Bassmaster 2022 How Do You Delete Way Points

Discussion in 'Xbox' started by rustyfishpro#4937, Dec 4, 2021.

  1. rustyfishpro#4937

    rustyfishpro#4937 New Member

    Nov 15, 2021
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    HELP!!! I need some help on deleting way points on Bass masters 2022..I've tried everything,I can't figure it out....can someone make a short video for this Oldman who's not very technical....I'm struggling..
  2. Buschyfor3

    Buschyfor3 Member

    Oct 28, 2021
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    Best I can describe is step by step:

    Step 1: in game, pause and go to the "Map" tab from the pause menu.

    Step 2: move left thumbstick to the right (i.e. move it towards the part of the map where your waypoints are) - this will move the cursor off the "Go Fishing" indicator and actually onto the map where you can switch between your waypoints.

    Step 3: use left thumbstick to highlight the waypoint you want - here is the tricky part, as the waypoints don't seem to always toggle so easily back and forth, especially where they are situated close together on the map.

    My suggestion: try gently tapping the thumbstick in the direction towards the waypoint you want until it finally selects. (For example, if the waypoint is to the upper right side of the map, I try tapping right and up multiple times and it will finally select. Not sure if this is just a bug, but I've never been able to just select the particular waypoint that I want, sometimes it requires trial and error and tapping the thumbstick to get to the one I want... and like I said, some that are in close proximity to one another, it's hard to actually select the one you want, just have to fiddle with it...)

    Step 4: once you've highlighted the waypoint you want (indicated by the dropdown box that will appear with the coordinates, depth, temp, and any note you've given to that waypoint), press "A" to select that waypoint - this should then bring up the menu where you can choose between colors/icons for your waypoint.

    Step 5: Press "Y" to delete the waypoint (you should see this option along the bottom of the screen).
  3. rustyfishpro#4937

    rustyfishpro#4937 New Member

    Nov 15, 2021
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    Thankyou....but the game has another glitch...and it doesn't work..I'm hoping someone sees this and it gets reported.
  4. rustyfishpro#4937

    rustyfishpro#4937 New Member

    Nov 15, 2021
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    Thankyou for the responces..we have it working now..

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