists in TSW3.
Was a mistake I made. In the 1990s would be best. class 56 is very similar to the 47 almost can't get them apart
I'd love to see some early 90s UK routes as there is a great variety of locos/multiple units during that era, especially on the GWML
Strong sound,s! I love this one, should be into the game (class 56). those sounds of Armstrong Powerhouse Wow!!!
May I ask if this extension would include (not all or most but some of the following) class 60s for freight, 50s for passenger, 117 for suburban passenger 121 for passenger, 210 for passenger and more like layering with class 37 for departmental plus some of the branchlines like the one which I forgot the name for but has the class 205 and goes from reading. Also great suggestion this would be way better than DLOTGW.
Class 205 Thumpers used to work the Reading to Basingstoke service, at various times ran through to Salisbury or Eastleigh. The Class 206 Tadpole Thumpers worked the Reading to Redhlll and Tonbridge service before being replaced by Class 117 and Class 119 DMUs in the early 80s.
For class 56 you have two builders 001-030 Communist Romania while 031 and up are made in the UK BREL York. If DTG decided to give us Romanian built locomotives then Riesa-Dresden RT and Tharandter Rampe get a DR Baureihe 119 U-Boat
Two birds with one stone! Can you hear the difference between the two locomotives? Class 56 I just hope they can adopt sounds from Armstrong Powerhouse. or DTG can record the sounds if necessary.
if any route needs a adding its london commuter the name speaks volumes add the south network part in west coydon to london bridge
A nice idea, eventually we get to see more of the capital itself. South London Network Instead of always following the current trains, I would rather choose one from the past for example the a bundle of class 455 / 456 = west coydon to london bridge.