PlayStation Hrr Again

Discussion in 'TSW General Discussion' started by MrbKlegend89, May 8, 2020.

  1. MrbKlegend89

    MrbKlegend89 Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2019
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    I last made a post bout HRR(as well bout LIRR) but I seen the HRR route and yes it's short not a bit pleased but at least it has slots of ai traffic, I noticed there are two tracks at Essen West that leads to bypassing through Essen-Frohnhasien and curving under Duisburg bound local and the outbound express tracks...I'm trying learn on these routes but if anyone who's familiar with this in real life school me on those tracks, cuz I'm pretty sure there's service on that specific route..I feel like it wouldve been cool to see or drive a service through those tracks and where it wouldve sailed off to...

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